Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 14.07.2020 - 15.07.2020
Event location: online
Organizer: Pedagogická fakulta UMB v Banskej Bystrici
Professional sponsor of event: Erasmus + project “Service-Learning in Higher Education”
Held under the auspices of: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Link to conference site: https://www.umb.sk/kalendar-udalosti/on-line-konferencia-co-znamena-byt-angazovanou-univerzitou.html
Keywords: service learning universities networking
Working languages: English

The main objective

Third European Conference on Service-learning in Higher Education, Multiplier event of Erasmus+ project SLIHE, Slovakia, 2020

Medzinárodná online konferencia na tému "Čo znamená byť angažovanou univerzitou?"organizuje Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici v spolupráci partnermi projektu SLIHE, Európskou asociáciou pre service learning vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní, Latinsko-americkým centrom pre service learning a Platformou dobrovoľníckych centier a organizácií. 

Topic circuits

Hlavné prednášky na konferencii budú mať poprední odborníci a odborníčky v oblasti service learningu a tretieho poslania vysokých škôl na medzinárodnej úrovni.

Next information

The conference addresses the guiding question: “What does it mean to be(come) an engaged university?”. It aims at promoting service-learning in higher education and increasing awareness about the role of service-learning with respect to the third mission of universities. The objective of the conference is to spread knowledge and share experiences about theories, research and practice on service-learning as well as networking with different stakeholders in the field of higher education. The conference targets scholars, practitioners, students, and community partners interested in the concept of engaged university and service-learning as a strategy for its development.

The conference is organized by partners of the Erasmus + project “Service-Learning in Higher Education” (number 2017-1-SK01-KA203-035352): Matej Bel University (Slovakia), Babes Bolyai University (Romania), Palackého University Olomouc (Czech Republic),  University in Rijeka (Croatia), Danube University Krems (Austria), Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany) and the European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education (EASLHE) in collaboration with the Latin American Center for Solidarity Service-Learning  (CLAYSS). The conference is part of the Third Regional Service-Learning Week in Central and Eastern Europe region (CEE) organized by CLAYSS and CEE Service-Learning Network.

The conference will be on-line in the “flipped format”.

Last update: 06.07.2020 13:12


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