Agrarian Trade and Marketing
The graduate of the second degree of university study "Agrarian Business and Marketing" is able to analyze and manage complex problems in business entities oriented on agro-food production, with special attention to the marketing of agro-food commodities of agricultural primary production enterprises, food processing industry enterprises, service enterprises, as well as marketing activities at the enterprise and supra-enterprise level. The graduate can accurately design and implement marketing mix tools in accordance with new knowledge of marketing theory and practice. The student has significant knowledge of the application of marketing tools, the functioning of business systems in the domestic and European agri-food market.
Prospects of graduates
Graduates of the study programme Agrarian Business and Marketing are able to comprehensively ensure the management of business processes throughout their entire life cycle. Graduates have sufficient knowledge and skills to manage the search for and implementation of market opportunities and business development; they can coordinate the procedures for the execution of business measures and ensure the implementation and evaluation of marketing analyses and surveys. The study programme provides sufficient knowledge of not only the domestic, but also the European and international market, which provides graduates with opportunities for employment in a supranational or foreign environment. Graduates find employment in agro-food enterprises, entities ensuring the marketing of agricultural products and foodstuffs on the domestic and foreign market, in the structures of Euro-officials, professional employees of state and public administration, in scientific research, educational, consultancy institutions dealing with agri-food business activities, in agencies dealing with agrarian market research, international professional institutions oriented towards marketing and sales of agri-commodities, customs administration, institutions oriented towards certification of agri-commodities, etc.
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The basic condition for admission (Section 56 of the Higher Education Act) to study a second degree programme is completion of a first degree programme in the same or a related field of study.
An applicant who fails to prove fulfilment of the basic condition for admission to the study at the time of verification of fulfilment of the conditions for admission may be admitted to the study conditionally, provided that he/she is obliged to prove fulfilment of the basic conditions for admission to the study no later than on the date set for enrolment in the study.
The decisive criterion for the selection of students for the 2nd cycle of studies will be the achievement in the 1st cycle of studies and the results of the state bachelor's examination.
The maximum number of points that a student can achieve is 200 points (study average for the 1st cycle studies + the sum of the marks obtained in the Bachelor's degree examination). The individual points are given in Tables 1 and 2.
Additional information
The faculty reserves the right not to open a study programme in full-time and/or external form, to which
a low number of candidates applies.
The stated evaluation criteria on the eligibility of applicants for admission are supplemented in accordance with § 57 paragraph
1 of Act No.131/2002 Coll.
- social aspects (orphans, half-orphans),
- physically handicapped applicants,
- foreign Slovaks.
An applicant with specific needs shall, at his/her request, on the basis of an evaluation of his/her specific needs, be determined the form of the entrance examination and the manner of its conduct.
Conditions for international students
Foreign applicants, or applicants who have completed the first level of higher education abroad, are obliged to attach, in addition to the mandatory attachments, the Decision on Recognition of the Education Document to the application form or the Application Form.
Decision on Recognition of the Education Document (recognition of the education degree without comparison of the field of study) is issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic if the recognition of the degree is requested by an applicant whose education document was issued in a state with which an international bilateral agreement has been signed, but also by an applicant from any other state for the purpose of proving the fulfilment of the basic condition for admission to the study.
Detailed information is published at:
Decision on recognition of a document of education (recognition of a document of education in a field of study) is issued by a higher education institution in the Slovak Republic, which carries out a study programme in the same or a related field of study as the one indicated on the document of duly completed higher education. Detailed information is published at:
The Programme Committee of the study programme Agrarian Business and Marketing proposed the conditions and rules of the admission procedure for the study programme, taking into account the specificities for students with special needs, at its meeting on 16 November 2022.
The conditions and rules of the admission procedure for the study programme Agrarian Business and Marketing were discussed in the Council for Internal Quality Assurance System of Education at SPU Nitra on 1.12.2022.
Coordinator for students with specific needs
PhDr. Anna Mravcová, PhD.,
Institute of Marketing, Business and Social Studies FEM,
phone: 037/641 4746,
Applicants for studies submit an electronic application through the SPU University Information System or through the University Portal. They can also apply for several study programmes (within one admission fee) via one application form. Proof of payment of the admission fee must be attached to the application form. Without proof of payment of the fee, the application will not be registered. The applicant will receive only one statement of acceptance or non-acceptance, comprehensively for all the study programmes to which he/she has applied.
Mandatory attachments to the application form are:
- Curriculum Vitae (original signed by the applicant),
- Certified true copy of Bachelor's degree and state examination certificate 1. degree (except for applicants from FEM SPU in Nitra),
- original copy of the transcript of passed exams, confirmed by the study department of the relevant faculty or university (except for applicants from FEM SPU in Nitra),
- confirmation of payment of the fee for the material security of admission.
- original copy of the transcript of passed exams, confirmed by the study department of the relevant faculty or university (except for applicants from FEM SPU in Nitra),
- confirmation of payment of the fee for the material security of admission.
Form of entrance exam
Deadline for the admissions committee meeting 7.7. 2023
Open day
Apply the application for study
27.01.2025 - 04.07.2025
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Current number of filed applications:
- CV (electronic form)
- verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (paper form)
- certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (paper form)
- photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (paper form)
- potvrdenie o úhrade poplatku za materiálne zabezpečenie prijímacieho konania (electronic form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
The fee for admission procedure
E-application form: 40 €
Billing information
Admission fee: 40,- €
The fee must be paid by wire transfer from your bank account or by internet banking. The billing details for the method of payment are given on the last page of the e-application form .
Method of payment of the application fee:
Name and address of the payee:
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
bank account number: 7000066247/8180
IBAN: SK40 8180 0000 0070 0006 6247
constant symbol (KS) 0558
variable symbol (VS) application number
specific symbol (ŠS) 101900721
name and address of the bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava
Additional data for payment from abroad:
the following data is also required for payment from other EU countries:
NOTE: please fill in the payment order carefully to avoid any problems
with identification of your payment.
Address for sending documents. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
Always up-to-date news about university Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Dagmar Čitáryová –
Last update: 10.03.2025 02:51