Business Economics and Management

Prospects of graduates

The graduate acquires the scientific methods of basic and applied research in the field of business economics and management. The graduate can define problems, analyze economic and management phenomena and processes in the enterprise, generalize the acquired knowledge and contribute to the development of economic theory and managerial practice. Graduate of the doctoral study program in Business Economics and Management obtains a third degree education with a research experience (as a researcher or university teacher). The graduate will succeed wherever science is needed in the field of economics and management, as a leader or a member of a creative team in the public or private sector, in industry, in enterprises from different areas of production and services.

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Conditions of admission

The basic condition of admission to study in a doctoral study program is to complete the second degree study program and to pass the entrance examination.

Another condition of admission to doctoral study is the submission of the application in printed form (even in the case of filing an electronic application) to the address of the faculty with all required details no later than 10 working days after the deadline for filing the application.

Additional information

- The primary language of teaching at the Faculty of Economics at J. Selye University is the Hungarian language.

- Tuition is specified by the university's internal regulations.

Conditions for international students

Basic conditions of admission for university studies of foreign students are the same as the conditions of admission of citizens of the Slovak Republic. Second-degree of tertiary education must be recognized. The recognition of degrees and diplomas is regulated by Sections 33-35 and 39 of Act no. 422/2015. For details on the recognition of your degree or diploma, please see

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Mgr. Bc. Ulbrik Zoltán



General information on the admission exam

Entrance examination is conducted in front of a committee.  The committee consist of a chairman and at least two members nominated by the dean on the proposal of the chairman of the committee. The committee evaluate the outcome of the entrance examination in a closed session. The content of the entrance exam is the knowledge of the relevant topic of the selected study program and the presentation of the proposal of the dissertation project. The applicant for the study is obliged to consult the dissertation proposal in advance with the lecturer, who has given the candidate the topic of the dissertation thesis. Testing the knowledge of a world language (English, German or Russian), which allows the investigation of foreign literature, is also part of the entrance examination.

The order of applicants for the study program is determined by the quality of their dissertation project proposal as well as their current professional publishing activity and the results of his/her other professional activity (e.g. results in scientific competitions) etc.

A record containing the results of the entrance examination is prepared. The chairperson of the committee submits the order of applicants for the study program according to their placement on the entrance exam to the dean.

The dean decides on the admission of applicants for the study program based on the recommendation of the entrance examination committee. The dean also confirms the lecturer. Notice of acceptance/rejection will be received by the applicant in the form of a postal letter. In the case of non-admission of a candidate for a full-time doctoral study for lack of space, the faculty may offer the applicant an opportunity to study in an external form of doctoral study.

Form of entrance exam

Verbal form of admission exam.

  • Apply the application for study

    13.04.2023 - 15.06.2023

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form, electronic form)
  • overená fotokópia diplomu (2. stupňa) pre uchádzačov z iných VŠ (paper form, electronic form)
  • overená fotokópia vysvedčenia o štátnej skúške (2. stupňa) pre uchádzačov z iných VŠ (paper form, electronic form)
  • overená fotokópia dodatku k diplomu (2. stupňa) od uchádzačov iných VŠ (paper form, electronic form)
  • zoznam doteraz publikovaných odborných a vedeckých prác (paper form, electronic form)
  • návrh projektu dizertačnej práce v 3 exemplároch (paper form, electronic form)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku za materiálne zabezpečenie prijímacieho konania (paper form, electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1500 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 25 €

Billing information

Fee for the admission procedure should be paid by bank transfer.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: PhDr. Enikő Kahler Korcsmáros, PhD. –
Last update: 12.04.2023 21:41

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