Electronics and Photonics
Graduate student of Bachelor study program Electronics is educated to design, construct, use and keep running electronic circuits and systems in various branches of weak-current electronics and electronic communications. His knowledge covers processing, generation and transmission of bio-signals, audio-video signals, radio signals (including optical wave). Broad extent of his knowledge guarantees high adaptability, when he deals with problems in various branches of electronics.
Prospects of graduates
Design of electronic circuits and systems for a wide range of applications. Technical project management in the electronic media - radio, television, wireless data networks.
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Conditions for international students
The same conditions apply to foreign applicants as well as to students from the Slovak Republic.
Without entrance examinations
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Bc. Blanka Marková
e-mail: blanka.markova [at] stuba.sk
Apply the application for study
02.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Submit additional application form
03.06.2024 - 04.07.2024
Always up-to-date news about university Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Current number of filed applications:
- vysvedčenia za 2. a 3. ročník 4-ročnej školy (paper form)
- leaving certificate (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Doplňujúce informácie k ročnému školnému:
Úplné znenie smernice rektora STU o školnom a poplatkoch: https://www.stuba.sk/buxus/docs/stu/pracoviska/rektorat/odd_pravne_organizacne/UZ_Smernica_skolne%20a%20poplatky_2024_2025_D1a2_signed.pdf
prejsť na internú smernicu školy
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 20 €
E-application form: 20 €
Billing information
Bank: State Treasury
Account: 7000084998/8180
Variable symbol of the payment:
Generated by the system (8-digit number) when submitting an electronic application
610 when submitting a paper form of application
Always up-to-date news about university Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Ing. Elena Bilková – elena.bilkova@stuba.sk
Last update: 31.08.2024 02:51