Jan Albrecht music and art academy Banská Štiavnica

Characteristics of the study program

The doctoral study program is oriented on:

-       acquirement of  the knowledge resulting from the current artistic state

-       acquirement of the ability of own creative artistic work in the field of musical art that reflects the current state of musical art

-       motivation of independent creative and theoretical activity in the field of creative musical art

The aim of the study is the ability to present musical artistic achievement (performance, compositional work or multimedia project) that solves the serious problems of musical art and brings new knowledge and impulses in the field of musical art development in an international context. The doctoral study involved the dissertation work – practical part (presentation of the performance or musical composition / project) and of the theoretical dissertation containing musical-theoretical, aesthetic and historical basis related to the artistic interpretation. Theoretically, it justifies and solves the issues relevant to the particular field of creative musical art and the development of the quality of creative musical practice.


Study part:

The study part of the doctoral study consists of lectures and individual study plane. The content involves above all the study of specific professional literature in the field of theory and history of music related to the dissertation focus, the interaction of individual artistic performances in musical art, the study of developmental tendencies of musical art related to the focus of the artistic part of the dissertation work and the general professional orientation of the doctoral student.


Artistic-research part:

In framework of the art-research part the doctoral student, in cooperation with his consultant, prepares himself to the artistic achievement, presentation of artistic activity and musical artistic achievement of high quality. During his studies, he realizes the artistic activity, participates in international interpreting seminars and creative workshops (eventually organizes and leads them) and gains experience in a wider international context.


The artistic and theoretical part of the doctoral study consists of the individual artistic and theoretical work of the student, which is related to the topic and the preparation of the dissertation. The doctoral student extends his / her practical and theoretical knowledge and experience in the field of artistic work and presentation of musical performances, deepens cooperation with other specialists and institutions at international level, consults methods of the methodology and participates on artistic team work. The artistic part of the study runs throughout the doctoral study. The artistic part consists of two artistic achievements of high level (modul 1 – of two concerts, modul 2 – two compositions or projects). The first one is a condition for admission to the dissertation examination and the second artistic achievements is the part of the dissertation. During the doctoral studies, the doctoral student actively carries out the artistic activities: concerts, professional performances home and abroad, or publishes the results of his/her work in the relevant professional journals, anthologies and periodicals.

Part of the doctoral study is the pedagogical and organizational activity or other professional activity related to pedagogical activity in the form, given by the individual study plan.

The doctoral student in cooperation with his / her supervisor prepares the realization of the artistic achievement, the presentation of highest level. During the doctoral study the student has permanently artistic activities, participates on international performance seminars and creative workshops (eventually organizes and leads them) and gains experiences in a wider international context.

The overall level of artistic activity and performances, individual personal artistic contribution, the ability to adequately reflection (performance and creation) with respect to the latest developments in the field of musical art and also the ability to professionally reflection of own artistic background in the context of contemporary musical art are evaluated.


Artistic achievement:

Artistic achievement (Module 1 Musical Interpretation) – a larger concert (min. 60 min.) – is an independent, original artistic achievement that the student prepares in cooperation with his supervisor. The author's musical-performance achievement demonstrates the ability of independently creative practical knowledge in the field of artistic performance (interpretation). The doctoral student actualizes research and demonstrates the ability of independently investigation in the artistic performance of high-quality musical works with a view to the individual origins and concepts of the performer.

Artistic achievement (Module 2 Music Composition / Project) is an independent, original artistic work of doctoral student, which is prepared in co-operation with its supervisor (consultant). The composition / musical project is a major musical work or a large-scale art project, resp. of a great form (cca. 60 min.). The author's musical project demonstrates the ability to independent creative practical knowledge in the field of artistic creation (composition). It demonstrates the ability to independently create and process knowledge in the arts processing of the most demanding musical work, with a view to demonstrate the individual origins of the composer.

The work is evaluated by at least two opponents on the basis of specified assessment criteria. The doctoral defence demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent creative activity in the field of research and development of contemporary musical art.




Theoretical work:

In the theoretical final thesis of the doctoral study the student demonstrates the results of the acquired knowledge, based on the current artistic state and in particular the own creative contribution to the given issue, reflecting the latest knowledge in the field of musical art. The theoretical thesis dissertation (range 100 pages) is the result of research and independent professional theoretical creative activity. The theoretical thesis (dissertation) relates to  own artistic musical creativity, with the basic assumption of science with reference to the relevant resources and information. The theoretical work is based on the artistic-historical and methodological bases. On the theoretical level, the doctoral student demonstrates the ability of an analytical and comparative view of a given issue, where the essential part is the correct and relevant definition of the studied issue or phenomenon.


The work is evaluated by at least two opponents on the basis of specified assessment criteria. The doctoral defence demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent creative activity in the field of research and development of contemporary musical art.



Within the doctoral study the student has to pass state examinations, which consist of the following components:

Dissertation Exam:


Dissertation Exam:

ArtD. student in the second year of full-time study and in the third year of part-time study after obtaining 80 credits, realisation of the dissertation – practical part (concert or composition / project, min. 40 min.), delivery of the dissertation – theoretical part (first section, min. 40 pages), apply for Dissertation exam in given dates. Passing the dissertation exam is a prerequisite for continuing in the doctoral study.


Within the dissertation exam the student defends the public performed artistic part of the dissertation (concert, or composition / project), shows a sufficient overview of knowledge related to the thematic focus of the thesis and submit its artistic concept.

The dissertation consists of defence of the practical part and part of a written theoretical part. In this section, the doctoral student will at the same time prove the theoretical knowledge in the specified subjects submitted by the supervisor. The subjects of the dissertation examination and the overall result of the dissertation examination are evaluated in both parts by a note according to the valid credit system.


Defence of the dissertation:

After obtaining 130 credits in the third year of full-time study and after obtaining 140 credits in the fourth year of part-time study, the student applies for defence of the thesis – the artistic part and a theoretical part – which takes place after the schedule.


The defence of dissertation consists of defence of the practical part and part of defence of the written theoretical part. The defence of the dissertation examination are evaluated in both parts by a note according to the valid credit system.


By the defence of the doctoral thesis the doctoral study ends.

The outcome of the State Examination will be evaluated by the Commission with the statement “passed with honor”, “passed” or “failed”.

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Conditions of admission


General information on the admission exam


  • Apply the application for study

    18.05.2024 - 21.09.2024

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    25.05.2024 - 28.09.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 4500 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 120 €

Billing information


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Detail of the study program

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Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Klaudia Ivašková – ivaskova@huaja.org
Last update: 04.04.2024 10:04

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