Model zlepšovania kvality absolventa a uchádzača o prácu v odbore na európskom trhu práce

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 1 pre program rozvoja materského, základného a stredného školstva (perspektívy)

Project name (Slovak): Model zlepšovania kvality absolventa a uchádzača o prácu v odbore na európskom trhu práce

Project name (English): Model for improving the quality of graduates and job applicants in European labour market

Start of project: 2015

End of project: 2016

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 010UCM-4/2015

Project leader: doc. PaedDr. Juraj Miština, PhD.

University: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

Department: Fakulta prírodných vied

Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku

1. Model kurzu anglického jazyka na profesionálnu komunikáciu - tzv. "Projektový semester":

Kurz je zameraný na zlepšenie jazykových komunikačných kompetencií v profesionálnom prostredí a rozvoj počítačovej gramotnosti cieľovej skupiny študentov stredných odborných škôl. Kurz je plánovaný v rozsahu dve hodiny týždenne v jednom polroku školského roku, a je možné ho flexibilne prispôsobovať individuálnym potrebám študentov a školy. Kurz využíva projektové vyučovanie, ktoré umožňuje študentom kreatívne aplikovať získané vedomosti, a pri využívaní informačných a komunikačných technológií zdokonaľovať sa aj v digitálnej gramotnosti. Dôležitým prvkom je aj osvojovanie si elektronickej komunikačnej etikety.

2. Modelová multimediálna pomôcka pre odborné vzdelávanie v oblasti elektrotechniky:

Súčasný neuspokojivý stav realizovania technických predmetov na všetkých stupňoch vzdelávania v Slovenskej republike, bol podnetom na hľadanie a uplatňovanie inovatívnych foriem a metód edukácie, modernizovanie a zvyšovanie účinnosti vzdelávacieho procesu. Pozornosť sme upriamili na návrh metodiky tvorby multimediálnych učebných pomôcok s prvkami e-learningu a na jej aplikáciu. Výsledkom je multimediálna edukačná pomôcka s prvkami e-learningu (MP), ktorá pokrýva tematickú oblasť bytovej elektroinštalácie. Pomôcku možno charakterizovať, ako komplexné, interaktívne a graficky prívetivé učebné prostredie s námetmi a nápadmi, ktoré môže učiteľ využiť, kombinovať a čiastočne upravovať podľa vlastných potrieb pri výučbe. Žiaci nájdu v MP všetky potrebné informácie k učivu tematického celku, zrozumiteľne spracované aj v zhrnutiach, aktivitách a záujmových cvičeniach a testoch. Obsah a forma sú vytvorené tak, aby podporovali kladný vzťah žiakov k tejto problematike a predmetu samotnému. Predpokladáme, že práca s MP im pomôže efektívnejšie zvládnuť problematiku základných pojmov elektroinštalácie s použitím názorného obrazového materiálu a interaktívneho digitálneho obsahu. Snahou autorov je v budúcnosti dopracovať ďalšie tematicky súvisiace časti, založené aj na iných multimediálnych a interaktívnych koncepciách. Hlavným cieľom je vhodne využiť MP vo vzdelávacom procese s akcentom na dosiahnutie väčšej názornosti abstraktných pojmov, zvýšenia záujmu a aktívneho prístupu žiakov o danú problematiku. V neposlednom rade sme prirodzeným pedagogickým experimentom overili MP v praxi, a verifikovali jej vplyv na získané kognitívne vedomosti a psychomotorické zručnosti žiakov.

3. Vedeká monografia "Key competences and the labour market / Kľúčové kompetencie a trh práce":

Vedecká monografia "Key competences and the labour market" je dielom riešiteľského kolektívu, v ktorom publikujú výsledky riešenia projektu KEGA. Editormi publikácie sú hlavní riešitelia Juraj Miština a Roman Hrmo. Recenzenti sú špičkoví odborníci z Poľska, Rakúska a Slovenska. Publikácia má 11 kapitol na 298 stranách. Monografia je napísaná v angličtine a vydaná v zahraničnom vydavateľstve. Obsahuje podrobný opis výsledkov riešenia projektu. Text je doplnený ilustráciami, grafmi a tabuľkami. Publikácia je určená akademickej obci a širšiemu odbornému publiku z oblasti edukácie a odborovej didaktiky.


Description of original results of the project in English

1. Model of English language course for professional communication - the so called "Project Semester":

The course is aimed at improving the linguistic communication competence in a professional environment and the development of computer literacy of the target group of the secondary technical and vocational students.The course is planned in the range of two hours per week in one semester of the school year and can be flexibly adapted to the individual needs of students and schools. The course uses a project-based teaching that allows students to creatively apply acquired knowledge, and in the use of information and communication technologies also improve digital literacy. An important element is the acquisition of electronic communication etiquette.

2. A model multimedia tool for vocational training in electrical engineering:

The current unsatisfactory situation in teaching technical subjects at all levels of education in the Slovak Republic was the incentive for searching and implementation of innovative forms and methods of education, modernisation of the educational process and increasing its efficiency. We drew attention to a methodology design of the development of multimedia educational tools with elements of e-learning and its application. The result is the Multimedia Aid (MA) with elements of e-learning, which covers the subject area of residential wiring system The tool can be characterized as a complex, interactive and graphically friendly teaching/learning environment with suggestions and ideas that teachers can use, combine and partially modify according to their needs for teaching. In MA, the students will find all the necessary information to the subject matter of a unit, clearly concluded in summaries, and distinctly processed in activity tasks, optional exercises and in the tests. The content and form should support the a positive attitude of students towards the topically oriented unit and the subject itself. We expect that the work with MA, using an illustrative visual materials and digital content, will help them to cope with basic concepts of electrical wiring. An effort of the authors in the future is to finalize thematically related parts, based on other multimedia and interactive concepts. The main objective is to make an appropriate use of MA in the educational process with emphasis on achieving greater clarity of abstract concepts, and increase the interest of students and pro-active approach to the issue. Last but not least, using the natural pedagogical experiment, we verified the MA application in practice, and verified its influence to the acquired cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills of students.

3. Scientific monograph "Key competences and the labour market":

The scientific monograph "Key competences and the labour market" is the output of the research team, which published the achievements of the project KEGA. Editors of a publication are the principal investigators Juraj Miština and Roman Hrmo. Reviewers are top experts from Poland, Austria and Slovakia. The monograph is written in English and published by a foreign publisher. The publication has 11 chapters on 298 pages. It includes a detailed description of the results of the project. The text is accompanied by illustrations, graphs and tables. The publication is addressed to the academic community and the wider specialist public in the field of education and field didactics.

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 9 605,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
AFC Beňo, Miroslav (40%); Jurinová, Jana (30%); Miština, Juraj (30%): Principles of graphic design in the development of training materials. 2015 Stavropoľ : Severo-Kavkazskij gumanitarno-techničeskij institut, 2015. ISSN 2227-1392
AFC Jurinová, Jana (60%); Miština, Juraj (40%): E-learning design failure analysis and the proposals for solutions. 2015 Stavropoľ : Severo-Kavkazskij gumanitarno-techničeskij institut, 2015. ISSN 2227-1392
AFC Hrmo, Roman (34%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (33%); Miština, Juraj (33%): Building a Quality System of Technical and Vocational Education in Slovakia Towards a European Labour Market. 2015. - Príspevok zapísaný v DB Scopus. In: WEEF 2015 : Proceedings of 2015 International conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). - Florencia : IEEE, 2015. - ISBN 978-1-4799-8706-1, S. 237-243.
AFC Krištofiaková, Lucia (25%); Hrmo, Roman (25%); Kučerka, Daniel (25%); Kmec, Ján (25%); Filípek, Josef (0%); Hvorecký, Jozef (0%): Laboratories and Their Advantage in Practices. 2015 Łomża : State University of Applied Sciences, 2015. ISBN 978-83-60571-35-4
AFC Hrmo, R. (50%); Rusnáková, S. (20%); Kučerka, D. (20%); Kmec. J. (10%): Technical experiment in tutorial - didactic tool develop technical skills. In Present Day Trends of Innovations 5 : sborník příspěvků. 1. vyd. Lomza: Printing House of Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, 2015. s. 274-277, 4 s. ISBN 978-83-60571-35-4.
AFC Hrmo, Roman (20%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (20%); Kučerka, Daniel (20%); Kmec, Ján (10%); Rusnáková, Soňa (10%); Vargová, Mária (10%); Biznárová, Emília (10%): The research of the engineering pedagogy. Príspevok zapísaný v DB Scopus. In WEEF 2015. Proceedings of 2015 International conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). 20. - 24. september 2015, Florence, Italy. [b.m.] : IEEE, 2015, Príspevok zapísaný v DB Scopus. [5] s. ISBN 978-1-4799-8706-1.
AFC Lengyelfalusy, Tomáš (100%): Tvorivosť učiteľa ako nevyhnutnosť pri rozvoji tvorivosti žiaka (nie len) na hodinách matematiky. 2015 Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7231-998-5
AFC Lengyelfalusy, Tomáš (100%): Didactic Tests - How to Create Them and Use Them in Teaching of Trainee Teachers of Mathematics. 2015 Brno : Univerzita obrany, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7231-995-4
AFD Miština, Juraj (100%): Specifics of English Technical Terminology for Science and Technology. In: Applied natural sciences 2015 : Perspectives in V4 countries : The 5th international scientific conference / editor: Peter Nemeček. - Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8, S. 150-155
AFD Jurinová, Jana (100%): Characteristics Analysis of Sorting Algorithms for Development of Interactive Visual Application. In: Applied natural sciences 2015 : Perspectives in V4 countries : The 5th international scientific conference / editor: Peter Nemeček. - Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8, S. 150-155Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8
AFD Beňo, Miroslav (100%): Strategy for attracting and retaining the attention of the website user. In: Applied Natural Sciences 2015 : Perspectives in V4 countries : The 5th international scientific conference / editor: Peter Nemeček. - Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8
AFD Hrmo, Roman (50%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (50%): Quality system of education. In: Applied Natural Sciences 2015 : Perspectives in V4 countries : The 5th international scientific conference / editor: Peter Nemeček. - Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8
AFC Bilčík, Alexander (50%); Hrmo, Roman (50%): Orientácia na procesný prístup k manažérstvu vo vzdelávacích organizáciách. 2016 Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-7814-7
AFC Jurinová, Jana (100%): Interactive Visual Application Development for the Purpose of Complexity Analysis and Stability of Sorting Algorithms / Jana Jurinová, 2015. - Príspevok indexovaný vo WoS pod č. WOS:000380498500002. In: 2015 International Conference Software, Multimedia and Communication Engineering (SMCE2015). - Lancaster : DEStech Publications, 2015. - ISBN 978-1-60595-284-0, S. 9-14.
ADE Hrmo, Roman (50%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (50%): Engineering Pedagogy and its role in quality assurance in higher education. 2015 Baden : Redaktion R&E-SOURCE, 2015. ISSN 2313-1640
ADE Kučerka, Daniel (25%); Opekarová, Ludmila (25%); Hrmo, Roman (25%); Karková, Monika (25%): Communication in educational practice. 2015 Baden : Redaktion R&E-SOURCE, 2015. ISSN 2313-1640
ADE Jurinová, Jana (100%): Instruction Videos for Psychomotor Skills Development. In: R&E-source : časopis pre výskum a vzdelávanie. - special issue 4, december (2015), pp. 129-133. 2015 Baden, Rakúsko : Pädagogische Hochschule für Niederösterreich, ISSN 2313-1640
ADE Beňo, Miroslav (60%); Vadkertiová, Andrea (40%): Open source alternatives and applications for technical and vocational training. In: R&E-source : časopis pre výskum a vzdelávanie. special issue 4, december (2015), pp. 129-133. Baden, Rakúsko : Pädagogische Hochschule für Niederösterreich, ISSN 2313-1640
ADE Miština, Juraj (100%): Teaching Engineering Students to Communicate Effectively. In: R&E-source : časopis pre výskum a vzdelávanie. special issue 4, december (2015), pp. 129-133. Baden, Rakúsko : Pädagogische Hochschule für Niederösterreich, ISSN 2313-1640
AFD Hrmo, Roman (50%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (50%): Recept na kvalitu vo vysokoškolskom prostredí-vnútorný systém manažérstva kvality. 2015 Dubnica nad Váhom : Dubnický technologický inštitút v Dubnici nad Váhom, 2015. ISBN 978-80-98732-64-7
AFD Vadkertiová, Andrea (100%): Theory and practice of management information systems. In: Applied natural sciences 2015 : Perspectives in V4 countries : The 5th international scientific conference / editor: Peter Nemeček. - Trnava : UCM v Trnave, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-8105-729-8, S. 150
AFD Papučík, Marek (50%); Jurinová, Jana (50%): Skúmanie vlastností triediacích algoritmov. In: Aplikované prírodné vedy 2015 : zborník prác zo študentskej vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou / editor: Peter Nemeček. - 1. vyd. - Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-8105-679-6, S. 169-177 [CD-ROM].
AFC Hrmo, R. (40%); Miština, J. (40%); Krištofiaková, L. (20%): Model for improving the quality of graduates and job applicants in European labour market. In : Interactive Collaborative Learning: Proceedings of the 19th ICL Conference - Volume 1. Editors: Auer, D. Guralnick, J. Uhomoibhi (Eds.), Volume 544 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp. 429-43. Publisher Springer International Publishing, 2017. Print ISBN 978-3-319-50336-3, Online ISBN 978-3-319-50337-0
ADM Hrmo, Roman (40%); Miština, Juraj (50%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (10%): Improving the Quality of Technical and Vocational Education in Slovakia for European Labour Market Needs. In: International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP). Vol. 6, no. 2 (2016), pp. 14-22.- ISSN 2192-4880
FAI Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. p. 298. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Juraj Miština 70 % (1.015 author's sheet), Roman Hrmo 20 % (0.29 author's sheet), Lucia Krištofiaková 10 % (0.145 author's sheet): Chapter 1: Teaching professional communication competences for labour market needs in technical and vocational schools in Slovakia. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 9-27. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
AEC Juraj Miština 70 % (1.015 author's sheet), Roman Hrmo 20 % (0.29 author's sheet), Lucia Krištofiaková 10 % (0.145 author's sheet): Chapter 1: Teaching professional communication competences for labour market needs in technical and vocational schools in Slovakia. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 9-27. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Lucia Krištofiaková 100% (1.5 author's sheet) Chapter 3: Quality assessment and improvement in the school environment. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 47-69. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Juraj Miština 100% (1.69 author's sheet) Chapter 4: Courses of professional English as a qualitative factor in technical and science education at secondary technical and vocational schools. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 71-91. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABA Jana Jurinová 100% (3.32 author's sheet) Chapter 4: Designing and developing e-learning course to enhance professional knowledge and skills in electrical engineering vocational courses. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 93-135. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
AEC Daniel Kučerka 60 % (1.1 author's sheet), Roman Hrmo 40 % (0.74 author's sheet) Chapter 6: Development of teaching facilities and integrated working places. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 137-161. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Miroslav Beňo 70 % (1.32 author's sheet), Juraj Miština 30 % (0.56 author's sheet) Chapter 7: Effective utilization of ICT facilities for quality teaching and learning in secondary technical and vocational schools. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 163-187. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
AEC Miroslav Beňo 70 % (1.32 author's sheet), Juraj Miština 30 % (0.56 author's sheet) Chapter 7: Effective utilization of ICT facilities for quality teaching and learning in secondary technical and vocational schools. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 163-187. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Andrea Vadkertiová 70 % (1.30 author's sheet), Juraj Miština 30 % (0.55 author's sheet) Chapter 8: Effective knowledge transfer as a condition for the applicability of secondary school graduates in labour market. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 189-213. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
AEC Andrea Vadkertiová 70 % (1.30 author's sheet), Juraj Miština 30 % (0.55 author's sheet) Chapter 8: Effective knowledge transfer as a condition for the applicability of secondary school graduates in labour market. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 189-213. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
ABC Roman Hrmo 60 % (1.12 author's sheet), Lucia Krištofiaková 40 % (0.75 author's sheet) Chapter 11: Quality assurance in higher education with a focus on the quality of university teachers. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 267-293. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
AEC Roman Hrmo 60 % (1.12 author's sheet), Lucia Krištofiaková 40 % (0.75 author's sheet) Chapter 11: Quality assurance in higher education with a focus on the quality of university teachers. In : Key competences and the labour market. Scientific monograph. Editors: Juraj Miština, Roman Hrmo. Reviewers: Paweł Czarnecki, Alena Hašková, Norbert Kraker. 1st edition. Published by: Warsaw Management University Publishing House, Poland, 2016. pp. 267-293. ISBN: 978-83-7520-223-6
BEF Kučera, Michal (50%); Jurinová, Jana (50%): Tvorba odborného interaktívneho nástroja pomocou programov Blender a Unity. 2016 Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8105-783-0
AFC Juraj Miština (100%): Culture of electronic communication as a part of professional language training of students at secondary technical and vocational schools in Slovakia. In : Proceedings from SCHOLA 2016, 12th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. Zborník je v tlači
AFC Lucia Krištofiaková (100%): Quality assessment at schools. In : Proceedings from SCHOLA 2016, 12th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. Zborník je v tlači
AFC Jana Jurinová (100%): Identifying the difficult thematic units for increasing the specific IT competences and skills in the field of algorithmization and programming. In : Proceedings from SCHOLA 2016, 12th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. Zborník je v tlači
AFC Daniel Kučerka (40 %), Roman Hrmo (40%), Markéta Majerová (20%): Social climate in class. In : Proceedings from SCHOLA 2016, 12th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. Zborník je v tlači

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele.

