Zubné lekárstvo

The Dentistry program meets EU standards by providing in-depth knowledge and skills in core sciences, including digital technology, regenerative medicine and interprofessional care. It covers a range of topics such as dental anatomy, oral pathology, preventive dentistry, prosthodontics and implantology. Supervised practical training ensures that graduates are prepared to effectively diagnose, treat and manage oral health conditions. Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine is proud to present a comprehensive study program with excellent access to modern clinical simulation programs and also real clinical practice, which was fundamentally revised in 2024/25 and expanded to include the implementation of advanced AI workflows and the latest material technologies.

Uplatnenie absolventov

Graduates are qualified to work in public and private healthcare institutions within the EU. They can work as practitioners, dental health consultants and educators, and hold roles in clinical, managerial and advisory functions, including positions in public dental health and specialty care. The majority of graduates begin their private dental practice immediately after graduation.

Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

Posielajte mi novinky

Podmienky prijatia

Obtaining an overall point evaluation from the entrance exam consisting of a test in biology and chemistry, on the basis of which the applicant will be included among the maximum planned number of accepted applicants.

Doplňujúce informácie

Faculty of Medicine offers to all applicants Materials for the Entrance Examination from Biology and Chemistry in printed form and in PDF format. More information at https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/for-applicants/booklets/

The applicants are also offered an option to sign up for a preparatory course. More information at https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/for-applicants/for-applicants/

Koordinátor pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

The coordinator for students with special needs is prof. MUDr. Ján Pečeňák, CSc., Tel.: +421257290737
e-mail: jan.pecenak@fmed.uniba.sk


Všeobecné informácie k prijímacej skúške

Application :

An applicant has to attach following documents to their application online :

1. A passport scan

(the page with a photograph and personal information).

2. A scan of the Secondary Education Diploma/Certificate.

If you do not have the diploma/certificate yet, you can provide us with an official letter from your high school stating your full name, surname, date of birth, the date of your graduation and date of receiving of your High School Diploma.  We accept certificates and letters in Slovak, English and German language.

3. A scan of Certificate of Medical Fitness (Certificate of Eligibility to Study)

A note issued by your doctor confirming that you are able to study at a medical university. We accept certificates in Slovak, English and German. The certificate must be legible, signed and stamped by the doctor. There is no prescribed format for the Certificate of Fitness, you can use one issued by your doctor. This is an example you can provide us with : Certificate of Eligibility to Study

4. Proof of admission fee payment.

When making the bank transfer, please ensure that you provide your full name as it appears in your application in the payee reference field, so that we can allocate the payment correctly.

5. Proof of vaccination against Hepatitis B.

Either a confirmation from the doctor or a scan of the vaccination card is sufficient (in English,German or Slovak language).

6. Special needs

In case you have special needs, please provide us with the confirmation from the doctor.


The test has 200 questions (100 Biology, 100 Chemistry). Each question has 4 answers. Points are awarded for each correct answer

Test duration: 3 hours (180 minutes),

Maximum number of points: 800

  • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium

    01.01.2025 - 24.07.2025

Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

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Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

  • maturitné vysvedčenie (elektronická forma)
  • doklad totožnosti (elektronická forma)
  • osvedčenie o zdravotnej spôsobilosti (elektronická forma)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku (elektronická forma)
  • potvrdenie o špecifických potrebách (elektronická forma)
  • potvrdenie o vakcinácii proti Hepatitíde B (elektronická forma)

Ročné školné
Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 13800 €
Štúdium dlhšie ako je štandardná dĺžka študijného programu, súbežné štúdium: 13800 €

Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
písomná prihláška: 95 €
elektronická prihláška: 95 €

Fakturačné údaje

Name of Bank: State Treasury
Name of the bank account: Lekarska fakulta UK v Bratislave
IBAN: SK09 8180 0000 0070 0008 3004
Reference: CS0308,VS20254, Name and Surname of Applicant

Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

Posielajte mi novinky

Detail študijného programu

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

Detail študijného programu


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Zodpovednosť za obsah: Mgr. Veronika Važanová – vazanova12@uniba.sk
Posledná aktualizácia: 19.11.2024 15:29

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