Graduate profile

Graduates of the study programme Horticulture in the 3rd degree of the study manage scientific methods of solving the tasks of horticulture, research, its individual sectors such as fruit growing, viticulture, wine production, vegetable farming, floriculture and nursery production. It participates in the compiling of scientific projects, which manages at the professional and scientific level. During the study, acquires the principles of independent and teamwork, understand scientific methods, basic experimental research, scientific analysis and synthesis of results with a reflection translate into the new technologies. Is capable of creative work, responding to domestic as well as international project challenges and knowledge, which can use in the field of science and research. Can speak at international conferences, present scientific publications, process searches, formulate conclusions. Is ready to process and submit projects, grants with the topic of horticultural primary production in the field of basic and applied research.  Graduate of the 3rd degree of the study programme Horticulture acquire knowledge from various fields at the level of an independent manager in the field of horticulture, furthermore is able to prepare the documents for the implementation of the design of orchards, vineyards and cellar technology.

Prospects of graduates

Graduate employment

Theoretical knowledge and practical skills of graduates of the 3rddegree of study provide a wide range of possibilities for their employment.

Graduate of the study program:

  • may apply competences as a leader of the creative research team, as an independent researcher at universities, at the Academy of Sciences, research and development workplaces, state authority and authority of municipalities and consulting companies;
  • may carry out expert activities in horticulture, fruit production, viticulture and wine production, cultivation of flowers as well as environmental management;
  • finds employment in design companies focused on designing gardens, orchards, flower gardens, vineyards;
  • is able to hold expert positions at both national and European level;
  • is able to solve scientifically the possibilities of increasing the content of bioactive substances in plant products and edibles of plant origin;
  • is able to solve scientifically the use of bioremediation techniques to eliminate soil contaminants before entering into the agricultural crops;
  • is able to solve scientifically the possibilities of antibacterial agents on products and edibles of plant origin.

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Conditions of admission


Admission procedure for PhD. study - doctoral studies at FZKI SPU in Nitra are carried out in accordance with § 56 and § 57 of Act no. 131/2002 on higher education institutions and on the amendment of certain acts as amended and in accordance with the Study Regulations of the SUA in Nitra.

  1. Admission to study at a doctoral study program is carried out by the admission procedure in terms announced publicly, usually once, at most twice during a calendar year. Information for applicants is published in Slovak and English. The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is a second-level university education.
  2. The date of the entrance exam and its form is determined by the dean. During the entrance exam, the committee takes into account the applicant's knowledge of one world language, for foreign applicants, knowledge of Slovak and world languages (this does not apply to study programs conducted exclusively only in English), subjects that form the theoretical basis of the chosen study program and the presentation of outlines on the topic of the dissertation. Activities in the scientific activity of students during the second degree of study are also taken into account.
  3. The dean decides on the admission of an applicant to doctoral studies based on the results of the entrance exam conducted before the admissions committee. Every candidate for doctoral studies must pass an entrance exam. The date of registration for doctoral studies is determined by the dean. The number of applicants that the faculty plans to accept for doctoral studies depends on the number of approved dissertation topics. Dissertation topics for the respective study programs (SP) are approved by the program commission of the relevant study program.
  4. If an applicant for doctoral studies chooses a dissertation topic listed by an external educational institution, the external educational institution must also agree to his admission to doctoral studies. The entrance examination (§ 57, paragraph 3 of the Act about Universities) is held in front of a committee in which members from the university and members designated by the statutory body of the external educational institution are represented. Members from the university are determined by the dean for relevant study program held at the faculty and by the rector for study programs that are not held at the faculty. Upon agreement between the university or the faculty with an external educational institution, the entrance exam can be held at the external educational institution with the participation of representatives of the university.
  5. The decision on the result of the admission procedure must be made in writing within 30 days from the verification of the fulfillment of the admission conditions.
  6. An applicant who has received a decision not to be admitted to doctoral studies may submit a request for a review of this decision to the authority that issued the decision within eight days from the date of its delivery.


Study program: Horticulture

Applicants must have completed higher education II. degree in the Horticulture study program, or higher education of II. degree in a related or relevant study program in an accredited field of agriculture and landscaping, or in other disciplines that create the prerequisites for consistent research in horticulture and demonstrate clear evidence of academic experience appropriately aligned with horticulture. All applicants will submit a portfolio of scientific, creative, and professional works relevant to the conduct of doctoral research in horticulture.

The applicant (valid for all study programs provided in Slovak as well as in English language) will submit a document proving a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language through one of the following certificates (assessed by the SPU Language Center in Nitra):

  • State language exam at least at B2 level
  • UNIcert® at B2 level or C1.
  • IELTS Academic version (International English Language Testing Service, British Council) with a minimum score of 6.5 points.
  • Cambridge Exam (Certificate in Advanced English, or certificate of knowledge of English from the University of Cambridge at least at level B2).
  • TOEFL at least B2 level.
  • Another recognized certificate of language proficiency level at least B2 according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • In case that the applicant does not have any document proving a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, such level will be confirmed by a representative of the SPU Language Center after the examination at the admission interview.


OTHER CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION TO STUDY (applies only to Study programs conducted exclusively in the English language)

Information for foreign applicants, or applicants who completed the second degree of study abroad

Foreign applicants, or applicants who have completed the second degree of university studies abroad are obliged to attach to the application, or to the Application Form also the Decision on the recognition of the educational document.


The decision on the recognition of a document of education (recognition of the level of education without comparing the field of study) is issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, if the recognition of the degree is requested by the applicant whose document of education was issued in the state with which the international bilateral agreement was signed, but also an applicant from any other state for the purpose of proving that the basic conditions for admission to study have been met. Detailed information are available at: https://www.minedu.sk/uznavanie-dosiahnuteho-stupna-vysokoskolskeho-vzdelania-bez-porovnania-odboru-medzinarodne-dohody/#Ziadost


A decision on the recognition of a document of education (recognition of a document of education in a field of study) is issued by a university in the Slovak Republic, which conducts a study program in the same or a related field of study, as indicated on the document of duly completed higher education. Detailed information are available at: http://www.uniag.sk/sk/uznavanie-dokladov-o-vzdelani

Additional information

Deadline for application submission:                                                                 31. May 2024

Day of the meeting of the Admission Commission:                                            14. June 2024


Admission fee:                                                                                                    50,00 €* (electronic registration)

Payment of the fee for the admission procedure for electronic registration –  non-cash according to the instructions  provided in the application.


The following data is required to make the payment for the admission procedure:

Name and address of the payee:                         Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra

Beneficiary's bank                                                 Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, Bratislava 810 05

Account number:                                                      7000066247/8180

IBAN:                                                                      SK40 8180 0000 0070 0006 6247

Variable symbol:                                                   104900

Constant symbol:                                                  0558

Specific symbol:                                                    104900721

Message for recipient:                                          surname and first name of the applicant (state without diacritics).

The following data are required to make the payment for the admission procedure from other countries including also SWIFT code:   SPSRSKBA

Information of the admission procedure are also available at: www.fzki.uniag.sk ; www.portalVS.sk


consisting of:

-          interview also in one of the foreign language

-          presentation of the project framework – a scientific discussion of solving and achieving the scientific aim of the dissertation topic, to which the applicant has applied (proposals of solving the problem, methodological bases, and procedures, which can be used in fulfilling the aim of the dissertation project).




It is delivered on the prescribed form to the address:

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering SPU in Nitra, Tulipánová 7, 949 01 Nitra,

Ing. Andrea Matuškovičová, tel. 037/641 5414,

email: Andrea.Matuskovicova@uniag.sk

and at the same time electronically at: https://is.uniag.sk/prihlaska/?lang=sk



  1. CV;
  2. proof of payment of the fee for the admission procedure - payment via internet banking or bank transfer;
  3. a document proving a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language;
  4. officially certified photocopies of diploma (university diploma, state examination certificate, diploma supplement, officially certification is not required for an applicant who has graduated master degree of study at FHLE SUA in Nitra);
  5. list of published professional and scientific (artistic) works;
  6. proof of professional experience, if the applicant was employed before starting doctoral studies;
  7. confirmation of employment and job position (only applicants for the external form of study);
  8. project framework to the topic of the dissertation thesis (max. 2 A4);
  9. statement of the results of master's, engineering, doctoral studies of individual years and the full-time average, which is issued by the study department;
  10. participation and success on olympiads, competitions, student scientific professional activity, authorship of discoveries, or industrial designs  specified by the applicant in a separate annex.



The topics of the dissertation thesis are available on the website of the faculty http://www.fzki.uniag.sk/sk/doktorandske-studijne-programy/



www.fzki.uniag.sk/sk www.portalVS.sk


Conditions for international students

The applicant (valid for all study programs provided in Slovak as well as in English language) will submit a document proving a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language through one of the following certificates (assessed by the SPU Language Center in Nitra):

  • State language exam at least at B2 level
  • UNIcert® at B2 level or C1.
  • IELTS Academic version (International English Language Testing Service, British Council) with a minimum score of 6.5 points.
  • Cambridge Exam (Certificate in Advanced English, or certificate of knowledge of English from the University of Cambridge at least at level B2).
  • TOEFL at least B2 level.
  • Another recognized certificate of language proficiency level at least B2 according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • In case that the applicant does not have any document proving a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, such level will be confirmed by a representative of the SPU Language Center after the examination at the admission interview.


Foreign applicants (with the exception of applicants from the Czech Republic) who will study a study program offered in the Slovak language at the SUA in Nitra must take an online test aimed at determining the level of their language proficiency in the Slovak language. Testing is provided by Language Center at the SUA in Nitra on two dates:May 28, 2024andJuly 23, 2024.

Based on the test results, the applicant will be issued with a certificate of his language proficiency level (levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The test and confirmation document are charged (test: EUR 20, confirmation document: EUR 10).

If the language proficiency level of the applicant for study is lower than A1, the applicant will not be admitted to study.

If the applicant's language proficiency level is A1, the applicant has met one of the admission conditions, but will be required to complete a 30-hour paid Slovak language course organized by the Language Center at the SUA in Nitra (course fee: EUR 120). The course will take place onAugust 26, 2024 - September 6, 2024. Upon completion of the course, the applicant will be issued with a certificate of completion.

If the applicant's language proficiency level is A2 or higher, the applicant has met one of the conditions for admission to study. Detailed information about the test and the course can be found on the website of the Center for Languages: https://cj.uniag.sk/sk/domov/.


OTHER CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION TO STUDY (applies only to Study programs conducted exclusively in the English language)


Information for foreign applicants, or applicants who completed the second degree of study abroad

Foreign applicants, or applicants who have completed the second degree of university studies abroad are obliged to attach to the application, or to the Application Form also the Decision on the recognition of the educational document.


The decision on the recognition of a document of education (recognition of the level of education without comparing the field of study) is issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, if the recognition of the degree is requested by the applicant whose document of education was issued in the state with which the international bilateral agreement was signed, but also an applicant from any other state for the purpose of proving that the basic conditions for admission to study have been met. Detailed information are available at: https://www.minedu.sk/uznavanie-dosiahnuteho-stupna-vysokoskolskeho-vzdelania-bez-porovnania-odboru-medzinarodne-dohody/#Ziadost


A decision on the recognition of a document of education (recognition of a document of education in a field of study) is issued by a university in the Slovak Republic, which conducts a study program in the same or a related field of study, as indicated on the document of duly completed higher education. Detailed information are available at: http://www.uniag.sk/sk/uznavanie-dokladov-o-vzdelani


Coordinator for students with specific needs

University coordinator:

Mgr. Jana Rybanská, PhD., Centrum pedagogiky a psychologického poradenstva, Fakulta ekonomika a manažmentu SPU v Nitre, tel.: 037/641 4898, e-mail: jana.rybanska@uniag.sk

Coordinator at FZKI SPU v Nitre:

doc. Ing. arch. Roberta Štěpánková, PhD. - prodekanka pre vzdelávaciu činnosť FZKI SPU v Nitre

Tulipánová 7, 949 01 Nitra, tel.: 037/641 5429
e-mail: roberta.stepankova@uniag.sk

General information on the admission exam


consisting of:

-          interview also in one of the foreign language

-          presentation of the project framework – a scientific discussion of solving and achieving the scientific aim of the dissertation topic, to which the applicant has applied (proposals of solving the problem, methodological bases, and procedures, which can be used in fulfilling the aim of the dissertation project).



Only electronically on the following web page:     


Form of entrance exam


consisting of:

-          interview also in one of the foreign language

-          presentation of the project framework – a scientific discussion of solving and achieving the scientific aim of the dissertation topic, to which the applicant has applied (proposals of solving the problem, methodological bases, and procedures, which can be used in fulfilling the aim of the dissertation project).



Only electronically on the following web page:     




  • Apply the application for study

    01.04.2024 - 02.04.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Current number of filed applications:

  • CV (electronic form)
  • proof of payment of the fee for the admission procedure - payment via internet banking or bank transfer; (electronic form)
  • officially certified photocopies of diploma (university diploma, state examination certificate, diploma supplement, officially certification is not required for an applicant who has graduated master degree of study at FHLE SUA in Nitra); (electronic form)
  • list of published professional and scientific (artistic) works; (electronic form)
  • proof of professional experience, if the applicant was employed before starting doctoral studies; (electronic form)
  • confirmation of employment and job position (only applicants for the external form of study); (electronic form)
  • project framework to the topic of the dissertation thesis (max. 2 A4); (electronic form)
  • statement of the results of masters, engineering, doctoral studies of individual years and the full-time average, which is issued by the study department; (electronic form)
  • participation and success on olympiads, competitions, student scientific professional activity, authorship of discoveries, or industrial designs specified by the applicant in a separate annex. (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 2200 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information

The following data is required to make the payment for the admission procedure:


Name and address of the payee:                         Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra

Beneficiary's bank                                                 Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, Bratislava 810 05

Account number:                                                      7000066247/8180

IBAN:                                                                      SK40 8180 0000 0070 0006 6247

Variable symbol:                                                   104900

Constant symbol:                                                  0558

Specific symbol:                                                    104900721

Message for recipient:                                          surname and first name of the applicant (state without diacritics).

The following data are required to make the payment for the admission procedure from other countries including also SWIFT code:   SPSRSKBA

Information of the admission procedure are also available at: www.fzki.uniag.sk ; www.portalVS.sk

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. Ing. arch. Roberta Štěpánková, PhD. – roberta.stepankova@uniag.sk
Last update: 16.07.2024 02:52

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