The master´s study programme Computer Aided Design and Simulations in Mechanical Engineering graduates are able to creatively use methods of calculation, simulation and verification of model solutions in the design of mechanical systems and their constructions. The main emphasis is put on their readiness and ability of independent development, elaboration and practical application of engineering approaches when solving technical problems in the field of linear and nonlinear response of constructions. The graduates are able to perform static, kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms and constructions, to assess lifetime and reliability of the investigated objects. They are capable of analysing thermal stress, to solve technical tasks of flow, thermodynamics, heat and material transfer. The graduates receive adequate knowledge of information technology, foreign languagesand economic as well as legal aspects of the field. They are able to properly formulate technical problems, to analyse and solve them. They have an overview of general and scientific approaches and methods. They are able to comprehensively assess and recognize what is essential in the design and diagnostics of mechanical systems and constructions not only in relation to the problem, but also to the environment. They master modern numerical methods of computational dynamics in order to identify and analyse fields such as methods of finite and infinite elements and passports, marginal elements and others. They are employable in the field of optimal structural design of machines, constructions and industrial products, technological units and equipment. In their work they are able to use software aided engineering tools such as: AutoCAD, Inventor, Pro/Engineer, Mechanical Desktop, Solid Edge, Ideas, Catia, MATLAB, Mathematica, MathCAD, Maple, ANSYS, ADINA, Marc, Nexis, SYSWELD, ADAMS, and others. The graduates are able to model, simulate and analyse different types of fields separately or in their interaction as a bound problem be it the subject of macro-mechanical systems or the micro- and nanostructures. The graduates are able to programmes a formulated technical problem into a computer programmes and transform it into design. They acquire basic knowledge in the field of experimental mechanics. The graduates are employable mainly in the field of designing, evaluation and innovation of construction of machines and technological equipment.

Prospects of graduates

The graduate of the engineering study programme Computer modelling and simulation in engineering (2nd degree - Ing.) will acquire during the studies knowledge and expertise mainly in the fields of technical and natural science disciplines and a set of professional knowledge and expertise necessary for the performance of the profession of an engineer - e.g. The knowledge and skills required to become a specialist in the field of numerical analysis and design, in the field of materials testing (e.g. a specialist in performing destructive and non-destructive tests), a specialist in the field of research and development (e.g. a researcher - in a research institute, in an academy of sciences, in a university, etc.).

The Computer Modelling and Simulation in Mechanical Engineering study programme will result in two graduate profiles: computer design engineer (specialist in numerical analysis in commercial FEA-based software and experimental measurements) and mechanical equipment designer (specialist in advanced design techniques and design of structural elements and assemblies).

Graduates will understand and be able to apply the acquired knowledge and acquire creative problem-solving skills primarily in the following areas (determined by the profile subjects of study):

Profiling designer-computer:

  • elasticity and plasticity,
  • application of the finite element method (FEM),
  • modelling and numerical analysis of nonlinear problems in mechanics,
  • measurement, diagnostics and testing of machines, experimental measurements,
  • modelling and simulation of technical systems,
  • use of the MATLAB programming language to create custom programs and algorithms,
  • simulation of welding, casting, machining and forming,
  • degradation processes and limit states, fatigue life,
  • material characteristics and material selection.

Machinery Designer Profile:

  • mechanical and hydro-mechanical power transmission,
  • simultaneous design,
  • design methodology,
  • complex design of automated systems,
  • technology of designs,
  • innovation of technical systems,
  • applied tribology,
  • alternative drives.

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Conditions of admission

The basic condition for admission to engineering studies (second-degree study programme) is the acquisition of a first-degree university degree (Act on Higher Education No.131/2002 Coll., as amended). In the case of a foreign applicant or a student who has completed his/her studies abroad, he/she shall submit with his/her application for university studies, no later than at the time of enrolment, a decision on the recognition of the proof of completion of the first degree by the relevant institution in the Slovak Republic, or shall apply to UNIZA for the recognition of the proof of education.

Other admission conditions

Other conditions of admission of applicants to the study programmes of engineering studies of the Faculty of Engineering of UNIZA are set according to § 57 of the Act. The admission procedure shall be conducted in the form of a selection procedure in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and prerequisites enter the study.

Additional information

All information regarding the admission procedure is published on the faculty's website:

Conditions for international students

For foreign applicants, the admission conditions apply as for applicants from the Slovak Republic. Foreign students studying in a language other than the national language pay tuition fees according to the conditions set out in Section 92(8) of the Higher Education Act. Tuition fees are set by a UNIZA directive and published for the relevant academic year on the University's website. Foreign students studying in the Slovak language do not pay tuition fees. Applicants from the Czech Republic may use the form valid in the Czech Republic to apply for studies. Applicants who do not have an active knowledge of Slovak or Czech are required to successfully complete language training (with the possibility of completing it at UNIZA).

For foreign applicants admitted on the basis of interstate agreements, bilateral agreements or for scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic, the conditions specified in the relevant documents apply.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Without an entrance exam, applicants who have achieved a B.Sc. up to 2,6 /including the state final examination/ and have completed a study programme in mechanical engineering.

In the case of graduation from a study programme in another field of study, the guarantor of the relevant study programme will decide on the possibility of admitting the applicant without an entrance examination. In the event that the number of applicants /VP ≤ 2,6/ exceeds the capacity of the given study programme, all applicants will be admitted on the basis of the result of the entrance examination.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. Mgr. Branislav Ftorek, PhD. tel.: 041/513 2519, 4950


General information on the admission exam

If applicants do not meet the admission requirements without an entrance exam, they must take an entrance exam in the form of a test. The results of the test will assess and quantify the applicant's ability to continue successfully in the second cycle of studies in the given study programme.

Form of entrance exam


  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (paper form, electronic form)
  • certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (paper form, electronic form)
  • CV (paper form, electronic form)
  • doklad o úhrade poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form, electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1100 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 20 €
E-application form: 20 €

Billing information

Žilinská univerzita, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina

Bank: Štátna pokladnica

IBAN: SK34 8180 0000 0070 0026 9861

const. symbol: 0308

variable symbol: 10232 - inžinierske štúdium

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. Mgr. Branislav Ftorek, PhD. –
Last update: 20.02.2025 18:16

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