Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedic and Radiology
In this study programme, the graduate acquires knowledge at the level of the current state of scientific knowledge and masters the scientific methods of research, which he acquires not only by studying, but also by independent creative scientific activity, which is carried out under the guidance and guarantee of his supervisor. The graduate is able to formulate a scientific problem, he/she knows the ethical aspect of solving scientific parts of research both in the experimental and clinical part. He/she is able to orientate and actively establish interdisciplinary cooperation with individual specialists and work teams involved in the preparation and implementation of a scientific project at the national and international level. The graduate is able to apply the results of global research to his/her scientific work and apply them in the development of the scientific field. Together with his/her supervisor, he/she contributes to the development of the study programme.
In terms of clinical expertise, the graduate of the 3rd degree programme in Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedics and Radiology acquires clinical knowledge in Veterinary Surgery Orthopaedics, Radiology and its associated clinical and basic disciplines. He/she is able to develop competence in a variety of modern examination methods, acquiring all the knowledge necessary for the diagnosis and therapy of the most common acute and chronic diseases. Develops skills to identify and solve clinical problems in the specialty. Actively develops strategies to promote the well-being of patients and can establish a preventive clinical plan. Develops his/her communication skills to enhance clinical interaction between client and veterinarian and also develops his/her teaching experience and work with students.
Relevant external stakeholders who have provided a statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession: the Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Slovak Republic, the State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice, the Institute of Neurology and Biology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, and the Institute of Parasitology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice
Prospects of graduates
The graduates of the Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedics and Radiology study programme are applied as university teachers, scientific researchers, clinical specialists and experts in the field of consultancy for the Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons (veterinary practices and hospitals).
Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
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The basic requirement is a 2nd level university degree in a relevant field of study.
Acceptance is conditional on successful completion of the admission procedure and knowledge of a foreign language.
Additional information
Acceptance of an applicant to doctoral studies without an admission procedure is not possible!
Conditions for international students
The basic requirement is a 2nd level university degree in a relevant field of study.
Acceptance to study is conditional on successful completion of the admission procedure and knowledge of a foreign language.
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD.
Written test in a foreign language (English)
Oral exam
Written test in a foreign language (English) lasting 60 minutes.
Apply the application for study
31.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
Performance of the entrance exam
01.07.2024 - 01.07.2024
Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 750 €
prejsť na internú smernicu školy
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
Billing information
Account: University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice
Bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account Number: 7000072225/8180
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Constant Symbol: 0968
Variable Symbol: 72225 + "first and last name" to be entered in the memo for the payee
(VS - Variable Symbol and the details in the memo are used to allocate the payment to the admissions applicant, so please include them when making the payment)
Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Mgr. Michaela Kočutová –
Last update: 27.01.2025 17:01