Chemistry, Medical Chemistry and Chemical Materials
Bachelor's degree program prepares qualified and creative chemists with the basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, informatics and chemical technologies. During the study students are provided with the knowledge of the physicochemical principles of various analytical and diagnostic methods as well as with the practice necessary for acquiring the skills in the performing of simple synthesis, modification, separation and chemical analysis of fine chemicals, such as biologically active compounds, analogism of natural compounds or macromolecules. Next objective consists of teaching the students to assess the properties of synthetic and natural compounds from the chemical point of view and consequently to estimate the effects of various organic and inorganic compounds on the living organisms. Bachelor's degree program combines the profound knowledge of science with the technical view on the problems, thus providing great versatility of the graduates for the application in industrial, medical and laboratory practice.
Graduates of this study program have acquired broad knowledge in science and a technical view on the gathered skills when applied in industrial, medical and laboratory practice. Graduates master the fundamental principles, methods and working techniques employed in various types of chemical and physicochemical laboratories. They can evaluate the basic properties of various synthetic and natural materials from the chemical aspects, separate them into individual chemical species and implement a simple synthesis of target compounds. Furthermore the graduate can apply the physical and analytical techniques to determine the structure of organic and inorganic molecules, as well as the physicochemical properties of low-molecular-weight and macromolecular materials. Graduates have learned the technical terminology and understand the meaning of technical writing; they are proficient in at least one world language at a professional level. They are skilled in the information technology used in the control and management of technological processes. Graduates have team-working skills and can present the results obtained.
Prospects of graduates
Graduates of the program may continue in the master's degrees in the follow-up or related study programs. The versatility of this bachelor degree provides all graduate students the opportunity to work in all countries of the European Union in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries in a position, which requires an undergraduate degree. They may be employed also in the fields of production, storage and sale of various chemical products, materials and chemicals. The understanding of the physical principles of various analytical and diagnostic techniques enables the graduates to work as the operators of clinical equipments in hospitals. The graduates can by a proper choice of optional and elective courses orient on the chemical and energy industries, thus broaden their employment opportunities in the production and processing of biofuels, in natural and synthetic polymer production, printing, packaging production, textile and protective materials, waste recycling and the renewable resources usage and the production of new products for cosmetics and pharmaceutics. Their skills in technical terminology and the language training enable the graduates to find their application in the sectors dealing with product certification, environmental monitoring, hygiene, metrology, or technical translation.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Tibor Gracza, DrSc., e-mail:
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completed secondary education, medical recommendation
Conditions for international students
This program is in Slovak. See the corresponding English program.
Without entrance examinations
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Mgr. Eva Danášová,
Apply the application for study
01.12.2024 - 01.05.2025
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Current number of filed applications:
- kópie vysvedčení zo štúdia
- kópiu vysvedčenia záverečného ročníka aj s koncoročnými známkami a maturitného vysvedčenia, v 1. kole prijímacieho konania bezprostredne po vykonaní maturitnej skúšky alebo najneskôr do 15. júna príslušného kalendárneho roka
- kópiu potvrdenia o zaplatení poplatku za materiálne zabezpečenie prijímacieho konania v zmysle §92 ods. 10 zákona, poplatok ani časť poplatku sa po termíne podania prihlášok uchádzačom nevracia
- kópiu potvrdenia od lekára o zdravotnej spôsobilosti študovať na FCHPT z dôvodu nevyhnutnosti narábať počas štúdia s chemickými alebo biologickými látkami
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Doplňujúce informácie k ročnému školnému:
Úplné znenie smernice rektora STU o školnom a poplatkoch:
prejsť na internú smernicu školy
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 30 €
Billing information
Name of the Bank: Statna pokladnica
IBAN: SK7881800000007000081471
Message for recipient: Surname, PK 2022/2023
Owner of the Account: FCHPT STU, Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia
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Responsibility for content: Ing. Ľuboš Čirka, PhD. –
Last update: 14.03.2025 02:51