
Baccalaureate studies at the FVU focus on the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science or art and on mastering their application in the exercise of a profession or in the continuation of further higher education. Graduates of bachelor's degree programmes receive a first degree. FVU offers Bachelor's degree programmes in Arts only in full-time study, with a standard length of study of four academic years. Bachelor's studies are conducted in a credit system and the student must take compulsory, obligatory and elective courses according to the recommended study plan of the study programme he/she is studying. In one semester, the student should optimally take enough courses to reach 30 credits. For the entire course of study, he/she must obtain a minimum of 240 credits, which is a condition for the proper completion of the Bachelor's degree. Profile courses - The studios contribute substantially to the fulfilment of the profile of the graduate of the study programme. The first two years are of a preparatory nature, without a specific profiling of the student yet. At the beginning of the 3rd year of study, students have the opportunity to opt for a specific profiling. They can opt for one of the specifically focused studios on offer. The studies are completed by a state examination and by fulfilling all the requirements prescribed in the study programme. The state examination in the Bachelor's degree programme is the defence of the final thesis. Graduates of the bachelor's degree programme are awarded the academic title of 'baccalarius' (abbreviated as 'B.Sc.'), which is given before the name.

Prospects of graduates

A graduate of the Bachelor's study programme Painting-Graphics acquires the professional competence to practice the profession of a visual artist - painter or graphic artist, at the level of Bachelor of Arts. He/she is prepared creatively and technologically to work independently in the field of painting, drawing and graphic arts within the framework of free artistic creation. He or she has all the prerequisites to keep in touch with developments in his or her discipline, to take and present positions in the field of artistic culture and to organize his or her further professional growth. A graduate of the Bachelor's degree may continue, after successful completion of the entrance examinations, in a Master's degree in a related or related programme of study.

  • Person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme (OZŠP):
    doc. Štefan Balázs, ArtD., akad. Painter.

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Conditions of admission

- The condition of admission for applicants for bachelor's studies is successful completion of secondary school with a high school diploma and demonstration of abilities and personal disposition for the chosen study programme. In the event that the admission interviews to the Faculty of Arts are held before the date of the applicant's final examination, the applicant is admitted to the study conditionally. - The FVU AU determines additional conditions for admission to the study of individual study programmes in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and prerequisites are admitted to the study. The specified conditions and the method of verifying their fulfillment must enable the selection of applicants who demonstrate the highest degree of talent, ability, knowledge for study in the degree program.
- The prerequisite for admission to the study is a basic orientation and knowledge of the problems of fine arts in the specified field of study, a general overview of the history of domestic and world art, previous individual artistic activity and knowledge of one world language at the level of matriculation.
- The entrance examination is to verify the level of knowledge, talent, thinking, abilities and skills of the applicant in terms of the specific requirements that arise for the applicant from the chosen bachelor's degree program.

- The admission examination is designed to verify the level of knowledge, talent, thinking, abilities and skills of the applicant in terms of the specific requirements that arise for the applicant from the chosen bachelor's degree program.

A candidate with specific needs shall, at his or her request, have the form of the entrance examination and the manner of its conduct determined, taking into account his or her specific needs, on the basis of an assessment of his or her specific needs (section 100(9)(b)).

The admission procedure shall be conducted by attendance. Where distance learning is in progress at the time of the admission procedure, the admission procedure may also be conducted by distance learning. Due to the application of the same assessment criteria for all applicants to the Faculty of Physical Education, it is not possible to set an alternative date for the admission procedure.

Knowledge of the Slovak language is required for the study.

Additional information

The entrance examination is designed to test the applicant's level of knowledge, talent, thinking, abilities and skills in terms of the specific demands placed on the applicant by the chosen Bachelor's degree programme, is a one-round/two-day examination and is conducted in two rounds if necessary and consists of two parts:

o The practical talent part of the examination is aimed at ascertaining the applicant's drawing skills, to test artistic memory, painterly sensitivity and to demonstrate creativity:

o The practical talent part of the examination is aimed at ascertaining the applicant's drawing skills, to test artistic memory, painterly sensitivity and to demonstrate creativity:

  • Test of perception: drawing a head based on a live model (20 pts.);
  • Test of Perception: Painting a staged environment based on reality (20 pts.);
  • Creativity test: Artistic reflection on a given theme (20 p.).

o The theoretical knowledge part of the examination will test the candidate's communication skills and theoretical knowledge:

  • Test on general cultural overview and art history (20 pts.);
  • In-person interview combined with a review and evaluation of homework (20 pts.).
  • Each applicant will submit a compulsory set of home works (portrait: drawing and painting according to reality 5+5 pcs, total 10 pcs A2); still life: drawing and painting according to reality 5+5 pcs, total 10 pcs A2); free composition: painting and printmaking, total 10 pcs A2).

Conditions for international students
  • Conditions of admission of foreign applicants are identical to the conditions of admission of Slovak applicants
    Foreign applicants will pay an administrative fee at the presentation.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Mgr. Roman Schwartz,
phone: +421 48 4320 508

General information on the admission exam

All information regarding admissions for the 2023/2024 academic year is posted at

Form of entrance exam

talent test


Test in general cultural survey and art history

  • Apply the application for study

    18.09.2023 - 29.11.2023

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    08.01.2024 - 09.01.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (paper form)
  • CV (paper form)
  • (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information

Recipient's account name: Academy of Arts FVU, Kollárova 22, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Money institution: the State Treasury
IBAN: SK5081800000007000067813
Account number: 7000067813/8180
Variable symbol: 301
On the reverse side of the Information for the recipient mark: PP FVU

Bidder shall pay by U-type postal order or by wire transfer from the account. Administrative fee will not be refunded to the applicants.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: akad. mal. Milan Hnat, ArtD. –
Last update: 11.09.2023 11:26

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