Metodika práce pre školských psychológov pracujúcich v školách a školských zariadeniach

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní

Project name (Slovak): Metodika práce pre školských psychológov pracujúcich v školách a školských zariadeniach

Project name (English): Methodology of work for school psychologists working in schools and school facilities

Start of project: 2018

End of project: 2020

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 067UK-4/2018

Project leader: PhDr. Gabriela Herenyiová, CSc.

University: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Department: Filozofická fakulta

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 6 023,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Sabová, Lucia (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): The conditions for the work and activities of school psychologists. 2019 Košice : ISBN 978-80-8152-742-5
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Sabová, Lucia (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): Competences of the school psychologist and his cooperation with other professional school staff. 2019 Košice : ISBN 978-80-8152-742-5
BFA Herényiová, Gabriela (50%); Demkaninová, Diana (50%): School psychologists in Slovakia – their position and activities. 2019 Amsterdam :
BFA Sabová, Lucia (25%); Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%): their path of lifelong learning. 2019 Amsterdam :
BFA Sabová, Lucia (50%); Blaho, Radoslav (50%): Collaboration as a basic assumption of inclusion in Slovak schools. 2019 Amsterdam :
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Sabová, Lucia (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): The conditions for the work and activities of school psychologists. 2019 Košice : ISBN 978-80-8152-742-5
AFH Herényiová, Gabriela (20%); Demkaninová, Diana (20%); Sabová, Lucia (20%); Blaho, Radoslav (20%); Pisančíková, Kamila (20%): Specifics of school psychologist in Slovakia. 2019 Bratislava : ISBN 978-80-8127-252-3
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Sabová, Lucia (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): Competences of the school psychologist and his cooperation with other professional school staff. 2019 Košice : ISBN 978-80-8152-742-5
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Sabová, Lucia (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): The conditions for the work and activities of school psychologists. 2019 Košice : ISBN 978-80-8152-742-5
AFD Herényiová, Gabriela (20%); Demkaninová, Diana (20%); Sabová, Lucia (20%); Blaho, Radoslav (20%); Pisančíková, Kamila (20%): Process adaptation of school psychologist. 2019 Žilina : ISBN 978-80-89902-13-2
AFH Sabová, Lucia (25%); Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%): Adaptation of school psychologist to school environment. 2019 Bratislava : ISBN 978-80-8127-252-3
BFA Sabová, Lucia (25%); Herényiová, Gabriela (25%); Blaho, Radoslav (25%); Demkaninová, Diana (25%): their path of lifelong learning. 2019 Amsterdam :
AFH Sabová, Lucia (100%): Model of the work of school psychologist as a part of an inclusive team in schools. 2019 Bratislava : ISBN 978-80-8127-252-3
BFA Sabová, Lucia (50%); Blaho, Radoslav (50%): Collaboration as a basic assumption of inclusion in Slovak schools. 2019 Amsterdam :
BFA Herényiová, Gabriela (50%); Demkaninová, Diana (50%): School psychologists in Slovakia – their position and activities. 2019 Amsterdam :

Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)

Output name Description of output Link
webová stránka stránka, ktorej cieľom je sprístupniť pozíciu ŠP odbornej aj laickej verejnosti

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele.

