The study program physiotherapy is in compliance with the field of study 7.4.7 Physiotherapy. The study program consists of compulsory, compulsory optional and elective subjects, which are being implemented by means of lectures, practical training, courses, seminars, excursions and professional training. The theoretical part of education includes medical subjects (anatomy and physiology, pathology, preventive medicine, internal medicine, othopaedics and prosthetics, surgery, neurology, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, pharmacology, nursing care, providing the first aid), the humanities (psychology, professional ethics, communication studies, law and legislation acts, elementary research methods in physiotherapy, fitness training ) and physiotherapy subjects (kinesiology and pathokinesiology, functional diagnostics of locomotor system, kinesiotherapy methods, massage therapy, fitness and relaxation exercises, kinesiotherapy in clinical disciplines). Practical training is being carried out in the facilities of physiotherapy, balneology, and medical rehabilitation, in specialised rehabilitation and spa resorts. The graduate shall acquire a commandment of basic diagnostics and therapeutic procedures of physiotherapy, balneology, and medical rehabilitation. The graduate shall be qualified to carry out activities that require professional skills, work without outside help, make unaided decisions, and bear personal responsibility for medical rehabilitation, prevention, diagnosing, therapy, giving advices and educational activities. He/she shall indicate, plan and carry out basic techniques, methods, physiotherapeutic procedures and their implementation, basic physiotherapeutic and balneology methods, hydrotherapy, occupational therapy, electrotherapy and kinesiology.
Prospects of graduates
The graduates of bachelor study program Physiotherapy acquire university qualification of a medical worker with wide-ranging professional profile. They can find an employment in hospitals, healing spa resorts, in specialized treatment and rehabilitation institutions or in other facilities that provide preventive and curative medical treatment or aim at protecting or promoting the health. The graduates may teach professional subjects at corresponding level of educational process and are qualified to extend their university study or continue their education in specialised field of study.
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The conditions are the same as for the students of the Slovak Republic.
The deadline for filing the application is by 10 April, 2013.
Apply the application for study
Performance of the entrance exam
12.06.2024 - 15.06.2024
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- leaving certificate (paper form)
- k prihláške je potrebné priložiť doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (bez dokladu o zaplatení nebude prihláška zaregistrovaná)
- štruktúrovaný životopis (podpísaný uchádzačom) (paper form)
- lekárske potvrdenie o zdravotnej spôsobilosti k vysokoškolskému štúdiu a výkonu povolania v danom študijnom odbore vrátane povinných očkovaní
- Vzhľadom na pokračovanie uzavretia vysokých škôl do odvolania si Vás dovoľujeme informovať, že k prihláškam na štúdium na Fakulte zdravotníctva KU v RK, aktuálne nie je potrebné dokladovať potvrdenie od lekára a overené vysvedčenia, tie dodáte po odvolaní
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 800 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 45 €
E-application form: 45 €
Billing information
Bank: State Treasury
Account number: 7000240559/8180
Variable symbol: 16002010
Constant symbol: 308
Always up-to-date news about university Catholic University in Ruzomberok on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Mgr. Milan Kaman –
Last update: 18.12.2023 07:10