cudzie jazyky a kultúry

Detail of habilitation or inauguration

Department of Habilitation and Inaugural Proceedings: cudzie jazyky a kultúry
University: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
Faculty: Filozofická fakulta
Academic degree: doc.
First Accreditation: 14.10.2010
Accreditation to:

Decisions of the MŠVVaŠ SR

Date of decision: 14.10.2010
Decision number: 2010-17005/38438:4-071
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 22.11.2010
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 30.10.2015
Decision number: 2015-18831/48223:11-15A0
Decision text: Pozastavenie platnosti priznaného práva
Date of receipt: 11.11.2015
Date time limit to:
Suspended from: 11.11.2015
Message: 11.11.2016
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 06.06.2016
Decision number: 2016-16742/24420:7-15A0
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 13.06.2016
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:

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