Crisis situations solution in specific environment

Type of event: Conference › International (in SR or ČR in a world language)
Event dates: 17.05.2023 - 18.05.2023
Event location: Žilina
Organizer: Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva UNIZA
Professional sponsor of event: DVOŘÁK Zdeněk, prof., Ing., PhD.; LOVEČEK Tomáš, prof., Ing., PhD.; MARKOVÁ Iveta, prof., RNDr., PhD.; RISTVEJ Jozef, prof., Ing., PhD., EMBA
Held under the auspices of: Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline, Sekcie krízového riadenia Ministerstva vnútra SR a Prezídia Hasičského a záchranného zboru.
Link to conference site:
Keywords: Crisis management; Risk management; Health and safety at work; Industrial security; Crisis intervention; Security management; Protection of persons property; Crime prevention; Soft target protection; Cyber-security; Critical infrastructure protection; Res
Working languages: English

The main objective

The aim of the conference is to present new trends, prevention procedures, experience and good practice, current knowledge gained from scientific research and practical experience in crisis management in companies and public administration, as well as current issues related to the current security situation.

Topic circuits

  • Crisis management
  • Risk management
  • Health and safety at work
  • Industrial security
  • Crisis intervention
  • Security management
  • Protection of persons, property
  • Crime prevention
  • Soft target protection
  • Cyber-security
  • Critical infrastructure protection
  • Rescue services
  • Fire protection
  • Rescue equipment
  • Fire protection examination
  • Integrated rescue system

Next information

Information about the event entered:
Mgr. Valéria Moricová, PhD. (
Last update: 23.03.2023 15:37


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