Jan Albrecht music and art academy Banská Štiavnica

The Bachelor’s study program Music Performance and Composition is aimed at acquiring practical and theoretical musical knowledge and intended for instrumentalists, singers and composers, working within the classical genre and jazz.

The Bachelor’s study program Music Performance and Composition is aimed at obtaining an education that will enable the graduate to better apply it in practice. The study takes place in accordance with the current modern educational trends of recognition of a broadly conceived qualification, defined by the resolutions of the Association of European Conservatories, the Academy and music universities. The Music Performance and Composition study program is exceptional in its content, as it allows the student relatively wide flexibility in choosing subjects and forms of education that have a direct impact on his focus and specialization. At the same time, the student has the opportunity to specialize in either classical or jazz music, or the connection of both specializations, in which HUAJA is still unique in Slovakia.

Education at the bachelor’s level is carried out in the form of lectures, seminars, practical individual and group exercises, which enable the active and interested participation of the student in the educational process. According to the student’s specialization, the education is aimed at acquiring knowledge from interpretation practice, music creation, ensemble playing, instrumentation, theory of performance and creation, music theory, music history, composition analysis, but also aesthetics and philosophy and additional disciplines (management, marketing and dramaturgy).

After graduating, the student is able to perceive and understand the needs of contemporary society, the possibilities of its development in the field of spiritual and cultural needs, and thus has the possibility of wider application in artistic and cultural practice. A great advantage of the study program is the relatively broad flexibility of the organization and contents of the study program. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the student can choose subjects from a wide range of obligatory, optional obligatory and optional subjects. In the case of specialization in music performance, the student can also choose subjects focused on music composition and thus acquire skills in composition, electro-acoustic music, music direction and vice versa, in the case of specialization in classical music, the student can choose subjects in the area of jazz performance, jazz composition, jazz history and vice versa.

Examination of the studentʼs abilities within the bachelor’s program takes place in the form of portfolios, practical presentations (concerts, workshops, compositional projects, arrangements), seminar papers and their presentations, written and oral testing of knowledge. During their studies, students are professionally prepared and guided for the implementation of the bachelor’s final thesis – the practical part (public concert / art project) and its successful defence and the bachelor’s final thesis - the theoretical part (written thesis, min. length of 30 p.) and its successful defence.

Within the framework of the Erasmus program (ID code SK BANSK-S01), HUAJA organizes the mobility of students and teachers, who implement them at partner higher education institutions and in cultural and music-educational institutions in European countries. For students of art education, the traineeship is extremely important, which at institutions focused on practice significantly contributes to the connection of theory and practice and, at the same time, to increasing the quality of education. The exchange of experiences and musical activities is important for students as well as for teachers (artists and scientists). The musical language is international and from this point of view there are no such language barriers as in other study programs where language is the main form of communication. Establishing and developing cooperation with partner higher education institutions and also with institutions where it is possible to implement student traineeships significantly expands the range of their knowledge. Inviting experts from practice who, in addition to educational activities, perform at concerts, or present their musical works, allows students to confront top artistic performances with their previously achieved interpretation and music-creative level and inspires them to better and better performances.

HUAJA permanently develops and innovates teaching and learning methods in combination with practical and theoretical approaches in music and art. Organizes special music

Prospects of graduates

A graduate of the bachelor’s study program Music Performance and Composition has practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of music performance and music creation (composition) according to the chosen specialization (instrumentalist, singer, composer, arranger, orchestral or choir conductor). During the course of study, the graduate also acquires knowledge of music theory, music history, composition analysis, musical aesthetics, philosophy and aesthetics, art history and also applied disciplines of musicology. During his studies, the graduate also had the opportunity to improve his foreign language and obtain clear information about work methods, citations and ethical principles when writing the final bachelor’s thesis. The graduate is able to creatively use the practical and theoretical skills and knowledge in practice in the performance of the profession, or in the continuation of subsequent university studies.

Bachelor’s degree graduates can work primarily as creative practical music performers and composers, or arrangers in the field of various musical genres. Graduates of bachelor’s study program, according to his specialization and focus, can work as:

1. performer and member of chamber music ensembles, musical ensembles (symphonic orchestra, opera orchestra, opera singing, jazz and big band ensembles, etc.) with a focus on classical or jazz music, or also as a freelance musician,

2. music composer in various genres of classical, jazz, popular and applied music, music arranger, or music and sound director, etc.,

3. conductor of less demanding instrumental ensembles and choirs,

4. music theorist, editor, music dramaturg and employee of music and culture


4. pedagogue at various levels of education and lecturer at universities with a musical and artistic focus.


The first degree of higher education allows a bachelor’s degree graduate to continue on the second degree of higher education in a master’s degree in the field music.


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Conditions of admission


General information on the admission exam


  • Apply the application for study

    18.05.2024 - 21.09.2024

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    25.05.2024 - 28.09.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 2900 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 2900 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 70 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information


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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Klaudia Ivašková – ivaskova@huaja.org
Last update: 04.04.2024 09:59

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