Pharmacy is a medical discipline, scientifically and practically focused on the education of professionals for the field of pharmacy, consisting in the research and control of drugs and medicines. It is primarily focused on their production, quality control, distribution, acquisition, storage and use of documents in this sector in the past and present. Graduate pharmacists are part of the human and animal health care team, actively contributing by identifying or recommending drugs needed for therapy to the individual patient health care system. By completing their studies they will gain knowledge about the effects of drugs in living organisms, their metabolism, biodegradation and excretion, their adverse effects on the body and the environment, their residues and impact on food quality, resistance and addiction to the drugs or excipients used. They are experts in pharmaceutical technology of production of drugs and biopreparations, they know the principles of good laboratory, production and pharmaceutical practice. They are specialists in the evaluation of pharmaceuticals, their clinical or biological testing, their analysis, physical and chemical properties, they are familiar with the methods of the system of registration or marketing of pharmaceuticals. They are able to provide information on the effects of medicines to the general public in an accurate manner.
Prospects of graduates
The pharmacy study programme is a medical discipline, scientifically and practically focused on the education of professionals for the field of pharmacy, consisting in the research and control of drugs and medicines. The priority is focused on their production, quality control, distribution, acquisition, storage and use of documents in this sector in the past and present. Graduate pharmacists are part of the human and animal health care team, actively contributing by identifying or recommending drugs needed for therapy to the individual patient health care system. By completing their studies they will gain knowledge about the effects of drugs in living organisms, their metabolism, biodegradation and excretion, their adverse effects on the body and the environment, their residues and impact on food quality, resistance and addiction to the drugs or excipients used. They are experts in pharmaceutical technology of production of drugs and biopreparations, they know the principles of good laboratory, production and pharmaceutical practice. They are specialists in the evaluation of pharmaceuticals, their clinical or biological testing, their analysis, physical and chemical properties, they are familiar with the methods of the system of registration or marketing of pharmaceuticals. They are able to provide information on the effects of medicines to the general public in an accurate manner.
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Acceptance of a candidate for study at UVLF in Košice is conditional on obtaining a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education and successful completion of the admission procedure. The order of applicants will be determined on the basis of the number of points achieved in tests in biology and chemistry and the evaluation of active participation in high school Olympiads for 1st to 3rd place and in the SOTS from profile subjects (biology, chemistry), work in organizations professionally close to the chosen study program and other prerequisites, which the student must provide in writing with the application form for studies.
Additional information
a)Evaluation of the result of Olympiads and SOPs from profile subjects (biology, chemistry):
A copy of the diploma must be sent with the application form; when participating in more than one round, the document from the highest round is accepted:
National rounds (district, regional, national) with 1st to 3rd place 5 points
International round 10 points
The maximum number of points that a candidate can receive for participation and/or placement in all subject Olympiads and/or SOTC is 20.
b)Other Activities:
A copy of the diploma must be sent with the application form; only one diploma will be accepted:
Olympiads and competitions in subjects other than profile subjects with placement:1st to 3rd place 3 points
The maximum number of points that a candidate can receive for other activities is 3.
Conditions for international students
same as for Slovak students
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD.
written form, in the form of a test
test of 60 questions from each subject
Biology, chemistry within the scope of the grammar school curriculum
Apply the application for study
02.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
Performance of the entrance exam
17.05.2025 - 09.06.2025
Send certificate to
Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
- Doklad o uhradení poplatku (electronic form)
- Životopis (electronic form)
- Maturitné vysvedčenie (paper form, electronic form)
- Olympiáda z prof.predmetu B-medzinárodné kolo (paper form)
- Olympiáda z prof.predmetu B-národné kolo (paper form)
- Olympiáda z prof. predmetu CH-medzinárodné kolo (paper form)
- Olympiáda z prof.predmetu CH-národné kolo (paper form)
- Olympiády z iných predmetov (paper form)
- Potvrenie lekára (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 900 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €
Billing information
Beneficiary: UVLF in Košice
Bank of the beneficiary: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava
Account: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Bank code: 8180
VS: 550325
ŠS: Applicant's birth number
Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: Ing. Renáta Božíková –
Last update: 09.12.2024 15:55