Moderné softvérové inžinierstvo vo výučbe - návrh štruktúry a realizácia náplne aktuálnych predmetov softvérového inžinierstva pre inžinierske informatické programy technických univerzít
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 3 pre obsahovú integráciu a diverzifikáciu vysokoškolského štúdia
Project name (Slovak): Moderné softvérové inžinierstvo vo výučbe - návrh štruktúry a realizácia náplne aktuálnych predmetov softvérového inžinierstva pre inžinierske informatické programy technických univerzít
Project name (English): Modern Software Engineering in Higher Education - Proposal for the Structure and Content of Selected Software Engineering Courses for Master Study Programs at Technical Universities
Start of project: 2011
End of project: 2012
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 040TUKE-4/2011
Project leader: doc. Ing. Ladislav Samuelis, CSc.
University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Department: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku
- Publikácia učebného textu s názvom "Základy softvérového inžinierstva - Metriky a nástroje na správu softvérových projektov".
- Publikácia učebného textu "Základy testovanie softvéru - Úvod to teórie verifikácie softvéru".
- Vypracovanie výučbového portálu pre predmet "Kvalita a manažment softvéru" pre druhý stupeň inžinierskeho štúdia v študijnom programe Informatika (na platforme Moodle).
- Vypracovanie prednášok a cvičení pre predmet "Kvalita a manažment softvéru" v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku.
- Vypracovanie skúšobných testov v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku pre predmet "Kvalita a manažment softvéru" v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku.
Description of original results of the project in English
- Publication of the learning materials for course "Software Engineering Fundamentals - Measuring, Comprehending and Managing your Software Projects".
- Publication of the learning materials for course "Software Testing Fundamentals - Introduction to the Software Verification Theory".
- Elaboration of the learning portal for course "Software quality and management" for the master course in study programme Informatics (on the Moodle platform).
- Elaboration of the lectures and laboratory exercises for the course "Software quality and management" in slovak and english languages.
- Elaboration of testing materials for the course "Software quality and management in slovak and english languages.
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Drawn in year 2011 | 683,00 | 0,00 |
Drawn in year 2012 | 4 674,00 | 0,00 |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 5 357,00 | 0,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
AAB | AAB Samuelis, Ladislav (50%); Bollin, Andreas (20%); Fühauf, Karol (10%); Ludewig, Jochen (10%); Sandmayr, Helmut (10%): Software Engineering Fundamentals. 2012 |
ADE | ADE Samuelis, Ladislav (100%): On Principles of Software Engineering - Role of the Inductive Inference. 2012 ISBN 978-83-7493-305-6 ISSN 1897-7979 |
AFC | AFC Bollin, Andreas (25%); Hochmüller, Elke (25%); Mittermeir, Roland (25%); Samuelis, Ladislav (25%): Experiences with Integrating Simulation into a Software Engineering Curriculum. 2012 Los Alamitos, California : IEEE Computer Society, 2012 : ISBN 978-0-7695-4693-3 |
AFC | AFC Beňko, Matúš (40%); Samuelis, Ladislav (60%): Notes on experiences with the learning registry. 2012 Zrenjanin : University of Novi Sad, 2012 : ISBN 978-86-7672-167-2 |
AFC | AFC Putnik, Zoran (25%); Ivanovic, Mirjana (25%); Budimac, Zoran (25%); Samuelis, Ladislav (25%): Wiki - A useful tool to fight classroom cheating?. 2012 S.l. : Springer, 2012 : ISBN 978-3-642-33641-6 |
AFC | AFC Geletka, Frantisek (80%); Samuelis, Ladislav (20%): Evaluation of Tools for Automated Unit Testing for Applications in OSGi. 2012 New York : ACM, 2012 : ISBN 978-1-4503-1240-0 |
AFC | AFC Samuelis, Ladislav (100%): Notes on the Parallels Between Biological and Software Evolution. 2012 Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, 2012 : ISBN 978-86-7031-200-5 |
AFC | AFC Szabó, Csaba (40%); Samuelis, Ladislav (40%); Ivanović, Mirjana (10%); Fesič, Tomáš (10%): Database Refactoring and Regression Testing of Android Mobile Applications. 2012 [Subotica] : IEEE, 2012 : ISBN 978-1-4673-4749-5 |
AFC | AFC Andrej, Šoltés (70%); Samuelis, Ladislav (30%): The Learning Registry : Experiments for Educational Purposes. 2012 USA : IEEE, 2012 : ISBN 978-1-4673-2426-7 |
AED | AED Krešák, Ondrej (20%); Samuelis, Ladislav (80%): Metadata in distributed multimedia - theory and practice. 2011 Košice : FEI TU, 2011 : ISBN 978-80-553-0773-2 |
AFC | AFC Samuelis, Ladislav (100%): On principles of software engineering - the role of inductive inference. 2011 Debrecen : IFIP, 2011 : |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).