Management and Health Technologies

Master's studies in the study programme Management and Health Technologies are offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of Comenius University Bratislava, in a combination of two fields of study, in the field of economics and management and in the field of health sciences.

The standard length of study is two years. The studies are completed by the award of the degree of Master of Science (Mgr.).

The study programme in Management and Health Technologies combines theoretical knowledge and practical skills of an interdisciplinary nature, which enable the graduate to apply professional and methodological knowledge in the field of management to the health sciences in order to ensure the effective management of quality and safety of health technologies in the field of medical devices used in the prevention of diseases, in diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and for the prognosis of health conditions.

The graduate of the study has extensive knowledge, which, based on evidence and experience from practice (the curriculum includes the implementation of a diploma project in connection with practice), is applied to the management of therapeutic technologies and medical diagnostics using medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs). The graduate possesses cognitive and practical skills developed during the internship and the implementation of the diploma project. Case studies focused on solving real-life situations equip him/her with a high degree of autonomy and foresight, demonstrating initiative and the ability to take responsibility for managing the work of a team, applying management practices and approaches in order to generate added value in the form of concrete health and socio-economic solutions for society. He/she is able to present the results of his/her own studies and practice in a professional manner.

The graduation provides a solid theoretical background for the graduate's employment in middle or senior management positions. In the context of the rapid development of innovations in medical technology, especially in the field of medical devices, including IVDs, the demand for professional medical technology managers is already high and promising for the future.

Prospects of graduates

Graduates of the Management and Health Technologies programme will find a wide range of employment in the healthcare sector in the state, public and private spheres. They will be employed in the relevant government departments, e.g. the State Institute for Drug Control (SIDC), which is also responsible for medical devices. SIDC ensures supervision of the quality, safety and purpose for which the medical device is intended. Graduates can also apply as notified persons for the assessment of medical technologies in the field of medical devices at the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic, in quality control laboratories, in health insurance companies, in the production and distribution of medical devices. Graduates of the study programme are employed by pharmaceutical companies with a portfolio of medical devices, manufacturing corporations to companies that carry out custom production. As medical technology managers, they will be employed in healthcare institutions - in general and specialised inpatient facilities, in hospital and public pharmacies, in pharmacy chains, in medical device dispensaries, etc. They can also be applied in educational activities, science and research in academic environments and research institutions.

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Conditions of admission

The basic condition for the admission of a candidate to the study of the accredited joint study programme of the second degree of the university, Management and Health Technologies, provided by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University Bratislava in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of the Comenius University Bratislava, and which results from the provision of § 56 par. 3 of the Higher Education Act, as amended, is higher education of the first degree (completed bachelor's degree) or higher education of the second degree (completed master's degree or doctoral degree) in the fields of health sciences or pharmacy, general medicine, dentistry, public health, nursing and midwifery.

Additional information

The deadline for submitting applications for the Master's degree programme in Management and Health Technologies in the full-time form of study in the Slovak language, which is provided by the Faculty of Pharmacy in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of the Comenius University Bratislava, for the academic year 2025/2026 is from the December 1st, 2024 at the earliest and by June 30 th, 2025 at the latest.

Application with attachments shall be submitted electronically through the e-application portal of Comenius University Bratislava or the AIS2 system.

All attachments  must be received at the address of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and even in hard copy no later than 30 June 2025.

Conditions for international students

The condition for admission of foreigners (including compatriots) to study, who have completed their previous studies abroad, is the demonstration of the necessary eligibility in the same way as in the case of citizens of the Slovak Republic (SR), which follows from the provisions of Section 56 (3) of the Higher Education Act. The applicant shall submit a document on recognition of education - Decision on recognition of documents on education in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 422/2015 Coll. on recognition of documents on education and on recognition of professional qualifications and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Any applicant who has obtained an overall study average for the bachelor's study, or a comprehensive master's or doctoral study after rounding to one decimal place up to 2.0 can be admitted to the master's study programme in management and health technologies in full-time form in the Slovak language.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Doc. PharmDr. Szilvia Czigle, PhD. - Coordinator

Mgr. Adriana Lendvayová - Responsible officer

tel: 02/9016 9145


General information on the admission exam
  • The ranking of candidates shall be established as follows:
  1. The applicants who have fulfilled the admission requirements shall be placed first in the ranking list, in ascending order of their overall average grade point up to 2.0;
  2. After the candidates referred to under (1) of this paragraph, the candidates who have fulfilled the conditions for admission to the course as set out in these rules as specified in the entrance exam, shall be ranked in ascending order of the oral examination score for the place according to the maximum number of candidates admitted. They will be informed of this fact by letter after the evaluation of the fulfilment/non fulfilment of these conditions.

General Information

  • The applicant may, within 8 days of receipt of the decision, submit a request for a review of the decision on non-admission on the basis of Section 58(8) of the Higher Education Act.
  • The general provisions of the Comenius University Bratislava - Internal Regulation No. 24/2023 - full text of Internal Regulation No. 4/2021 Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University Bratislava as amended by Appendix No. 1 shall apply in the admission procedure, unless they are specified in these conditions.

Form of entrance exam

For the admission of an applicant who does not meet the required overall average score, an admission oral examination in Slovak language before the commission (interview on professional topics in the field of medical devices) is mandatory. No later than 10 days before the actual exam date, the applicant will receive an invitation by letter from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University Bratislava. Failure to attend any of the dates cannot be pleaded as a hindrance on the part of the applicant. The oral examinations will be conducted by means of a call-in (entrance examination) before the Board on the dates announced after the closing date for applications. The maximum possible aggregate of marks that may be obtained in the entrance examination is 100, the marks being the average of the marks obtained by the members of the Board.

The maximum marks that may be obtained in the entrance examination are 100.

The result on the level of academic aptitude in the specified area will take the form of a percentile and determine the overall order of merit of each applicant.


Faculty of Pharmacy Comenius University Bratislava does not conduct the entrance exam in the form of a test.

  • Apply the application for study

    02.12.2024 - 30.06.2025

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    02.12.2024 - 31.07.2025

  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (electronic form)
  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (electronic form)
  • photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (electronic form)
  • written application for admission – received by June 30th 2025 at the latest (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1140 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information

Fee amount: 50 €

Account number: 7000134836/8180

IBAN: SK 61 8180 0000 0070 0013 4836

Bank: State Treasury


Variable symbol: 649003

Recipient message: name and surname of the applicant (mandatory)

Constant symbol: 558

Note: the name of the bidder is a mandatory detail used to identify the payment

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. PharmDr. Marek Máťuš, PhD. –
Last update: 03.12.2024 10:22

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