Found 38 courses


Overview of courses

E-learning module was created for the purpose of registration of university e-courses and e-objects.

The module is designed especially for university teachers to get an overview of which courses and to what extent are developed at Slovak universities, so that they can cooperate with authors of these courses to avoid unnecessary work - creating duplicate courses if a course has already been developed and it can be used in a study program or as an additional learning support. The module can also serve as a possible choice of course supervisors with already prepared teaching support. The module is also intended for students of all levels of study who can find further sources of study in this way, because courses, respectively objects is freely accessible, respectively they can be studied remotely.

Course name School Author
Optimalizácia UKF Mgr. Martin Vozár, PhD.
Tabuľkový kalkulátor (Tabuľkový procesor) UKF Mgr. Martin Vozár, PhD.
Počítačové siete 1 UKF Peter Švec
Marek Vrábel
Milan Turčáni
Rola sestry v komunitnej starostlivosti unentered doc. PhDr. Mária Boledovičová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Gabriela Vörösová, PhD.
PhDr. Erika Krištofová, PhD.
PhDr. Andrea Solgajová
Mgr Mária Semanišinová
PhDr. Dana Zrubcová
PhDr. Anna Kasanová, PhD.
PhDr. Jozefína Mesárošová, PhD.
PhDr. Iveta Nádaská
PhDr. Miroslava Líšková, PhD.
PhDr. Ľubica Poledníková
PhDr. Zuzana Schmidtová
PhDr Martina Mojtová, PhD.
PaedDr. Jana Peťková
PhDr. Alica Slamková
Mgr. Martin Cápay, PhD.
Produkcia trvaliek a cibuľovín unentered Ing. Dagmar Hillová, PhD.
Aplikovaný interiérový dizajn SPU Ing. Dagmar Hillová, PhD.
Výtvarné aktivity v MŠ/ZŠ UMB Lenka Lipárová
Renáta Pondelíková
Program Intenzívnej prípravy anglického jazyka (IEP) VŠM Kontakt na študijných poradcov: Bratislava - Martina Minarčíková, Trenčín - Lukáš Frývaldský
Večerné kurzy anglického jazyka VŠM Ela Csibová,, kontakt 02.6381.0601
Applied English Lexicology SPU Katarína Veselá


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