CASEE Conference 2018 - "Research based education at life science universities in the Danube region towards a sustainable future”

Type of event: Conference › International (foreign outside ČR)
Event dates: 06.06.2018 - 09.06.2018
Event location: University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania
Organizer: The CASEE Board and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest
Professional sponsor of event: University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania
Link to conference site:
Keywords: agriculture sustainable food systems veterinary medicine
Working languages: English

The main objective

The CASEE Board and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest have the pleasure to invite you to the 9th CASEE conference from 6 to 9 June 2018. The conference will be held at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in București, Romania.

The event will include an optional one day (June 9) technical tour at Istrița Nursery and Fruit Farm, to celebrate the Cherry Festival and Pietroasa Viticulture and Wine Processing Research and Development Station, in Buzău County.

Topic circuits

Scientific sections

The thematic concepts and topics of the 9th CASEE Conference will comprise the following areas:

  1. Modern agriculture and rural development (including landscape planning)
  2. Renewable resources - possibilities and constraints (including forests and biotechnology)
  3. Sustainable food systems and quality
  4. Environmental safety and climate change
  5. Agricultural engineering (ATAE)
  6. New challenges in animal science and veterinary medicine

Next information

International scientific committee (provisional)

I Modern agriculture and rural development (including landscape planning)

  1. Prof. Dl Dr. Dr.h.c. mult. Martin H. Gerzabek, BOKU, Austria
  2. Prof. univ.dr. Florin Stănică, USAMV, Romania

II Renewable resources - possibilities and constraints (including forests and biotechnology)

  1. Prof. dr Florian Borlea, BUASVMT, Romania
  2. Acad. prof. dr. Doru C. Pamfil

III Sustainable food systems and quality

  1. Prof. dr hab. Ewa Rembiałkowska, WULS-SGGW, Poland
  2. Prof. dr Teodor Trasca, BUASVMT, Romania

IV Environmental safety and climate change

  1. Dr. Elena Mateescu, General Manager of the National Meteorological Agency, Associate professor of USAMV Bucharest, Romania
  2. Assoc. Prof. dr Michal Lostak, CULS, Czech Republic

V Agricultural engineering (ATAE)

  1. Prof. Kovacev, UNIZG, Croatia
  2. Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Gronauer, BOKU, Austria

VI New challenges in animal sciences and veterinary medicine

  1. Prof. Mariana Ionita, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, USAMV Bucharest, Romania
  2. Prof. Antun Kostelic, Faculty of Agriculture, UNIZG, Croatia

Organizing committee

Prof. Dr. Florin Stănică, Convener
Vice Rector, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucureşti, România
Prime Vice President Romanian Society of Horticulturists

Prof. Dr. Gina Fîntîneru
Vice Rector, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucureşti, România

Dr. Eng. Ecaterina Ștefan
Director, International Relations Office, USAMV București

Delia Chervase
Public Relations, USAMV București

Cristiana Grosu
International Relations Office, USAMV București

Drd. Eng. Ana Butcaru
Researcher, Center for Studies of Food and Agricultural Products Quality

Drd. Eng. Alexandru Mihăescu
USAMV București

Dr. Eng. Marian Velcea
Councillor, International Relations Office, USAMV București

Important dates

Begin date:
June 6th, 2018

End date:
June 9th, 2018

Deadline abstract submission:
January 31st, 2018

Deadline fulltext submission:
February 28th, 2018

Conference Fees

Delegate category


CASEE Members

170 €

Non-CASEE Members

220 €

Student (includes post-conference tour)

100 €

Post-conference tour (optional)

30 €

More information and registration at



Florin Stănică
Vice Rector, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucureşti, România
Mobile phone: +40.755.070.412

Web :

E-Mail :

Last update: 30.01.2018 09:02


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