Fire protection and Safety
Graduate Profile
The graduate of the first degree of the study programme "Fire protection and Safety" has knowledge in the field of combustion and extinguishing; fire safety of buildings and technological processes; management and execution of interventions by the components of the integrated rescue system, knowledge of the technique and technical means used in rescue work and tactical principles in interventions and fire fighting. The graduate is able to analyse the situation and problems in the implementation of rescue works and activities in the field of fire protection and to propose measures; to professionally manage and organise the activities of the rescue components of the IZS.
Prospects of graduates
The graduate of the first degree of the study programme "Fire protection and Safety" will be applied in the components of the IRS, especially in the HaZZ, at the individual levels of state administration, in public administration, in organizations, in legal entities and undertaking natural persons involved in the implementation of rescue works and activities or carrying out activities in the field of fire protection. It has the possibility to continue its studies at the second level of study in the field of Rescue Services and related fields.
Always up-to-date news about university Technical University in Zvolen on your email.
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Without entrance exams, only on the basis of a selective admission procedure (evaluation of the results of studies from secondary school)
Additional information
Open House Day will be held on January 26, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. in Auditorium B-3. Rescheduling is possible.
Conditions for international students
Foreign students apply and are admitted to study under the same conditions as applicants from the Slovak Republic.
Without entrance examinations
Conditions of admission without the entrance exam
Recruitmentto the studyprogramProtectionof personsandpropertybeforefireis withoutan entrance examination,onlybased onevaluation oflearning outcomesofsecondaryschoolwithout the participation ofcandidates.ForworkinDHZcandidategets10pointsextra.MembersHazza20pointsin addition.Part-timestudyfromtheacademicyear2011/2012fee
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Mgr. Jarmila Šarinova
- CV - compulsory annex
- for each study programme and form of study it is necessary to submit an application form for university studies separately,
- foreign students apply and are admitted to study under the same conditions as applicants from the Slovak Republic,
- applicants who graduate in the 2021/2022 school year shall have their academic average and a transcript from the end-of-year report cards of the 1st-3rd year of secondary school confirmed by the head office of the graduating secondary school in the application form. An officially certified copy of the graduation certificate and the 4th year report card must be submitted by all applicants and delivered to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Woodworking as soon as they are received - no later than June 15, 2022
-Applicants who graduated last year and earlier , shall attach to their application a certified photocopy of their high school diploma and all report cards from high school (apprenticeship, post-secondary studies) and insert in the application the grade point average of each year-end report card from years 1 to 4. grades 4 to 4 of the final year,
-when submitting an electronic application for studies, it is necessary to fill it in, print it out directly from the information system, sign it, confirm the study average and the statement of grades for each year of the completed secondary school or attach officially certified copies of the report cards and send it to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Woodworking together with a confirmation of payment of the handling fee.
-information about the registered applications of the candidates will be published on the website of the Technical University, in the university system UIS in the section results of the entrance examinations after entering the birth number of the candidate:,
-paste the proof of payment of the application fee on the 3rd page of the application form above the applicant's signature or attach it to the printed electronic application form,
- The ranking of students admitted to degree programmes on the basis of a competitive selection process will be determined on the basis of their academic performance in secondary school,
- the results of the entrance examination and admission selection procedures will be published on the website after their evaluation at or on the faculty's website
Form of entrance exam
selection procedure (without the participation of a candidate) - 21 June 2022
Apply the application for study
01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025
Send certificate to
Always up-to-date news about university Technical University in Zvolen on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
- leaving certificate (electronic form)
- CV
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1250 €
The fee for admission procedure
E-application form: 35 €
Billing information
Account name: Technical University of Zvolen
Bank: State Treasury
IBAN:SK 19 8180 0000 0070 0027 1101
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system (identical to the registration number of the application form)
Constant symbol:0308
SEPA payment and payment from abroad
IBAN account number: SK 19 8180 0000 0070 0027 1101
Bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system (identical to the registration number of the application form)
Always up-to-date news about university Technical University in Zvolen on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Ing. Adrián Banski, PhD. –
Last update: 21.01.2025 14:20