Vývoj nových materiálov na základe výpočtového modelovania a simulácie danej štruktúry materiálu
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní
Project name (Slovak): Vývoj nových materiálov na základe výpočtového modelovania a simulácie danej štruktúry materiálu
Project name (English): Utilization of computational modelling and simulation of material structure for development of new materials
Start of project: 2013
End of project: 2015
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 007TnUAD-4/2013
Project leader: prof. Ing. Ján Vavro, PhD.
University: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Department: Fakulta priemyselných technológií v Púchove
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku
Projekt sa zaoberá zavedením moderných metód a nových technológií do výučby pri určovaní mechanických, fyzikálnych a chemických vlastností materiálov, ktoré budú slúžiť ako vstupné hodnoty pre následné vytvorenie modelu štruktúry materiálu na jeho numerickú analýzu a simuláciu z pohľadu jeho úžitkových vlastností. Riešením projektu sa dosiahli tieto výsledky:
- vytvorenie počítačovej učebne s pripojením na internet,
- zakúpenie konečno-prvkových softvérov na tvorbu výpočtových modelov pre edukačné účely (Marc, Patran, Nastran, Solid-Works, Adams, ADINA),
- akreditácia študijného programu pre 1. stupeň štúdia „ počítačová podpora materiálového inžinierstva “,
- vydanie 1 monografie, 1 učebnice,
- prezentácia výsledkov projektu na medzinárodných vedeckých konferenciách a v časopisoch .
Description of original results of the project in English
The given project is closely connected with implementation and introduction of modern and progressive methods as well as new advanced technologies in relation to the education process. It is based on determination and specification of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of various types of materials. The obtained results of the mentioned determination of materials properties can be used as input data or values or parameters for the subsequent creation of material structure model and in addition, the given obtained data or values or parameters can be used for numerical analysis as well as simulation of the model from the aspect of utility properties of investigated specific material. Based on the obtained investigation results relating to the introduced project, these resulting output steps were carried out:
- building up of specialised laboratory focused on information technologies with utilisation of the access to internet,
- buying of finite-element software systems in order to create the different computational models for educational purposes ((Marc, Patran, Nastran, Solid-Works, Adams, ADINA),
- acquisition of accreditation for study programme in the 1st degree of university study which is focused on computer support of material engineering,
- publishing of one monography and one school book,
- presentation of all obtained project results at international scientific conferences as well as in scientific journals.
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 12 494,00 | 0,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
AAB | Vavro Jr., Ján (100%); Trebuňa, František (0%); Sága, Milan (0%): Numerická analýza napäťových stavov štruktúr grafitických liatin. 2013 |
ADE | Vavro Jr, Ján (20%); Vavro, Ján (20%); Vavrová, Alena (20%); Kováčiková, Petra (20%); Bezdedová, Radka (20%): Experimental and numerical modal analysis of the plate of carbon composite. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Vavro Jr, Ján (20%); Vavro, Ján (20%); Vavrová, Alena (20%); Kováčiková, Petra (20%); Bezdedová, Radka (20%): Experimental and numerical modal analysis of the plate of glass composite. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
AEC | Vavro Jr, Ján (25%); Vavro, Ján (25%); Vavrová, Alena (25%); Kováčiková, Petra (25%); Gerlici, Juraj (0%); Segľa, Štefan (0%); Žmindák, Milan (0%): Experimental and numerical analysis of the eigenfrequencies of glass composite. 2013 Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7414-607-7 |
ADE | Kováčiková, Petra (25%); Vavro, Ján (25%); Valášek, Rudolf (25%); Vavro Jr, Ján (25%): Fatigue of construction steel under the cyclic loading. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
AEC | Kováčiková, Petra (25%); Vavro, Ján (25%); Valášek, Rudolf (25%); Vavro Jr, Ján (25%); Gerlici, Juraj (0%); Segľa, Štefan (0%); Žmindák, Milan (0%): Structural steel STN 17 346 from the aspect of mechanical fatigue caused by cyclic loading. 2013 Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7414-607-7 |
ADC | Matejíčka, Ladislav (100%): Sharp bounds for the weighted geometric mean of the first Seiffert and logarithmic means in terms of weighted generalized Heronian mean. 2013 ISSN 1085-3375 |
ADF | Paliesková, Jana (25%); Pajtášová, Mariana (25%); Feriancová, Andrea (25%); Holcová, Katarína (25%): The study of fillers on the based organolays using in the polymeric materials. 2013 ISSN 1337-8996 |
AED | Domčeková, Slavomíra (25%); Ondrušová, Darina (25%); Špániková, Lenka (25%); Jankurová, Zuzana (25%): The reinforcing effect of alternative filler in rubber compounds. 2013 ISSN 1336-7242 |
AED | Ondrušová, Darina (20%); Pajtášová, Mariana (20%); Špániková, Lenka (20%); Domčeková, Slavomíra (20%); Ďurčeková, Michaela (20%): Rubber additives, their influence on rubber properties and environmental aspects of production. 2013 ISSN 1336-7242 |
AED | Špániková, Lenka (20%); Ondrušová, Darina (20%); Domčeková, Slavomíra (20%); Kopcová, Mária (20%); Holcová, Katarína (20%): The nanofillers on the basis of natural and synthetic zeolite and their influence on properties of the rubber compounds. 2013 ISSN 1336-7242 |
AED | Pajtášová, Mariana (17%); Ondrušová, Darina (17%); Jankurová, Zuzana (17%); Holcová, Katarína (17%); Jóna, Eugen (16%); Paliesková, Jana (16%): The application of fillers based on modified clay materials in rubber compounds. 2013 ISSN 1336-7242 |
ADE | Holcová, Katarína (17%); Pajtášová, Mariana (17%); Špániková Buňová, Lenka (17%); Paliesková, Jana (17%); Jankurová Mičicová, Zuzana (16%); Janeková, Mariana (16%): Study of the properties for rubber compounds with fillers based on PLA and PP Fibers. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Vavro Jr., Ján (34%); Vavro, Ján (33%); Kováčiková, Petra (33%): Distribution of stress around the graphitic particles in cast iron microstructure. 2014 ISBN 978-3-03785-977-3 |
ADE | Kováčiková, Petra (17%); Vavro, Ján (17%); Kopas, Peter (17%); Handrik, Marián (17%); Valášek, Rudolf (16%); Vavro Jr., Ján (16%): Fatigue lifetime of the construction steel under the cyclic loading. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Pavúčková, Adriana (25%); Fedorová Ďurovcová, Michaela (25%); Pešlová, Františka (25%); Krum, Stanislav (25%): Structural changes of selected materials after thermal shocks. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Vavro Jr., Ján (17%); Vavro, Ján (17%); Kováčiková, Petra (17%); Kopas, Pater (17%); Handrik, Marian (16%); Bezdedová, Radka (16%): Numerical analysis of stress states for cast iron with the spheroidal shape of graphite. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Luptáková, Natália (50%); Pešlová, Františka (50%): Study of the final product in the production of ZnO. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Špániková Buňová, Lenka (20%); Ďurčeková, Michaela (20%); Ondrušová, Darina (20%); Domčeková, Slavomíra (20%); Holcová, Katarína (20%): Utilization of natural and Ca-clinoptilolite in the function of sorbent of zinc from technological wastewater - effect of time and pH. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Domčeková, Slavomíra (25%); Ondrušová, Darina (25%); Špániková Buňová, Lenka (25%); Jankurová Mičicová, Zuzana (25%): Verification of the colloidal silica influence in rubber compounds. 2014 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADM | Vavro Jr., Ján (17%); Vavro, Ján (17%); Kováčiková, Petra (17%); Kopas, Peter (17%); Handrik, Marián (16%); Bezdedová, Radka (16%): Numerical analysis of stress states for graphitic cast iron structures. 2014 ISSN 1660-9336 |
AFC | Kováčiková, Petra (34%); Vavro Jr., Ján (33%); Vavro, Ján (33%); Gerlici, Juraj (0%); Segľa, Štefan (0%): Fatigue of the construction steel under the cyclic loading at the rotation movement. 2014 Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7414-749-4 |
AFC | Vavro Jr., Ján (34%); Vavro, Ján (33%); Kováčiková, Petra (33%); Gerlici, Juraj (0%); Segľa, Štefan (0%): The diagnostic of composite materials using experimental modal analysis. 2014 Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7414-749-4 |
ADE | Kováčiková, Petra (25%); Vavro, Ján (25%); Valášek, Rudolf (25%); Vavro Jr, Ján (25%): Fatigue of construction steel under the cyclic loading. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Špániková, Lenka (20%); Ondrušová, Darina (20%); Domčeková, Slavomíra (20%); Holcová, Katarína (20%); Ďurčeková, Michaela (20%): Study of curing characteristics of rubber compounds containing fillers on the basis of natural and synthetic zeolite. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Pajtášová, Mariana (20%); Feriancová, Andrea (20%); Jankurová, Zuzana (20%); Holcová, Katarína (20%); Paliesková, Jana (20%): Influence of Cu2+ kaolin filler on thermal and structural characteristics of rubberizing components. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Pajtášová, Mariana (20%); Jankurová, Zuzana (20%); Feriancová, Andrea (20%); Paliesková, Jana (20%); Holcová, Katarína (20%): The modified clay materials and their influence on the properties of polymeric materials. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Domčeková, Slavomíra (25%); Ondrušová, Darina (25%); Špániková, Lenka (25%); Jankurová, Zuzana (25%): The reinforcing effect of the dust from glass production in rubber compounds. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
ADE | Vavro Jr, Ján (20%); Vavro, Ján (20%); Vavrová, Alena (20%); Kováčiková, Petra (20%); Bezdedová, Radka (20%): Experimental and numerical modal analysis of the plate of glass composite with delamination damage. 2013 ISSN 0018-8069 |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).