Implementácia nových trendov výskumu do vzdelávania v oblasti progresívnych materiálov a inteligentných technológií autoelektroniky

Basic informations


Thematic area: komisia č. 3 pre obsahovú integráciu a diverzifikáciu vysokoškolského štúdia

Project name (Slovak): Implementácia nových trendov výskumu do vzdelávania v oblasti progresívnych materiálov a inteligentných technológií autoelektroniky

Project name (English): Implementation of new research trends into education in the area of progressive materials and intelligent technologies of auto electronics

Start of project: 2014

End of project: 2016

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 002TUKE-4/2014

Project leader: prof. Ing. Alena Pietriková, CSc.

University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Department: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky

Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku

Výsledkom riešenia projektu je implementácia nových trendov výskumu ako aj potrieb praxe do vzdelávania v oblasti progresívnych materiálov a inteligentných technológií autoelektroniky, ktorá je podporená napísaním nadčasovej vysokoškolskej učebnice „Vybrané kapitoly z technológií v elektronike“. Potreba implementácie nových trendov výskumu do vzdelávania vznikla na základe detailnej analýzy súčasného stavu vzdelávania, z hľadiska naplnenia odbornej profilácie študijného programu „Technológie v automobilovej elektronike“ na Fakulte elektrotechniky a informatiky Technickej univerzity v Košiciach.  V rámci plnenia cieľov projektu bola vytvorená komplexná technologická platforma pre podporu štúdia v oblasti automobilovej elektroniky. Boli vytvorené 3 učebnice, z toho 2 v anglickom jazyku. S podporou projektu KEGA bolo dobudované experimentálne pracovisko pre výučbu a výskum a realizáciu tímových a individuálnych projektov ako aj dizertačných, bakalárskych a diplomových prác.

Description of original results of the project in English

The result of the project is the implementation of the new trends of research as well as the needs of the practice in education in the field of advanced materials and intelligent technologies autoelektroniky, which is supported by the timeless college-textbooks "Selected chapters of technologies in Electronics” . The need for the implementation of the new trends of research in education was founded on the basis of a detailed analysis of the current state of education, from the point of view of fulfillment of professional profiling of the study programme "Technology in automotive electronics" at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical university in Košice. In the framework of the fulfilment of the objectives of the project was to created a complex technology platform to support the study in the field of car electronics. There were created 3 textbooks, of which 2 in English. With the support of the project KEGA was built an experimental workstation for teaching and research and implementation of team and individual projects as well as dissertations, bachelor and master theses.

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 22 770,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
ACB Pietriková, Alena (50%); Kardoš, Slavomír (50%); Šály, Vladimír (0%); Podprocký, Tomáš (0%): Fundamentals of materials engineering. 2015
ACB Pietriková, Alena (50%); Ďurišin, Juraj (50%); Szendiuch, Ivan (0%); Šály, Vladimír (0%): Vybrané kapitoly z technológií v elektronike. 2016
ACB Pietriková, Alena (60%); Vehec, Igor (40%); Buršák, Marián (0%); Šály, Vladimír (0%): Processing Technologies in Electronics (Výrobné procesy v elektronike). 2015
ADC Ďurišin, Juraj (50%); Balga, Dušan (15%); Saksl, Karel (15%); Pietriková, Alena (20%): Atomic structure of Cu-Zr-Ti metallic glasses subjected to high temperature annealing. 2014 ISSN 0925-8388
ADC Pietriková, Alena (33%); Ruman, Kornel (1%); Rovenský, Tibor (33%); Vehec, Igor (33%): Impact analysis of LTCC materials on microstrip filters' behaviour up to 13 GHz. 2015 ISSN 1356-5362
ADC Pietriková, Alena (47%); Lukács, Peter (46%); Jakubeczyova, Dagmar (1%); Ballokova, Beata (1%); Potencki, Jerzy (1%); Tomaszewski, Grzegorz (1%); Pekarek, Jan (1%); Prikrylova, Katerina (1%); Fides, Martin (1%): Surface analysis of polymeric substrates used for inkjet printing technology. 2016 ISSN 0305-6120
ADC Ruman, Kornel (1%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Galajda, Pavol (17%); Vehec, Igor (40%); Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Kmec, Martin (1%): A new approach to construction of extended kit for M-Sequence UWB sensor system based on LTCC. 2016 ISSN 1356-5362
ADC Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Pietriková, Alena (49%); Vehec, Igor (49%); Kmec, Martin (1%): Influence of various multilayer LTCC systems on dielectric properties’ stability in GHz frequency range. 2016 ISSN 1356-5362
ADE Lukács, Peter (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Technológia InkJet Printing – 1. časť. 2015 ISSN 1805-5044
ADE Lukács, Peter (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Technológia InkJet Printing – 2. časť. 2016 ISSN 1805-5044
ADE Lukács, Peter (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Technológia InkJet Printing – 3. časť. 2016 ISSN 1805-5044
ADF Hovanec, Peter (1%); Rovenský, Tibor (60%); Pietriková, Alena (39%): Spoľahlivosť LTCC s mikropásikovou štruktúrou vo vysokofrekvenčnej oblasti. 2014 ISSN 1338-0087
ADF Kaliňák, Stanislav (1%); Ruman, Kornel (60%); Pietriková, Alena (39%): Konštrukcia mikropásikového dolnopriepustného filtra s medznou frekvenciou 2,5 GHz na báze DPS. 2014 ISSN 1338-0087
ADF Kardoš, Slavomír (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Real-time diagnostika motorového oleja. 2014 ISSN 1337-7612
ADF Cabúk, Pavol (34%); Ďurišin, Juraj (33%); Pietriková, Alena (33%): Elektromigrácia v spájkovaných spojoch. 2015 ISSN 1338-0087
ADF Ruman, Kornel (1%); Rovenský, Tibor (49%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Correlation Between Simulations and Real Measurements of Microstrip Filters Based on LTCC in High Frequency Area. 2015 ISSN 1335-8243
ADF Lukács, Peter (80%); Pietriková, Alena (20%): Analýza zmáčavosti polyimidového substrátu Kapton® HN. 2015 ISSN 1338-0087
ADF Girašek, Tomáš (70%); Pietriková, Alena (30%): Substráty pre výkonovú elektroniku. 2015 ISSN 1338-0087
ADF Kováč, Ondrej (34%); Lukács, Peter (33%); Pietriková, Alena (33%): Software tool for scripting and image processing applied in jetlab inkjet printers. 2015 ISSN 1335-8243
ADF Kardoš, Slavomír (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%): Evaluation of motor oil characteristics and degradation factors for possibilities of continuous diagnostics. 2016 ISSN 1335-8243
ADF Lukács, Peter (30%); Pietriková, Alena (60%); Potencki, Jerzy (5%); Tomaszewski, Grzegorz (5%): The Deposition Process Optimization By Controlling of the Piezo Elements in the Print Head. 2016 ISSN 1338-3957
ADM Žuk, Samuel (40%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Vehec, Igor (20%): LTCC Based Planar Inductive Proximity Sensor Design. 2016 ISSN 2064-5260
ADM Lukács, Peter (30%); Pietriková, Alena (70%): Nano-ink Drops’ Behavior on the Polymeric Substrates’ Surfaces. 2016 ISSN 0324-6000
AED Pietriková, Alena (50%); Lukács, Peter (50%); Kocur, Dušan (0%); Pietriková, Alena (0%): Analýza mechanických vlastností LTCC substrátov. 2014 Košice : TU, 2014 : ISBN 978-80-553-1704-5
AED Rovenský, Tibor (40%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Ruman, Kornel (20%); Kocur, Dušan (0%); Pietriková, Alena (0%): Design and measurements of microstrip narrow-band notch filter based on LTCC substrate Murata LFC. 2014 Košice : TU, 2014 : ISBN 978-80-553-1704-5
AED Ruman, Kornel (30%); Pietriková, Alena (30%); Vehec, Igor (20%); Rovenský, Tibor (20%); Kocur, Dušan (0%); Pietriková, Alena (0%): Design of low pass filter based on substrate Murata LFC for ultra wide-band sensor system. 2014 Košice : TU, 2014 : ISBN 978-80-553-1704-5
AED Lukács, Peter (50%); Pietriková, Alena (50%); Juhár, Jozef (0%); Kocur, Dušan (0%): Materiály aplikovateľné v technológii InkJet Printing. 2015 Košice : TU, 2015 : ISBN 978-80-553-2178-3
AED Pietriková, Alena (30%); Girašek, Tomáš (70%); Juhár, Jozef (0%); Kocur, Dušan (0%): Keramické materiály používané vo výkonovej elektronike. 2015 Košice : TU, 2015 : ISBN 978-80-553-2178-3
AFC Lukács, Peter (30%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Kováč, Ondrej (30%): The impact of surface properties of polymeric substrates on the nano- inks behavior. 2016 Piscataway : IEEE, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-5090-1390-6
AFC Kardoš, Slavomír (40%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Tóthová, Jana (20%): Possibilities of motor oil continuous diagnostics. 2015 S.l. : IEEE, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8860-0
AFC Lukács, Peter (45%); Pietriková, Alena (45%); Livovský, Ľubomír (10%): Analysis of Mechanical Properties of LTCC Substrates. 2014 Piscataway : IEEE, 2014 : ISBN 978-1-4799-4455-2
AFC Rovenský, Tibor (30%); Pietriková, Alena (30%); Ruman, Kornel (15%); Vehec, Igor (25%): Stability of LTCC substrates in high frequency area after accelerated aging tests. 2014 Piscataway : IEEE, 2014 : ISBN 978-1-4799-4455-2
AFC Ruman, Kornel (30%); Pietriková, Alena (30%); Vehec, Igor (20%); Rovenský, Tibor (15%); Galajda, Pavol (5%): Integration of Microstrip LP and BP Filters to Multilayer Structure Based on Various LTCC. 2014 Piscataway : IEEE, 2014 : ISBN 978-1-4799-4455-2
AFC Pietriková, Alena (40%); Ďurišin, Juraj (40%); Bazu, Marius (10%); Ilian, Virgil (10%): Influence of different methods of ageing on microstructure of solder joints. 2014 Piscataway : IEEE, 2014 : ISBN 978-1-799-4455-2
AFC Lukács, Peter (45%); Pietriková, Alena (45%); Potencki, Jerzy (5%); Tomaszewski, Grzegorz (5%): UWB antenna based on nanoparticles of silver on polyimide substrate. 2015 Piscataway : IEEE, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8860-0
AFC Ruman, Konel (1%); Pietriková, Alena (39%); Vehec, Igor (39%); Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Galajda, Pavol (20%): Modified I - Q Demodulator for m-sequence UWB sensor system based on LTCC. 2015 Piscataway : IEEE, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8860-0
AFC Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Pietriková, Alena (49%); Vehec, Igor (49%); Kmec, Martin (1%): Measuring of dielectric properties by microstrip resonators in the GHz frequency. 2015 Piscataway : IEEE, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8860-0
AFC Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Pietriková, Alena (49%); Ruman, Kornel (1%); Kováč, Ondrej (49%): Microstrip methods for measurement of dielectric properties in High Frequency area. 2015 Piscataway : IEEE, 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8860-0
AFC Pietriková, Alena (49%); Ruman, Kornel (1%); Rovenský, Tibor (1%); Lukács, Peter (49%): Usability of various LTCC in microstrip filters construction. 2015 ISBN 978-303835344-7
AFC Cabúk, Pavol (30%); Ďurišin, Juraj (40%); Pietriková, Alena (30%): Influence of current and combined thermo-current load on microstructure and resistance of solder joints. 2016 Budapešť : IEEE , 2015 : ISBN 978-1-4799-8861-7
AFC Žuk, Samuel (40%); Pietriková, Alena (40%); Vehec, Igor (20%): Development of planar inductive sensor for proximity sensing based on LTCC. 2016 Piscataway : IEEE, 2016 : ISBN 978-1-5090-1390-6
ADE Cabúk, Pavol (80%); Girašek, Tomáš (20%): Simulácia teplotných pomerov na DPS v prostredí HyperLynx® Thermal. 2015 ISSN 1805-5044
ADE Cabúk, Pavol (100%): Presnosť nástroja HyperLynx Thermal v inžinierskej praxi. 2015 ISSN 1805-5044
ADE Cabúk, Pavol (50%); Vehec, Igor (50%): Využitie softvéru FloEFD pri optimalizácii technologického procesu. 2015 ISSN 1805-5044
ADE Cabúk, Pavol (100%): Vplyv umiestnenia chladiča na jeho tepelný odpor. 2016 ISSN 1805-5044

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).

