Virtuálne laboratórium pre výučbu počítačovej simulácie a distribuovaných/paralelných výpočtov založených na metóde konečných prvkov
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 3 pre obsahovú integráciu a diverzifikáciu vysokoškolského štúdia
Project name (Slovak): Virtuálne laboratórium pre výučbu počítačovej simulácie a distribuovaných/paralelných výpočtov založených na metóde konečných prvkov
Project name (English): Virtual laboratory for education of computer simulation and distributed/parallel calculations based on the finite element method
Start of project: 2016
End of project: 2018
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 018TUKE-4/2016
Project leader: prof. Gabriel Fedorko, PhD.
University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Department: Fakulta baníctva, ekológie, riadenia a geotechnológií
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 46 996,00 | 0,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
ADC | Kuľka, Jozef (30%); Mantič, Martin (30%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Analysis of crane track degradation due to operation. 2016 ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADC | Fedorko, Gabriel (18%); Molnár, Vieroslav (18%); Ferková, Želmíra (20%); Peterka, Pavel (18%); Krešák, Jozef (6%); Tomašková, Marianna (20%): Possibilities of failure analysis for steel cord conveyor belts using knowledge obtained from non-destructive testing of steel ropes. 2016 ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADC | Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Andrejiová, Miriam (20%); Grinčová, Anna (20%); Michalik, Peter (20%): Online monitoring of a pipe conveyor. Part 1: Measurement and analysis of selected operational parameters. 2016 ISSN 0263-2241 |
ADC | Fedorko, Gabriel (17%); Molnár, Vieroslav (17%); Michalik, Peter (17%); Dovica, Miroslav (17%); Tóth, Teodor (16%); Kelemenová, Tatiana (16%): Extension of inner structures of textile rubber conveyor belt – Failure analysis. 2016 ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADE | Neradilová, Hana (5%); Fedorko, Gabriel (80%); Cujan, Zdenek (5%); Hegedüš, Matúš (5%); Palenik, Marian (5%): Simulace zásobování výrobních linek v rámci vnitropodnikových logistických systémů. 2016 ISSN 1805-8418 |
ADE | Fedorko, Gabriel (34%); Molnár, Vieroslav (33%); Michalik, Peter (33%): Návrh a realizace experimentálního zkušebního zařízení. 2016 ISSN 1805-8418 |
ADE | Beluško, Matúš (10%); Fedorko, Gabriel (90%): Robotizace v automobilovém průmyslu s využitím simulačních nástrojů. 2016 ISSN 1805-8418 |
ADE | Fedorko, Gabriel (80%); Neradilová, Hana (10%); Čujan, Zdeněk (10%): Možnosti vizualizace procesů a experimentů v diskrétních simulačních modelech. 2016 ISSN 1805-8418 |
ADM | Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Dovica, Miroslav (15%); Mikušová, Nikoleta (20%); Kráľ, Ján ml. (20%); Ferdynus, Mirosław (5%): The use of industrial metrotomography in the field of maintenance and reliability of rubber-textile conveyor belts in closed continuous transport systems. 2016 ISSN 1507-2711 |
AFC | Mikušová, Nikoleta (30%); Fedorko, Gabriel (30%); Molnár, Vieroslav (30%); Honus, Stanislav (10%): Creation of an integral model of supply and distribution as a system for operative planning and scheduling in logistics. 2016 Sofia : STEF92Technology Ltd., 2016 : ISBN 978-619-7105-66-7 |
AFC | Mikušová, Nikoleta (30%); Fedorko, Gabriel (30%); Molnár, Vieroslav (30%); Honus, Stanislav (10%): Example of selection of suitable way for the process of recycling. 2016 Sofia : STEF92Technology Ltd., 2016 : ISBN 978-619-7105-66-7 |
AFC | Fedorko, Gabriel (45%); Neradilová, Hana (9%); Šuták, Marek (1%); Molnár, Vieroslav (45%): Application of simulation model in terms of city logistics. 2016 Juodkrante : Kansas University of Technology, 2016 : ISSN 1822-296X |
AGJ | Michalik, Peter (32%); Molnár, Vieroslav (32%); Fedorko, Gabriel (32%); Zajac, Jozef (4%): Valčeková stolica na snímanie kontaktných síl hadicového dopravníka. 2016 |
AGJ | Michalik, Peter (32%); Molnár, Vieroslav (32%); Fedorko, Gabriel (32%); Zajac, Jozef (2%); Hatala, Michal (2%): Prípravok na analýzu vzoriek gumotextilných dopravných pásov na priemyselných metrotomografoch. 2016 |
ADC | Grega, Robert (30%); Krajňák, Jozef (25%); Žuľová, Lucia (5%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Failure analysis of driveshaft of truck body caused by vibrations. 2017 ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADC | Žuľová, Lucia (5%); Grega, Robert (30%); Krajňák, Jozef (25%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Optimization of noisiness of mechanical system by using a pneumatic tuner during a failure of piston machine. 2017 ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADC | Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Andrejiová, Miriam (20%); Grinčová, Anna (20%); Michalik, Peter (20%): Online monitoring of pipe conveyors part 2: Evaluation of selected operational parameters for the design of expert system. 2017 ISSN 0263-2241 |
ADC | Futáš, Peter (25%); Pribulová, Alena (25%); Fedorko, Gabriel (25%); Molnár, Vieroslav (25%): Influence of steel scrap in the charge on the properties of gray cast iron. 2017 ISSN 0915-1559 |
ADC | Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Krešák, Jozef (20%); Peterka, Pavel (20%); Fabianová, Jana (20%): The influence of corrosion on the life of steel ropes and prediction of their decommissioning. 2017 ISSN 1350-6307 |
AGJ | Fedorko, Gabriel (25%); Molnár, Vieroslav (25%); Michalik, Peter (25%); Krešák, Jozef (25%): Skúšobné zariadenie na napínanie krycích vrstiev dopravného pásu multiaxiálným ťahom. 2017 |
AGJ | Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Michalik, Peter (20%); Kuľka, Jozef (20%); Mantič, Martin (20%): Valčeková stolica na meranie normálových kontaktných síl pásového dopravníka. 2017 |
ADM | Fedorko, Gabriel (50%); Molnár, Vieroslav (50%): Design of a calculation FEM model of the test static stand of pipe conveyor for analysis of contact forces. 2017 ISSN 2299-8624 |
ADM | Sabadka, Dušan (34%); Molnár, Vieroslav (33%); Fedorko, Gabriel (33%): The use of lean manufacturing techniques – SMED analysis to optimization of the production process. 2017 ISSN 2299-8624 |
AFC | Fedorko, Gabriel (97%); Stolarik, Jozef (1%); Malbašić, Vladimír (1%); Ristović, Ivica (1%): Creation of calculation and simulation model of a system RopeCon. 2017 Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2017 : ISBN 978-86-7352-298-2 |
ADE | Fedorko, Gabriel (90%); Salai, Roland (5%); Milľo, Slavomír (5%): Použití CAD k podpoře automatizace výroby. 2017 ISSN 1805-8418 |
AFD | Fedorko, Gabriel (33%); Molnár, Vieroslav (33%); Michalik, Peter (34%): Aplikácia počítačovej simulácie v rámci analýzy logistických procesov. 2017 Košice : TU, 2017 : ISBN 978-80-553-2828-7 |
AFC | Fedorko, Gabriel (99%); Vasiľ, Martin (1%): The use of Simtalk program for modelling disconnection of rail vehicles in the mineral raw materials mining. 2017 Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017 : ISBN 978-619-7408-01-0 ISSN 1314-2704 |
AFC | Fedorko, Gabriel (99%); Jassova, Beata (1%): FEM analysis of a conveyor belt on the driving drum of a pipe conveyor. 2017 Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017 : ISBN 978-619-7408-01-0 ISSN 1314-2704 |
AFC | Neradilová, Hana (5%); Fedorko, Gabriel (95%): Simulation of the supply of workplaces by the AGV in the digital factory. 2017 Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2017 : ISSN 1877-7058 |
AFC | Mikušová, Nikoleta (100%): Design of handbook for implementation of eco-logistics in enterprise. 2017 Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2017 : ISBN 978-86-7352-298-2 |
AFC | Mikušová, Nikoleta (50%); Tomková, Eva (50%): Environmental audit - an effective tool for environmental protection. 2017 Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2017 : ISBN 978-86-7352-298-2 |
AFC | Mikušová, Nikoleta (100%): Use of heuristics methods of decision making for solution of waste management. 2017 Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2017 : ISBN 978-86-7352-298-2 |
AFC | Molnár, Vieroslav (95%); Buchala, Vincent (5%): Design of a feeding station in ecological transportation system of raw materials. 2017 Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017 : ISBN 978-619-7105-00-1 ISSN 1314-2704 |
AFC | Molnár, Vieroslav (95%); Ragan, František (5%): Design of an actuator and a crane crab frame for a double-girder crane in the mining company. 2017 Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017 : ISSN 1314-2704 |
AFC | MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - VARGA, Róbert: Design concept of the drive for variable pipe conveyor / - 2017. In 6th International Symposium MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. - Vrdnik : RGF Beograd, 2017 P. 92-96. - ISBN 978-867-3522-98-2 |
AFD | Fedorko, Gabriel (45%); Molnár, Vieroslav (45%); Beluško, Matúš (5%); Hegedüš, Matúš (5%): Creating visual work instructions to ensure safe and fluent operation of the semi-automatic production lines. 2017 Ostrava : Tanger, 2017 : ISBN 978-80-87294-80-2 |
ADC | VIŇÁŠ, Ján - VRABEĽ, Marek - GREŠ, Miroslav - BREZINA, Jakub - SABADKA, Dušan - FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav: Restoration of worn movable bridge props with use of bronze claddings / - 2018. In: Materials. Vol. 11, no. 4 (2018), p. 1-13. - ISSN 1996-1944 Spôsob prístupu: |
ADC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - DOVICA, Miroslav - TÓTH, Teodor - FABIANOVÁ, Jana - STROHMANDL, Jan - NERADILOVÁ, Hana - HEGEDÜŠ, Matúš - BELUŠKO, Matúš: Analysis of defects in carcass of rubber–textile conveyor belts using metrotomography / - 2018. In: Journal of Industrial Textiles. Vol. 47, no. 7 (2018), p. 1812-1829. - ISSN 1528-0837 Spôsob prístupu: |
ADC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - LIPTAI, Pavol - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav: Proposal of the methodology for noise sources identification and analysis of continuous transport systems using an acoustic camera / - 2018. In: Engineering Failure Analysis. Vol. 83 (2018), p. 30-46. - ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - HONUS, Stanislav - NERADILOVÁ, Hana - KAMPF, Rudolf: The application of simulation model of a milk run to identify the occurrence of failures / - 2018. In: International Journal of Simulation Modelling = IJSIMM. - Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel (Rakúsko) : DAAAM International Vienna Roč. 17, č. 3 (2018), s. 444-457 [print]. - ISSN 1726-4529 |
ADC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - HONUS, Stanislav - BELUŠKO, Matúš - TOMAŠKOVÁ, Marianna: Influence of selected characteristics on failures of the conveyor belt cover layer material / - 2018. In: Engineering Failure Analysis. č. 94 (2018), s. 145-156 [print]. - ISSN 1350-6307 |
ADM | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - DOVICA, Miroslav - TÓTH, Teodor: Conveyor Belt Quality Assessment for In-House Logistics / - 2018. In: Quality - Access to Success = Calitatea - acces la succes : revista de sisteme de management : journal of management systems. - Bucuresti (Rumunsko) : Romanian Society for Quality Assurance Roč. 19, č. 166 (2018), s. 35-38 [print]. - ISSN 1582-2559 |
ADM | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - VASIĽ, Martin - HANZL, Jiri: Application of the tecnomatix plant simulation program to modelling the handling of ocean containers using the AGV system / - 2018. In: Naše More = Our Sea : Znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo : International Journal of Maritime Science & Technology. - Dubrovnik (Chorvátsko) : Sveučilište u Dubrovniku Roč. 65, č. 4 (2018), s. 230-236 [print, online]. - ISSN 0469-6255 |
ADM | MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - FEDORKO, Gabriel - HONUS, Stanislav - GIROVSKÁ, Lenka - LIŽBETIN, Ján: Selection and allocation of a warehouse linked to reloading terminal and seaport / - 2018. In: Naše More : Our Sea : Znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo : International Journal of Maritime Science & Technology. - Dubrovnik (Chorvátsko) : Sveučilište u Dubrovniku 65 4 (2018), s. 169-173 [print, online]. - ISSN 0469-6255 |
ADM | FEDORKO, Gabriel - NERADILOVÁ, Hana - JACKANIN, Juraj: Discrete model simulation of a passenger cable car operation / - 2018. In: Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal. - Lublin (Poľsko) : Society of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians Roč. 12, č. 2 (2018), s. 170-179 [print]. - ISSN 2080-4075 |
ADM | FEDORKO, Gabriel - ŽOFČINOVÁ, Vladimíra - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav: Legal Aspects Concerning Use of Drones in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic within the Sphere of Intra-logistics / - 2018. In: Periodica Polytechnica : Transportation Engineering. - Budapešť (Maďarsko) : Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Roč. 46, č. 4 (2018), s. 179-184 [print]. - ISSN 0303-7800 |
ADM | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - KOPAS, Melichar: Calculation and simulation model of a system RopeCon / - 2018. In: TEM Journal : Technology, Education, Management, Informatics. - Novi Pazar (Srbsko) : Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science 7 3 (2018), s. 480-487 [print]. - ISSN 2217-8309 |
AFC | MICHALIK, Peter - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - FEDORKO, Gabriel - TIRPÁK, Peter - PETRUŠ, Michal - AMBROZY, Martin - ROŠKO, Norbert: Návrh konštrukcie odihľovacieho stroja / - 2018. In: Sborník přednášek 44. mezinárodní vědecké konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů. - Brno (Česko) : Vysoké učení technické v Brně s. 96-102 [print, CD-ROM]. - ISBN 978-80-214-5644-0 |
AFC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - Ščavnický: Simulation options for the airport terminal People Mover AGV system with ExtendSim 8 / - 2018. In: 19th International Scientific Conference - LOGI 2018. - London (Veľká Británia) : EDP Sciences s. 1-8 [online]. |
AFC | FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - LACKOVÁ, Lenka: Acceleration of Košice-airport-bound shuttle boarding / - 2018. In: 19th International Scientific Conference - LOGI 2018. - London (Veľká Británia) : EDP Sciences s. 1-6 [online]. Spôsob prístupu: |
AFC | NERADILOVÁ, Hana - FEDORKO, Gabriel - KOPCSAY, Michal: Simulation of crisis situation in road transport / - 2018. In: International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering. - Belgrade (Srbsko) : City Net Scientific Research Center s. 842-848 [online]. - ISBN 978-86-916153-4-5 Spôsob prístupu: |
AFD | MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta - TIMÁK, Miloš - FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav: Design of new effective train traffic diagram for a railway line / - 2018. In: Horizons of Railway Transport 2018. - Londýn (Veľká Británia) : EDP Sciences s. 1-6 [online]. |
AFD | FUTÁŠ, Peter - PRIBULOVÁ, Alena - FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta: Computer simulation of railway wagon brake disc casting / - 2018. In: Horizons of Railway Transport 2018. - Londýn (Veľká Británia) : EDP Sciences s. 1-4 [online]. |
AGJ | MICHALIK, Peter - FEDORKO, Gabriel - MOLNÁR, Vieroslav - TOMEČEK, Juraj: Skúšobné zariadenie pre dopravné pásy hadicových dopravníkov na meranie materiálových chrakteristík pomocou multiaxialného tlaku Prihláška úžitkového vzoru/ - Banská Bystrica : [s.n.] - 2018. - 4 s.. |
Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)
Output name | Description of output | Link |
Virtuálne laboratórium | Webový portál, kde sú umiestnené štúdijne podklady | |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele výborne.