Found 6 study programmes
Catholic Theology
(full-time, Mgr.)A graduate of Catholic theology is competent to work pastorally in parishes or Christian centres or institutions. A graduate of Catholic theology, if ordained a priest, is competent to celebrate the…
Catholic theology
(full-time, PhD.)Catholic Theology is a doctoral program in Catholic theology focused on scholarly research and independent creative activity in the various specializations of Catholic theology. The object of study…
Catholic Theology
(external, PhD.)Catholic Theology is a doctoral program in Catholic theology focused on scholarly research and independent creative activity in the various specializations of Catholic theology. The object of study…
Katolícka teológia
(full-time, Mgr.)Absolvent katolíckej teológie je kompetentný pastoračne pracovať vo farnostiach alebo kresťanských centrách či inštitúciách. Absolvent katolíckej teológie, ak je zároveň vysvätený za kňaza, je…