dejiny a teória výtvarného umenia a architektúry

Detail of habilitation or inauguration

Department of Habilitation and Inaugural Proceedings: dejiny a teória výtvarného umenia a architektúry
University: Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Faculty: Filozofická fakulta
Academic degree: doc.
First Accreditation: 03.08.2007
Accreditation to:

Decisions of the MŠVVaŠ SR

Date of decision: 03.08.2007
Decision number: CD-2007-14791/30987-1:sekr.
Decision text: .
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 27.08.2009
Decision number: CD-2009-31958/31044-1:sekr.
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 02.11.2009
Date time limit to:
Suspended from: 02.11.2009
Message: 02.11.2010
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 09.02.2011
Decision number: 2011-462/822:1-071
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 21.02.2011
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:
Date of decision: 20.01.2016
Decision number: 2016-8126/828:3-15A0
Decision text: .
Date of receipt: 04.02.2016
Date time limit to:
Accompanying text:

Historické údaje nemusia byť kompletné.
