ON-LINE Autonomous Vehicles Summit

Type of event: Congress › With international participation
Event dates: 17.09.2020 - 18.09.2020
Event location: Bratislava - Virtual conference in SCSTI virtual centre
Organizer: J.C.Trade Bridge International s.r.o.
Professional sponsor of event: Advisory board summitu
Held under the auspices of: Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku
Link to conference site: https://www.autonomousvehiclessummit.eu
Keywords: #on-line International conference; #AI ; #AVs related technologies; #AVs adoption; #autonom innovations ; #self-driving car; #driveless cars ; AVs legislation ; #AVs testing and simulation; #Price 1.-EUR /students ticket ; #SLIDO ; #keynote speaker
Working languages: English

The main objective

The international ON-LINE conference Autonomous Vehicles Summit is pioneer and biggest event this character as regards autonomous vehicles in CEE and focuses on mobility, including autonomous vehicles and the conditions of their adoption in the environment of cities and regions of the country, innovations in the automotive industry, user applications of other industries, and monitors trends of current digital transformation in context. Main Important aim of Autonomous Vehicles Summit is contribution to opportunities for innovators, namely students to new impulses and inspiration to inovations in area autonomous vehicles technologies deveopment and simultaneously to have new valuable contacts to relevant experts and stakeholders . The importance of the event and its needs is emphasized by the fact that Slovakia lags far behind the world in this area of development, but also behind all our neighbors.

Topic circuits

The way to autonomy - 6 levels of autonomy Connected and Fully automated AVs related technologies AVs Safety and Legislation Autonomous Vehicles Applications Mobility in towns - best experiencies New mobility agenda & Autonomous Vehicles impact Autonomous Automotive Latest Innovations & AVs future Impact of Corona crisis on autonomous vehicles Digital infrastructure transformation – changes in infrastructure for coming Connected and autonomous vehicles (Barriers of acceleration of adoption of AVs ) Autonomous cars simulation , Cellular V2X Technology , Testing and trials Touch the future of coming age of AVs technologies , incl. EU policy by AVs adoption

Next information

The summit will include speeches by top speakers - experts from Slovakia and abroad, virtual round table conference panels with moderated panel discussions . Each registrated participant can use for introduction himself and interactive communications from today till event date also SLIDO rooms we opened on event web site for matchmaking purposes , and during event will run as well. We support exceptionaly students – innovators , ISIC/ISIC/EURO

Information about the event entered:
Jozef Cajko (ceo@autonomousvehiclessummit.eu)
Last update: 06.09.2020 11:02


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