Rozvoj digitálnoherných štúdií a dizajnu

Basic informations


Thematic area: komisia č. 4 pre rozvoj kultúry a umenia

Project name (Slovak): Rozvoj digitálnoherných štúdií a dizajnu

Project name (English): The development of digital game studies and design

Start of project: 2020

End of project: 2022

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 023UCM-4/2020

Project leader: Mgr. Zdenko Mago, PhD.

University: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Department: Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 16 031,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
AFD Farkaš, Tomáš (100%): Thin lines between science and gaming: on the edge between being a player and a researcher. 2020 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-572-0062-8 ISSN 2729-7403
AFD Alföldiová, Alexandra (100%): Educational use of second life. 2020 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-572-0053-6
ADN MAGO, Z.: Fake-Vertising and Mobile Games: Case Study of ‘Pull the Pin’ Ads. In Communication Today, 2020, roč. 11, č. 2. ISSN 1338-130X.
ADM Kukumbergová, Alexandra (50%); Kabát, Michal (50%): Is larp the answer to the gamification of events and education? A case study of the ongoing implementation of quests and coins to the core of the festival. Hradec Králové : ISSN 2464-6733
AFD Farkaš, Tomáš (100%): Being digital with my daughter: a continual search for positive effects of digital games. 2021 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-572-0183-0 ISSN 2729-7403
AFD Lenghart, Patrik (50%); Lesková, Andrea (50%): Generation z as a target of mobile apps advertising. 2021 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-572-0183-0 ISSN 2729-7403
ADF ENGLER, M., TRNKA, A.: Concept Art: The Essential Part of Visual Pre-production in the Entertainment Industry. In Acta Ludologica, 2021, roč. 4, č. 1, s. 112-123. ISSN 2585-8599.
EDI BALÁŽIKOVÁ, M.: The Debate Goes on: The Video Game Debate 2. In Acta Ludologica, 2021, roč. 4, č. 1, s. 132-134. ISSN 2585-8599.
AFC KABÁT, M., KOVALČÍK, J.: ‘Dangerous Zone’: Games Caught Between Education and Indoctrination. In FOTARIS, P. (ed.): ECGBL 2021: The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Game Based Learning. Reading : Academic Conferences and Publishing International, 2021, s. 396-403. ISBN 978-1-914587-12-2. ISSN 2049-0992.
AFD ALFÖLDIOVÁ, A.: Spatial interaction with students in Second Life. In GÁLIKOVÁ TOLNAIOVÁ, S., ŠVECOVÁ, M., PRIBILA, K. (eds.): Quo vadis massmedia 2021. Trnava : Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, 2020, s. 8-18. ISBN 978-80-572-0195-3.
V2 Macák, Miroslav (100%): Zobrazovanie korupcie v digitálnej hre Persona 5. 2022 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-572-0252-3
V2 Pomichal, Vajk (90%); Trnka, Andrej (10%): Fighting against Fake News Using the Card Game "Follow Me”. 2022 Reading : ISBN 978-1-914587-51-1 ISSN 2049-100X
V3 Fichnová, Katarína (45%); Mago, Zdenko (35%); Lenghart, Patrik (20%): Perception of the Higher Education in Digital Games by Slovak High School Students. Trnava : ISSN 2585-9188
V3 Kabát, Michal (25%); Kovalčík, Juraj (25%); Kukumbergová, Alexandra (25%); Richtr, Radek (25%): Pen & Paper & Xerox: Early History of Tabletop RPGs in Czechoslovakia. Trnava : ISSN 2585-9218
P1 BALÁŽIKOVÁ, M.: Vybrané kapitoly pôsobenia digitálnych hier. Trnava : FMK UCM, 2022. ISBN 978-80-572-0269-1.
P1 FARKAŠ, T., KABÁT, M.: Audiovizuálne aspekty digitálnych hier. Trnava : FMK UCM, 2022. ISBN 978-80-572-0270-7.
P1 MAGO, Z.: Marketing digitálnych hier. Trnava : FMK UCM, 2022. ISBN 978-80-572-0271-4.
V2 FARKAŠ, T.: (Approaching) the Sound Of The Metaverse (Searching Unique Sonic Elements of the Metaverse and Defining the Sound Identity). In PROSTINÁKOVÁ HOSSOVÁ, M., GRACA, M., SOLÍK, M. (eds.): Marketing and Media Identity 2022: Metaverse is the New Universe. Trnava : FMK UCM, 2022, s. 27-37. ISBN 978-80-572-0297-4. ISSN 2729-7527.
I3 RYSUĽOVÁ, A.: The Perception of Culture in the Virtual World. Interview with Tom BOELLSTORFF. In Acta Ludologica, 2022, roč. 5., č. 2, s. 104-108.
V3 Wojciechowski, Łukasz Pawel (85%); Shelton, Amiee (15%): The Creative remediation and Promotional Use of Photographic Modes in Digital Games. Trnava : ISSN 2585-9218
ADM Balážiková, Magdaléna (50%); Mago, Zdenko (50%): Resurrection of evolutionary psychology in gaming: How can old principles contribute a new domain. Hradec Králové : ISSN 2464-6733


Category Name Specific name
2 - citácie v domácich publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Fake-vertising and mobile games: Case study of 'Pull the Pin' ADS
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Concept Art: The Essential Part of Visual Pre-production in the Entertainment Industry

Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)

Output name Description of output Link
Interaktívny vzdelávací portál Voľne dostupný interaktívny vzdelávací portál encyklopedického charakteru, ktorý obsahuje vedecké texty a príslušnú použitú literatúru. Kvôli zachovaniu aktuálnosti dát bude otvorený možnostiam priebežného dopĺňania obsahu, ktoré bude podliehať schvaľovaniu zo strany Katedry digitálnych hier FMK UCM v Trnave.

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).

