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Conditions of admission

Applicant to bachelor studies at AFAD can apply to maximally two of the following study programmes, and only in case when the given study programmes do not have admittance interviews set for the same date.

Applicant will fill in and send an online application by 2.12.2019 at the latest. After that, the applicant will print out the application, sign it and send it by postal mail by 3.12.2019 al the latest, together with the following attachments:

  • CV
  • Verified copy of school-leaving certificate
  • proof of fee payment
  • nostrification of a document issued by a Regional board of education (in case of documentation of completed education issued by an international school of the country without signed agreement on mutual acknowledgment of the documents’ equivalence)
  • Candidate’s statement of declaration signed by the candidate:

    Candidate’s statement of declaration

    I hereby declare (name..............................., date of birth...................................., address...........................................) that my health condition is good and I do not suffer from any diseases which might be negatively affected by the contact with chemical or biological substances used in the teaching process.

    In ..............................                  Date ................................

    Candidate’s signature


to the address:

Rectorate of the University of Fine Arts and Design, study department
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18,
814 37 Bratislava

Additional information

* The applicant may submit an application to only one Fine Arts degree program
    * Rector acknowledge receipt of the application and send an invitation to applicants and details of entrance examination no later than 30 days before the procedure
    * Method of payment of the fee will be fixed in the invitation
    * Fine Arts provides the training and two additional studies (designed to increase skills, respectively. For further specialization), which may join other high school graduate, is subject to completion of the interview at the department and submit the housework (or portfolio); after school graduate certificate issued on completion of additional study, detailed information shall study Fine Arts Department
    * The student can attend the Academy of complementary pedagogical studies, which, after graduating (undergraduate or master's) qualifies for teaching art, art-theoretical and art-technology courses at all types of primary and secondary schools, the supplementary pedagogical study at the Academy can sign the students or graduates of other schools relative orientation
    * Mandatory study of world languages at the Academy runs seminars, the conversation focused on issues of artistic and professional communication, therefore, requires prior basic language training (English, German or French)

Bachelor study - the first two semesters students take three preparatory courses in various vocational schools, the fourth to the department which will continue in the second year.In 2 to 4 years in studying in a specialized studio of your choice (option semester internships at other studios, respectively. Transfers between studios and the unions).Study completed with a state of art history and aesthetics and Bachelor's (title Bc.).

Conditions for international students

*completion oftalenttest
* completion of the annual language training to ÚJOP UK
*self-payersinpayment ofstudyfees under the agreement

General information on the admission exam

This fee must be paid by bank transfer and proof of payment to accompany the candidate application. Foreign bidders pay the fee in cash on the day of the test.
The aim of the entrance examination is to review the level of knowledge, talent, thinking, skills and abilities of the candidate in terms of specific claims by the applicant under the chosen field of study.
The entrance examination is two rounds.
The first round lasts one day. Composed:

    * Written tests of knowledge-intensive secondary curriculum of the history, the Slovak language and literature, part of the test examines the candidate orientation issues in art history and cultural history
    * Evaluation of housework
    * Evaluation of visual tasks given during the first day. Are broken down by departments.

Mostly examined the ability of transcription vision facts and basic operations with it.
After evaluating the results of the first round rejected candidates who failed to get enough points to advance to the second wheels (the procedure to be achieved at least 50 out of 100 points).
The second round of entrance examinations last two days. Composed:

    * Test of knowledge world language - Alternative: English, French or German
    * Art of the award, specific to each field of study, under which applicants have demonstrated talent, creativity and ability to think creatively (conceptualisation) - as a prerequisite to study Fine Arts.
    * Evaluation of part of the entrance examination in the second round of the dialogue between candidates and teachers in order to obtain an overall picture of orientation candidate in the department to which they profess, art, culture, aesthetics, social survey of opinion on the level of background. Dialogue can be linked to the debate on domestic work.

Admissions Board: Reception committee at the Department for both rounds of the entrance examination consists of 5 members. Four teachers of the department in which the applicant reports and one other teacher from the Department of Fine Arts.
Assessment: This will be a points system in a five-point scale. Any solution of problem (including tests, interview and housework), the scores alone, t. j. for each job candidate can get together more than 25 points (after 5 points from 5 members of the commission-ers).
The names of candidates who proceed to 2 round the entrance examination, are published the day after the conclusion of the first Round writing on door studios, where the entrance examination is held.
Scoring results for both rounds and the art of job applicants in order of scoring (twice that number in the quota for admission is negotiated by the College Rector) by departmental commission whole-school commission appointed by the rector. The Commission is composed of school leadership, teachers' studios and leading representatives of the Academic Senate of the Academy. The Commission will consider the level of work of candidates and their level of compliance with the order resulting from scoring. Final decision on acceptance or rejection of applicants for study at the school rector made a proposal of this commission.
Work created during the entrance examinations to applicants for study or do not issue archive.
Decision to the applicant study Fine Arts Department by mail no later than 30 days after completion of the admission procedure.
Against the decision of the rector may refer the applicant to study the Rector of the school within 5 days of receipt, if the Chancellor finds no violation of the rules refer the complaint to the Academic Senate of the Academy. He does not consider the quality of the work, but only the procedural aspect of the proceedings. AS VŠVU decision is final. The answer must be sent to the applicant within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
Number of students admitted to study is also limited by the concept level job teaching, and economic capacities in the schools.
Alternative date of the entrance examination is not possible.

Form of entrance exam

Admission exam will examine the level of knowledge, talent, thinking, skills and abilities in the terms of special demands given by the chosen bachelor study programme. Admission exam lasts 3 days and has two rounds. On the first day the first round is conducted, and on the next two days, the second round is conducted. Admission exam consists of the following parts:

First round

Test aimed at identifying general knowledge acquired during the secondary education in history, literature, art history, and orientation in contemporary art. Testing in English will be possible for international applicants, should they apply for such testing, but in case of their admittance the studies will be in Slovak language. 

Admission exam demonstration

Assessment of personal log of applicant’s artistic activity

Art tasks, which are specified according to the study programme the applicant has applied to.

Second round

Art tasks, which are specified according to the study programme the applicant has applied to. Interview before the department committee, where the applicant will show their orientation in the field they are applying to; part of the interview will be a discussion concerning their personal artistic activity log.

Department admissions committee

Given tasks and parts of the admissions are assessed by admissions committee, which consists of at least five members appointed by the AFAD rector. The committee members are the university teachers who teach at the study programme at the relevant department of AFAD and who have the artistic-teaching titles professor, docent, or assistant professor. The fifth member of the department admissions committee can be a university teacher who teaches at a different study programme at AFAD.

Members of the department admissions committee will assess tasks in both rounds using a six-point scale (0-5). Each task (including tests, personal interview and personal log) will be assessed individually, which means that applicant can earn maximally 25 points for each task (5 points from 5 committee members each). Advancement into the second round is conditioned by earning at least 50% of the maximum possible number for the tasks on the first day. The committee can, depending on a situation (e.g. small number of successful candidates) lower the admittance minimum to 45%.  Names of the applicants advancing to the second round will be disclosed the next morning, in the place where the admittance exam is being conducted.

  • Apply the application for study

    21.09.2023 - 20.11.2023

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    11.12.2023 - 02.02.2024

  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form, electronic form)
  • leaving certificate (paper form, electronic form)
  • čestné prehlásenie o zdravotnej spôsobilosti vlastnoručne podpísané uchádzačom (paper form)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku (paper form)
  • zahraniční uchádzači a uchádzači, ktorí študovali v zahraničí doložia nostrifikáciu dokladu vydanú Krajským školským úradom (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 900 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information
  • Account owner: Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, 814 37 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
  • Bank: ŠTÁTNA POKLADNICA, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
  • IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2516
  • variable symbol 648 003
  • Specific symbol: six-digit number starting with 20 and followed by a four-digit number consisting of application filing number, in front of which zeroes are to be added.
    An example: if an application filing number is 37, specific symbol will be 200037
  • Additional information: applicant’s surname

Always up-to-date news about university Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava on your email.
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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program

  • Add to Favorites
  • Academic year: 2024/2025
  • University Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
  • Form of study: full-time
  • Anticipated number to be accepted: 10
  • Program code: 16193
  • Field of study: Art
  • Level of study: 1.
  • Length of study: 4
  • Method of Study: attendance
  • Graduate Degree: Bc.
  • Information about teaching languages: English, Slovak


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Sylvia Kozáková –
Last update: 20.09.2023 17:06

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