Obsahová integrácia znalostí a prakticky orientovaných zručností v študijnom odbore Výrobné technológie

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 3 pre obsahovú integráciu a diverzifikáciu vysokoškolského štúdia

Project name (Slovak): Obsahová integrácia znalostí a prakticky orientovaných zručností v študijnom odbore Výrobné technológie

Project name (English): Content integration of knowledge and practically oriented skills in the field of study Manufacturing Technology

Start of project: 2015

End of project: 2017

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 087TUKE-4/2015

Project leader: prof. Ing. Peter Pavol Monka, PhD., ING-PAED IGIP

University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Department: Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove

Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku

S aktuálnou potrebou celoživotného vzdelávania je na základe výskumu nevyhnutné zaoberať sa inováciami cieľov vzdelávania, ktoré študentov pripravia na schopnosť práce v rámci úzkej špecializácie v danom čase, ale rovnako aj na nevyhnutnosť neustáleho sa učenia v dôsledku vývojových zmien. Výskum poukazuje na to, že je potrebné stanovenie širších cieľov, ktoré na jednej strane podmieňujú úspešný výkon práce v podmienkach globalizujúcich a transformujúcich sa spoločností, a z druhej strany prispieva k zachovávaniu zdravého spôsobu osobného a spoločenského života.

Výsledky výskumu dosiahnuté v rámci tohto projektu poukazujú na nevyhnutnosť takého spôsobu vzdelávania, ktoré absolventom zabezpečí nielen výbornú odbornú prípravu, ale aj flexibilitu, kreativitu a schopnosť inovatívneho konania a pozitívneho spoločenského angažovania. To vyžaduje poskytovanie vzdelávania s výraznou zmenou orientácie od čiastkových vedomostí ku komplexným a prakticky orientovaným spôsobilostiam ku kompetenciám tak, aby bolo preukázateľné, že výsledky vzdelávania majú priame prepojenie s úspešným fungovaním v praktickom živote.

V rámci výskumu v projekte KEGA „Obsahová integrácia znalostí a prakticky orientovaných zručností v študijnom odbore Výrobné technológie“ (087TUKE-4/2015) sa táto báza poznatkov využila na hmotné pedagogické výstupy v podobe dokumentov slúžiacich pre inovácie rozvoja znalostí a prakticky zameraných zručností ŠO Výrobné technológie, v zmysle predmetnej výzvy.

Pretože komplex schopností, ktoré musí úspešný absolvent zvládnuť je značne rozsiahly - komunikácia v materinskom a cudzích jazykoch, matematické schopnosti a základné schopnosti v oblasti vedy a technológií, schopnosti práce s digitálnymi technológiami, schopnosť učiť sa, sociálne a občianske schopnosti, zmysel pre iniciatívu a podnikavosť, kultúrne povedomie a vyjadrenie – je nevyhnutné výsledky tohto výskumu zameraného na odbornú oblasť vzdelávania v budúcnosti integrovať aj s inými oblasťami rozvoja osobnosti.

Description of original results of the project in English

With the current need for lifelong learning, research is essential to addressing the educational goals that students are preparing for their ability to work within a narrow range of specializations at a given time, but also on the need for constant learning as a result of developmental change. Research suggests that broader goals need to be set which, on the one hand, condition the successful performance of work in the conditions of globalizing and transforming societies and, on the other, contribute to the maintenance of a healthy way of personal and social life.

The research results achieved in this project point to the necessity of such a learning process that will provide graduates not only with excellent training but also with flexibility, creativity and the ability of innovative behavior and positive social engagement. This requires the provision of education with a significant change in orientation from partial knowledge to complex and practically oriented competences to competences to demonstrate that learning outcomes are directly linked to successful functioning in practical life.

As part of the KEGA project "Content Integration of Knowledge and Practical Skills in the Study Field Manufacturing Technologies" (087TUKE-4/2015), this knowledge base has been used for material pedagogical outputs in the form of documents for innovation in knowledge development and practically focused skills of study field Manufacturing Technology, in line with the call of KEGA agency.

Because the complex of abilities that a successful graduate has to master is quite extensive - communication in native and foreign languages, math skills and basic skills in science and technology, digital literacy skills, learning ability, social and civic skills, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression - it is essential to integrate the results of this research focusing on the field of education in the future with other areas of personality development.

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 14 770,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
AAA Monková, Katarína (100%); Zidková, Helena (0%); Krile, Srecko (0%): Základy modelovania v softvéri SolidWorks. 2016
AAA Monková, Katarína (100%); Krile, Srecko (0%); Kardošová, Andrea (0%): Analýza jednoduchých prútových konštrukcií v softvéri Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis. 2016
AAA Monková, Katarína (100%); Beisetzer, Peter (0%); Zídková, Helena (0%): Základy určovania integrálnych charakteristík rovinných i priestorových útvarov. 2016
ACA Monka, Peter (100%); Czán, Andrej (0%); Řehoř, Jan (0%): Projektovanie prípravkov. 2015
ACA Monka, Peter (100%); Czán, Andrej (0%); Řehoř, Jan (0%): Projektovanie rezných nástrojov. 2015
AAA Monková, Katarína (100%): Krok za krokom v softvéri Inventor Professional - 1. vyd. - Prague : RISE Association - 2017. - 178 p.. - ISBN 978-80-87670-20-0
ADM Čižíková, Andrea (3%); Monková, Katarína (70%); Markovič, Jaromír (25%); Ciencala, Jakub (2%): Numerical and experimental modal analysis of gear wheel. 2016 ISSN 1803-1269
ADM Čižikova, Andrea (5%); Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (44%); Urban, Marek (1%): Analysis of frequency characteristics at spindle of CNC machining centre. 2016 ISSN 1803-1269
ADM Monka, Peter Pavol (40%); Markovič, Jaromír (15%); Monková, Katarína (35%); Rehor, Jan (1%); Hric, Slavomír (5%); Manduľák, Dušan (4%): Fixtures Design for Increasing of Quality Production of Cast Workpiece with Weld Deposit. 2016 ISSN 1213-2489
AFA Monka, Peter Pavol (45%); Monková, Katarína (45%); Kološ, David (5%); Urban, Marek (5%): Quality and productivity enhancement at the machining of wear resistant hard coats. 2017 Belgrade : Mechanical Engineering Faculty, 2017 : ISSN 978-86-7083-934-2
AFA Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (45%); Zetkova, I. (2%); Zetek, M. (2%); Hanzl, P. (1%): Influence of sample orientation on young’s modulus and fracture surface at dmls technology. 2017 Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017 : ISSN 2584-3982
AFA Monkova Katarina (50%), Monka Peter (50%): Qualitative Parameters of Complex Part Produced by Additive Approach - 2017.In: ICMAE 2017. - Danvers : IEEE, 2017 P. 691-694. - ISBN 978-1-5386-3306-9
AFA Monkova Katarina (50%), Monka Peter (50%): Accuracy Investigation of Features Produced by Additive Technology - 2017.In: EAME 2017. - Paris : Atlantis Press, 2017 P. 239-242. - ISBN 978-94-6252-332-6 - ISSN 2352-5401
AFC Monková, Katarína (45%); Monka, Peter (35%); Hric, Slavomír (10%); Ondek, Vladimír (5%); Pastucha, Peter (5%): Analysis of the Coolant Temperature at the Injection Moulding. 2015 Lancaster : DEStech publications, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-60595-267-3
AFC Monková, Katarína (40%); Monka, Peter Pavol (40%); Pastucha, Peter (10%); Hricová, Romana (10%): Simulation of the chip formation. 2016 Lancaster : Destech Publications, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-60595-387-8
AFC Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (44%); Kačalová, Mária (5%); Urban, Marek (1%): Static analysis of gantry crane-preliminary study. 2016 Lancaster : Destech Publications, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-60595-387-8
AFC Monková, Katarína (65%); Hric, Slavomír (5%); Knapčíková, Lucia (10%); Vagaská, Alena (10%); Matisková, Darina (10%): Application of simulation for product quality enhancement. 2016 Lancaster : DEStech Publications, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-60595-345-8
AFC Monková, Katarína (42%); Monka, Peter Pavol (40%); Hloch, Sergej (15%); Balara, Milan (2%); Urban, Marek (1%): Robot actuators definition—preliminary study. 2016 Lancaster : DEStech Publications, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-60595-345-8
AFC Monková, Katarína (45%); Monka, Peter Pavol (43%); Hric, Slavomír (5%); Ondek, Vladimír (5%); Urban, Marek (2%): Investigation of chip dimensional characteristics created by the specific cutting tool at the machining of 12 050 steel. 2017 Switzerland : Trans Tech Publications, 2017 : ISBN 978-303835783-4 ISSN 1013-9826
AFC Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (50%): Influence of deposition and laser treatment on some characteristics of medium carbon steel. 2017 Switzerland : Trans Tech Publications, 2017 : ISBN 978-303835783-4 ISSN 1013-9826
AFC Monková, Katarína (45%); Monka, Peter Pavol (45%); Hric, Slavomir (5%); Urban, Marek (5%): Comparison of natural frequencies evaluated experimentally and numerically. 2017 Cluj Napoca : TU, 2017 : ISSN 1224-3264
AFC Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (50%): Some aspects influencing production of porous structures with complex shapes of cells. 2017 Cham : Springer, 2017 : ISBN 978-3-319-56429-6 ISSN 2195-4356
AFC Pastucha, Peter (10%); Čižiková, Andrea (30%); Šmeringaiová, Anna (30%); Hricová, Romana (20%); Hric, Slavomír (10%): Technological Devices Design Using Simulation Tool. 2015 Amsterdam : Atlantis Press, 2015 : ISSN 2352-5401
AFC Pastucha Peter et al.: Shape Fastener of the Bus Skeleton Testing / ... [et al.] - 2015. In: ICECTT 2015. - Amsterdam : Atlantis Press, 2015 P. 135-138. - ISSN 2352-5401 Spôsob prístupu: http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/pub.php?publication=icectt-15&frame=http%3A//www.atlantis-press.co
AFC Hric, Slavomír (30%); Pastucha, Peter (30%); Ondek, Vladimír (30%); Lehocka, Dominika (10%): Electronic scripts and handbooks in engineering education. 2015 Lancaster : DEStech, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-60595-277-2
AFC Čižikova, Andrea (10%); Hric, Slavomír (80%); Carach, Jan (5%); Kinik, Daniel (5%): Integral characteristics of solid objects specification within the technically oriented lessons. 2015 Lancaster : DEStech, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-60595-277-2
AFD Monková, Katarína (50%); Monka, Peter Pavol (45%); Zidkova, Helena (5%): CAPP as a tool for strategy development of competitiveness in the mechanical engineering industry within European countries. 2017 S.l. : EAI, 2017 : ISBN 978-1-63190-149-2
AFC Monková Katarína, Monka Peter Pavol: Three Approaches to the Gyroid Stmcture Modelling as a Base of Lightweight Component Produced by Additive Technology ln: 2017 2nd lntemational Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics (CMSAM 2017): 22. - 23.10.2017: Beijing, China
AFC Monková Katarína, Monka Peter Pavol, Ondek Vladimír: Modal Analysis of Lightweight Racing Car In: 2017 2ml lntemational Conference on Com putational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics (CMSAM 2017): 22. - 23.10.2017: Bei,jing, China P. 130-134 Lancastcr, Pensylvania, USA :DEStech Publications, lne., 2017
AFC Monková Katarína, Monka Peter Pavol, Tkáč Jozef: Influence of the volume ratio of solid phase on carrying capacity oť regular porous structure In: The 13th Intemational conference Modem Technologies in Manuťacturing: 12. - 13.10.2017: Cluj-Napoca, Romania P. 1-7 Les Ulis, France : EDP Sciences,2017
AFC Monková Katarína, Monka Peter Pavol et al.:Surface roughness evaluation after machining wear resistant hard coats In: The 13th International conference Modem Technologies in Manufacturing: 12. -13.10.2017: Cluj-Napoca, Romania P.1-8, Les Ulis, France : EDP Sciences ,2017
AFC Hric Slavomir et al.: Application of Theory Related to Kinematic Analysis of Mechanism into Educational Process In: 2017 2nd International Conference on Education, Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE 2017): 21.- 22.5.2017: Beijing, China P. 112-116 Lancaste1;Pensylvania, USA: DEStech Publications, lnc.,2017
AFC Hric Slavomir et al.: Some Aspects of Visualization as the Tool of Education Process Quality Increasing In: 2017 2nd International Conference on Education, Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE 2017): 21. - 22.5.2017: Beijing, China P. 117-121 Lancaster, Pensylvania, USA: DEStech Publications, lnc., 2017
AGJ Monková, Katarína (40%); Monka, Peter Pavol (30%); Balara, Milan (20%); Hrehová, Stella (10%): Zariadenie na snímanie vibrácií s bezdrôtovým prenosom údajov o vibráciách. 2016


Category Name Specific name
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Cizikova, A., Monkova, K., Monka, P., Urban, M.: Analysis of frequency characteristics at spindle of CNC machining centre, MM Science Journal, 2016(DECEMBER), pp. 1515-1518
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Monkova, K., Monka, P.:  Some aspects influencing production of porous structures with complex shapes of cells, In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering : NEWTECH 2017. - Cham : Springer, 2017 P. 267-276
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Monkova, K., Monka, P., Pastucha, P., Hricova, R.: Simulation of the Chip Formation, International Conferene on Advanced Manufacture Technology and Industrial Application, AMTIA (2016) pp. 354-358.

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele.

