
Graduate of the study program Pharmacology - 3rd degree (PhD) shall master the scientific methods of research in study program Pharmacology focusing on research and development of new biologically active molecules, new mechanisms of action of known biologically active molecules and identification of new pharmacological targets. The focus covers one or more of the following areas of pharmacology: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, drug toxicology, pharmacogenetics, dosology, drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, molecular pharmacology, and therapeutic use of drugs.

During their doctoral study, the students in the study program Pharmacology ( of university education) shall obtain knowledge from the area of pharmacology, with focus on the topics of drug actions on the molecular and cellular levels, as well as on the level of the whole organism. The focus is pertinent to one or more of the following areas of pharmacology: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology of drugs, pharmacogenetics, posology, drug interactions, adverse effects, molecular pharmacology and therapeutic use of drugs. The graduate of the doctoral study shall be able to identify and formulate scientific problems, carry out experiments, obtain experimental data, and to process the obtained data and to interpret them taking into account the current state of knowledge, to formulate conclusions and publish them in the scientific and expert literature. In addition, the graduate shall be capable of performing active teaching activities. During their study, the students shall learn to master scientific methods of research and development in the study program pharmacology and related study programs, i.e. to self-sufficiently formulate the scientific problem, to formulate scientific hypothesis, to prepare and realize a scientific experiment. The main purpose of these activities is the theoretical as well as practical mastering of methods used in pharmacological research of biologically active substances. The abilities of the graduate of the study program shall stem from the framework of the following topics: pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of synthetic and natural drugs and biologically active molecules, receptor and target structures for drugs and biologically active molecules, study of effects of drugs and biologically active molecules on biochemical, molecular-biology-related, genetic or pathological processes of cells, tissues, organ systems and living organisms, study of translational potential and development of in silico methods for verification of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs, study of aspects of bioavailability of drugs and biologically active molecules in relation to disease treatment, study of interactions of biologically active substances with lipids, proteins and DNA extracted from biological sources, evaluation of biological activity of biologically active compounds on various levels, evaluation of pharmacologic and toxicologic effects od drugs and biologically active compounds in model organisms in relation to their effect on the human body and environment, identification of novel pharmacological targets for the development of innovative drugs, pre-clinical and clinical research of innovative drugs with focus on the areas of pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, primary, secondary and safety pharmacodynamics. To obtain experimental results during their study, the students are required not only to obtain theoretical knowledge, but also to obtain practical skills in the area of modern experimental physiologic, molecular biology-related, biochemical and clinic-diagnostic methods used by pharmacology and related disciplines.

Graduates of the study program Pharmacology shall master the principles and methodology of scientific work and shall be qualified to carry out expert and scientific activities in the areas of pharmacy and pharmaceutical research with emphasis on pharmacological aspects. The graduates of the study program Pharmacology shall demonstrably have broad theoretical knowledge that shall, together with practical skills, enable them to: perform scientific research and bring novel knowledge as well as their own solutions of problems in the area of pharmacology that can be used at the theoretical level and pharmacotherapeutic practice, possibly for the development of other related programs.

Theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained during the study shall enable the graduates also to perform the profession of a researcher in related medicinal, pharmaceutical and life-science scientific disciplines and study programs, such as clinical pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, toxicology, molecular biology, normal and pathological physiology. The graduates of the study program Pharmacology shall have the ability to work as self-sufficient scientists and to bring their own solutions in the listed scientific disciplines and study programs. The graduates of the program Pharmacology shall have demonstrably mastered the principles of scientific work, fundamentals of scientific formulation of problems, mastered the legal aspects of experimental and clinical research, ethical and social aspects of scientific work, presentation of results to the expert public at conferences and scientific events and in the form of publishing articles in expert, particularly scientific journals.

Prospects of graduates

a)       Graduates of the doctoral study can find their job in the resort of education, as university teachers or scientific researchers at universities or institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences with focus on pharmacy, medicine, medical sciences and life sciences. The graduates are at present demanded also in the health sector, such as the State Institute for Drug Control that ensures the supervision on quality, efficacy, safety of drugs and medical devices. The graduates of the study program are also able to work in pharmaceutical companies devoted to research and development of drugs and medicinal products and ensuring the availability of medicinal products for the system of healthcare provision, as well as in companies that realize on-demand evaluation of pharmacological and toxicological properties of drugs and medicinal products.7

Graduates of the study program Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University Bratislava shall master the principles and methodology of scientific work and shall be eligible to carry out expert and scientific work in the area of pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical research. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained during their study shall enable them to perform the profession of a scientific worker in related medicinal, pharmaceutical and life science scientific disciplines and study programs, such as molecular biology, applied biochemistry, normal and pathologic physiology, veterinary pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, clinical pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. Graduates of the study program shall be able of self-sufficient scientific work, to bring their own solution and thus contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in the listed scientific disciplines and study programs.

They shall have the prerequisites for their successful employment in the leadership of teams in a wide spectrum of scientific and research institutions focused on pharmaceutical, medical sciences or health sciences, they shall be professionally prepared for creative work at scientific institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, at various levels of research. They shall equally be prepared to work in the regulatory area as expert assessors in higher expert activities of the assessment of preclinical and clinical research of drugs, medicinal products and therapeutic procedures, they shall be prepared to work at work positions with a high level of competence and responsibility in companies realizing clinical research of drugs, medicinal products and therapeutic procedures as well as at work positions with a high level of competence and responsibility in companies ensuring the placement of medicinal products to the market, companies ensuring the availability of medicinal products and medical devices and in healthcare facilities ensuring provision of healthcare.

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Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1200 €

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: doc. PharmDr. Miloš Lukáč, PhD. –
Last update: 27.11.2024 10:15

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