Applications of Mathematics and Statistics in Economics

Type of event: Conference › International (in SR or ČR in a world language)
Event dates: 31.08.2016 - 04.09.2016
Event location: Hotel Grand Matej, Banská Štiavnica
Organizer: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague (the Czech Republic), Wrocław University of Economics (Poland) and the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)
Professional sponsor of event: Prof. RNDr. Rudolf Zimka, CSc.
Link to conference site:
Keywords: Economics Statistics Financial Markets Risk Measurement and Insurance
Working languages: English

The main objective

AMSE je zameraná na moderné matematické a štatistické metódy aplikovateľné pri riešení teoretických aj praktických ekonomických problémov.

The conference aims to acquaint its participants with the latest mathematical and statistical methods that can be used in solving theoretical and practical problems and challenges of economics. The conference gives a unique chance to present research results achieved in the area where mathematics and statistics border with economics.

Topic circuits


  • Macroeconomics, Public Economics and Methodological Issues of Economics
  • Social Economics, Economic Sustainability and Demographic Economics
  • Financial Markets, Risk Measurement and Insurance
  • Microeconomic Issues
  • Multidimensional Statistics in Economics

Last update: 14.06.2016 21:30


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