Matematická podpora vzdelávania v biomedicínskom inžinierstve s orientáciou na prácu v špecializovaných laboratóriách
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní
Project name (Slovak): Matematická podpora vzdelávania v biomedicínskom inžinierstve s orientáciou na prácu v špecializovaných laboratóriách
Project name (English): Mathematical support of the education in the area of biomedical engineering with orientation on the work in specialized laboratories
Start of project: 2014
End of project: 2016
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 072TUKE-4/2014
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Martin Bača, CSc.
University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Department: Strojnícka fakulta
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku
Projekt bol zameraný na modernizáciu a skvalitnenie matematickej podpory vzdelávania v biomedicínskom inžinierstve s orientáciou na prácu v špecializovaných laboratóriách, najmä na matematickú podporu modelovania a prípravu, realizáciu, vyhodnotenie a interpretáciu experimentov v týchto laboratóriách. Na základe dôslednej analýzy súčasného stavu problematiky doma i na vybraných zahraničných pracoviskách, ale i transféru výsledkov vlastného vedeckého výskumu do vzdelávacej činnosti, bol študentom i širšej odbornej verejnosti sprístupnený príslušný moderný matematický aparát vrátane odporúčaní pre využitie vhodných programových prostriedkov.
V rámci projektu boli vypracované tri vysokoškolské skriptá, dve vysokoškolské učebnice, jeden vysokoškolský učebný text a výsledky cieľov projektu boli taktiež prezentované na konferenciách vo forme prednášok resp. posterov a publikované vo vedeckých časopisoch a zborníkov z konferencií.
Description of original results of the project in English
The project was aimed at the modernizing and the improving of the mathematical support education in biomedical engineering with a focus on work in specialized laboratories, in particular to support mathematical modeling and preparation, implementation, evaluation and interpretation of experiments in these laboratories.
Based on a consistent analysis of the current state of the problem at home and at selected foreign workplaces, as well as its own transfer of scientific results in educational activities, students and the wider professional public was made available the modern mathematical set including recommendations for the using of the appropriate software tools.
Within the project were prepared university textbooks and selected aims of the project results was presented on the scientific conferences in the form of posters or presentations and the results were publicated in the scientific journals and conference's papers.
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 25 230,00 | 0,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
ADF | Olekšáková, Denisa (100%): Structure and magnetic properties of permalloy prepared by the compaction of powder. 2014 ISSN 1337-7094 |
ADE | Olekšáková, Denisa (100%): X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and coercivity of permalloy prepared by the compaction of powder. 2014 ISSN 0447-6441 |
ADM | Bača, Martin (16%); Miller, Mirka (16%); Phanalasy, Oudone (16%); Ryan, Joe (16%); Feňovčíková, Andrea (20%); Sillasen, Anita A. (16%): Totally antimagic total graphs. 2015 ISSN 1034-4942 |
AFD | Gálisová, Lucia (50%); Knežo, Dušan (50%): Návrat konštruktívnej geometrie na Strojnícku fakultu Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. 2014 Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2014 : ISBN 78-80-554-0968-9 |
ADC | Bača, Martin (20%); Horváthová, Jarmila (20%); Mokrišová, Martina (20%); Feňovčíková, Andrea (20%); Suhányiová, Alžbeta (20%): On topological indices of a carbon nanotube network. 2015 ISSN 0008-4042 |
ADM | Indriati, D. (20%); Widodo, W. (20%); Wijayanti, I.E. (20%); Sugeng, K.A. (20%); Bača, Martin (20%): On Total Edge Irregularity Strength of Generalized Web Graphs and Related Graphs. 2015 ISSN 1661-8270 |
ADF | Bača, Martin (33%); Ryan, Joe (33%); Feňovčíková, Andrea (34%): On the total edge irregularity strength of disjoint union of graphs. 2015 ISSN 1335-2393 |
ADF | Miller, Mirka (50%); Feňovčíková, Andrea (50%): A Construction of H-antimagic Graphs. 2015 ISSN 1335-2393 |
AFK | Olekšáková, Denisa (50%); Vojtek, Vladimír (10%); Kollár, Peter (10%); Füzer, Ján (10%); Bureš, Radovan (10%); Fáberová, Mária (10%): Steinmetz law in AC magnetic fields for iron-phenolformaldehyde resin soft magnetic composites. 2015 [Barcelona : University of Santiago de Compostela], 2015: |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (50%); Grinčová, Anna (50%): Monitoring and analysis of the influence of the selected parameters to the conveyor belt damages. 2016 ISSN 1584-2665 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (100%): Using the DOE method to determine the some factors effect on the degree of sound insulation. 2016 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (50%); Kimáková, Zuzana (50%): Analysis of categorical variables with use of R package. 2014 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (50%); Kimáková, Zuzana (50%): Analysis of irregular component of a time series of the selected parameter of polluted sewage water. 2015 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (50%); Kimáková, Zuzana (50%): Processing and analysis of nitrogen oxides by means of the time series. 2016 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (25%); Kimáková, Zuzana (25%); Piňosová, Miriama (25%); Králiková, Ružena (25%): Application of Multidimensional Statistical Methods for the Air Quality Evaluation in the Vicinity of a Strategic Plant. 2016 ISSN 1848-0071 |
ADE | Andrejiová, Miriam (50%); Grinčová, Anna (50%): The regression analysis as the tool to determine the mathematical model of dynamic stress of the conveyor belt. 2016 ISSN 2311-1275 |
ADC | ANDREJIOVÁ, Miriam, GRINČOVÁ, Anna, MARASOVÁ, Daniela: Measurement and simultaion of impact wear damage to industrial conveyor belts. In: Wear, Vol. 368-369 (2016), p.400-407 |
ADM | ANDREJIOVÁ, Miriam, PIŇOSOVÁ, Miriama , KRÁLIKOVÁ, Ružena: Analýya subjektívneho hodnotenia tepelno-vlhkostných mikroklimatických podmienok vo vybraných výrobných organizáciách. In: Pracovní lékaštví, 3/2016, str.77-86, ISSN - 0032-6291. |
ADM | Indriati, Diari (17%); Widodo, Mathugm (16%); Wijayanti, Indah E (16%); Sugeng, Kiki A. (17%); Bača, Martin (17%); Feňovčíková, Andrea (17%): The total vertex irregularity strength of generalized helm graphs and prisms with outer pendant edges. 2016 ISSN 2202-3518 |
ADM | On H-antimagicness of disconnected graphs / Martin Bača, Mirka Miller, Joe Ryan, Andrea Semaničová-Feňovčíková - 2016. In: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. Vol. 94, no. 2 (2016), p. 201-207. - ISSN 0004-9727 [BAČA, Martin (25%) - MILLER, Mirka (25%) - RYAN, Joe (25%) - FEŇOVČÍKOVÁ, Andrea (25)] |
ADM | On topological indices of multi-walled carbon nanotubes / Martin Bača ... [et al.] - 2015. In: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. Vol. 12, no. 12 (2015), p. 5705-5710. - ISSN 1546-1955 Spôsob prístupu: [BAČA, Martin (20%) - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Jarmila (20%) - MOKRIŠOVÁ, Martina (20%) - FEŇOVČÍKOVÁ, Andrea (20%) - SUHÁNYIOVÁ, Alžbeta (20%)] |
ADM | M. Irfan (50%), A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková (50%)/ AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 13 (2016) 191–199 |
ADM | A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková (33%), M. Bača (33%), M. Lascsáková (34%) / AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, article in press |
ADM | M. Bača (25%), A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova (25%), M.A. Umar (25%), D. Welyyanti (25%): ON H-ANTIMAGICNESS OF CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF GRAPHS, Turkish J. Math., article in press |
ADF | Olekšáková, Denisa (100%): Magnetic properties and morphology of permalloy prepared by the compaction of the powder. 2015 ISSN 1335-2393 |
AFH | Olekšáková, Denisa (30%); Kollár, P. (30%); Onderko, F. (10%); Füzer, J. (10%); Dobák, S. (10%); Viňáš, Ján (10%): Magnetic properties and structure of FeCo alloys. 2016 Košice : Slovak Physical Society, 2016 : ISBN 978-80-971450-9-5 |
GII | Olekšáková, Denisa (100%): Manažérstvo kvality vysokoškolskej výučby. 2016 |
ADE | Lascsáková, Marcela (100%): The problems of the initial condition drifts with different length within the commodity price forecasting. 2015 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADF | Lascsáková, Marcela (100%): The analysis of the commodity price forecasting success considering different lengths of the initial condition drift. 2015 ISSN 1339-5629 |
ADE | Lascsáková, Marcela (100%): The analysis of advantages of using stock exchanges in numerical model within the commodity price forecasting. 2016 ISSN 2344-2409 |
ADF | Lascsáková, Marcela (100%): The analysis of the commodity price forecasting success considering different numerical models sensitivity to prognosis error, Acta Logistica, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2016), p. 7-15. |
ADF | D. Olekšáková, Fe-based soft magnetic materials for energy devices, Acta Mechancia Slovaca 20 (3), 58-61, 2016. |
AFD | D. Olekšáková, P. Kollár J. Füzer, Structure and magnetic properties of powdered and compacted FeCo alloys, Zborník z konferencie APCOM, pp. 327-330, 22-24.6.2016, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia |
AFH | D. Olekšáková, J. Füzer, P. Kollár, Magnetic properties of compacted Fe50Co50 alloys, Zborník abstraktov 22. Konferencia slovenských fyzikov, pp. 46, 5.-8.9.2016, Košice, Slovakia |
AFL | D. Olekšáková, J. Füzer, P. Kollár, Magnetic properties of compacted Fe50Co50 alloys, 22. Konferencia slovenských fyzikov, 5.-8.9.2016, Košice, Slovakia |
AFL | Olekšáková, Denisa (30%); Kollár, P. (30%); Onderko, F. (10%); Füzer, J. (10%); Dobák, S. (10%); Viňáš, Ján (10%): Magnetic properties and structure of FeCo alloys. 2016 Košice: Slovak Physical Society, 2016: poster |
Category Name | Specific name |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Bača, M., Miller, M., Phanalasy, O., Ryan, J., Feňovčíková, A., Sillasen, A.: Totally antimagic total graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 61 (2015), 42-56, ISSN 1034-4942 |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Bača, M., Horváthová, J., Mokrišová, M., Feňovčíková, A., Suhányiová, A.: On topological indices of a carbon nanotube network, Canadian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 93 No. 10. (2015), 1157-1160, ISSN 0008-4042 |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Bača, M., Horváthová, J., Mokrišová, M., Feňovčíková, A., Suhányiová, A.: On topological indices of a carbon nanotube network, Canadian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 93 No. 10. (2015), 1157-1160, ISSN 0008-4042 |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele výborne.