
Detail of habilitation or inauguration

Department of Habilitation and Inaugural Proceedings: automatizácia
University: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Faculty: Strojnícka fakulta
Academic degree: doc.
First Accreditation: 31.10.2005
Accreditation to:

Decisions of the MŠVVaŠ SR

Date of decision: 31.10.2005
Decision number: CD-2005-22735/33954-22:sekr.
Decision text: .
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 07.08.2009
Decision number: CD-2009-31150/29559-1:sekr.
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 14.09.2009
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 08.08.2012
Decision number: 2012-12374/34318:6-071
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 23.08.2012
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 19.04.2013
Decision number: 2013-6273/17729:4-071
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 03.05.2013
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 30.10.2015
Decision number: 2015-18811/48158:10-15A0
Decision text: Priznanie s čo (vek garanta)
Date of receipt: 09.11.2015
Date time limit to: 31.08.2017
Message: 28.02.2017
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 20.12.2016
Decision number: 2016-26493/52114:8-15A0
Decision text: priznávam právo
Date of receipt: 05.01.2017
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:

Historické údaje nemusia byť kompletné.
