Tvorba laboratória a učebných textov pre výučbu predmetu "Vlastnosti a použitie materiálov"
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní
Project name (Slovak): Tvorba laboratória a učebných textov pre výučbu predmetu "Vlastnosti a použitie materiálov"
Start of project: 2008
End of project: 2010
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 3/6078/08
Project leader: Ing. Alan Vaško, PhD.
University: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline
Department: Strojnícka fakulta
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku
Projekt sa zaoberá úpravou a modernizáciou laboratória mechanických skúšok a tvorbou učebných textov z predmetu "Vlastnosti a použitie materiálov", zameraných na vlastnosti technických materiálov a ich aplikácie v praxi.
V rámci riešenia projektu sa zrekonštruovalo laboratórium, doplnila sa výpočtová a projekčná technika, modernizovalo sa prístrojové vybavenie pre mechanické skúšky (hlavne tvrdomery), doplnila sa odborná literatúra, materiálové normy STN EN a softvér s materiálovými databázami. Čiastkové výsledky riešenia projektu boli publikované v zahraničných a domácich časopisoch a v zborníkoch zo zahraničných a domácich konferencií a nakoniec sa vydali skriptá Vaško, A. - Skočovský, P.: Vlastnosti a použitie materiálov, určené pre výučbu rovnomenného predmetu.
Description of original results of the project in English
The project deals with the reorganization and modernization of a laboratory for mechanical tests and the creation of textbooks for the subject "Properties and use of materials", which focuse on the properties of technical materials and their application in practice.
The laboratory was reconstructed, the computer and projective techniques were completed, the instrumentation for mechanical tests (especially for hardness tests) was modernized, technical literature, STN EN materials standards as well as software including the materials database were completed within the framework of the project solution. Partial results of the project solution were published in foreign and national journals as well as in proceedings from foreign and national conferences. Finally, the textbooks Vaško, A. - Skočovský, P.: Properties and use of materials, meant for the teaching of the subject, were printed.
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Drawn in year 2008 | 2 556,00 | 0,00 |
Drawn in year 2009 | 2 174,00 | 5 819,00 |
Drawn in year 2010 | 1 132,00 | 887,00 |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 5 862,00 | 6 706,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
BCI | Vaško, A. – Skočovský P.: Vlastnosti a použitie materiálov. 1. vyd. EDIS, Žilina 2009. 96 s. ISBN 978-80-554-0102-7. |
ADE | Vaško, A.: Influence of SiC additive on microstructure and mechanical properties of nodular cast iron, Materials science (Medžiagotyra), Lithuania, Vol. 14, 2008, No. 4, p. 311-314. ISSN 1392-1320. |
ADE | Belan, J.: Structural analyses of advanced material for aerospace industry, Materials science (Medžiagotyra), Lithuania, Vol. 14, 2008, No. 4, p. 315-318. ISSN 1392-1320. |
ADE | Vaško, A.: The factors influencing microstructure and mechanical properties of ADI, Archives of foundry engineering, Poland, Vol. 9, 2009, No. 1, p. 133-136. ISSN 1897-3310. |
ADE | Belan, J.: Influence of cooling rate on gama´ morphology in cast Ni-base superalloy. Archives of foundry engineering, Poland, Vol. 9, 2009, No. 2, p. 101-104. ISSN 1897-3310. |
ADE | Vaško, A.: Microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron, Analele Universităţii „Constantin Brâncuşi“ din Târgu Jiu – Seria Inginerie, Romania, Vol. 3, 2009, No. 3. p. 50-59. ISSN 1842-4856. |
ADE | Vaško, A.: Microstructure and mechanical properties of synthetic nodular cast iron, Archives of Foundry Engineering, Poland, Vol. 10, 2010, No. 1, p. 93-98. ISSN 1897-3310. |
ADE | Belan, J.: Identification of cast iron type with using of NDT methods, Archives of Foundry Engineering, Poland, Vol. 10, 2010, No. 1, p. 103-106. ISSN 1897-3310. |
ADE | Vaško, A. – Belan, J.: Applications of methods of quantitative metallography in materials engineering, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Poland, Vol. 15, 2010, No. 2, p. 405-410. ISSN 1425-1655. |
ADF | Vaško, A.: Porovnanie metód kvantitatívnej metalografie, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, roč. 12, 2008, č. 3-A, s. 495-500. ISSN 1335-2393. |
ADF | Belan, J.: Kvantitatívna metalografia tvárnených Ni-superzliatin, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, roč. 12, 2008, č. 3-A, s. 33-38. ISSN 1335-2393. |
ADF | Vaško, A.: Analysis of the factors influencing microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron, Communications, Vol. 11, 2009, No. 4, p. 43-47. ISSN 1335-4205. |
ADF | Vaško, A.: Chosen factors influencing microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron, Materials Engineering, Vol. 16, 2009, No. 4, p. 11-14. ISSN 1335-0803. |
ADF | Vaško, A.: Influence of transformation temperature on structure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron, Acta metallurgica Slovaca, roč. 16, 2010, ISSN 1335-1532. (v tlači). |
ADF | Belan, J.: Influence of cooling rate on gama´ morphology in cast Ni-base superalloy, Acta metallurgica Slovaca, roč. 16, 2010, ISSN 1335-1532. (v tlači). |
AEC | Vaško, A.: Advantages of automatical image analysis. In: Quality of materials and products (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. - Palček, P.), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2008, s. 21-26. ISBN 978-5-91155-012-7. |
AEC | Belan, J.: The structural parameters evaluation methods of cast Ni-base superalloys. In: Quality and production management in practice (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. – Kovalenko, V. S.), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2008, s. 63-68. ISBN 978-5-91155-011-0. |
AEC | Vaško, A.: Microstructure, mechanical properties and micromechanisms of failure of synthetic nodular cast irons. In: Production engineering (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. – Ulewicz, R.), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2009, s. 97-104. ISBN 978-5-7782-1165-0. |
AEC | Belan, J.: Structural analyses of advanced material for aerospace industry. In: Production engineering (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. – Ulewicz, R.), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2009, s. 121-130. ISBN 978-5-7782-1165-0. |
AEC | Vaško, A. – Vaško, M.: Microstructure and mechanical properties of ADI in dependence of transformation temperature. In: Process innovation (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. – Shevtsova, O. J.), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2010, p. 112-119. ISBN 978-966-1507-33-2. |
AEC | Belan, J.: The changes of ultrasonic velocity and mechanical properties depending on cast iron type. In: Process innovation (Monography – ed. Borkowski, S. – Shevtsova, O. J.), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2010, p. 120-129. ISBN 978-966-1507-33-2. |
AFC | Vaško, A. – Belan, J.: Advantages of automatical image analysis. In: IX międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Nowe technologie i osiągnięcia w metalurgii i inżynierii materiałowej, Częstochowa, Poland, 2008, s. 520-523. ISBN 978-83-7193-372-1. |
AFC | Belan, J. – Vaško, A.: Heatproof coatings on nickel base superalloys. In: IX międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Nowe technologie i osiągnięcia w metalurgii i inżynierii materiałowej, Częstochowa, Poland, 2008, s. 26-29. ISBN 978-83-7193-372-1. |
AFC | Vaško, A.: Mikroštruktúra a mechanické vlastnosti syntetických liatin s guľôčkovým grafitom. In: TechMat 2009, Svitavy, Czech Republic, 2009, s. 23-28. ISBN 978-80-7395-046-0. |
AFC | Belan, J.: Analýza štruktúrnych charakteristík polykryštalickej zliatiny pre letecký priemysel. In: TechMat 2009, Svitavy, Czech Republic, 2009, s. 17-22. ISBN 978-80-7395-046-0. |
AFD | Vaško, A. – Kopas, P.: Analysis of the factors influencing microstructure and mechanical properties of austempered ductile iron. In: 8th european conference of young research and scientific workers TRANSCOM 2009, Section 5, Žilina, 2009, s. 221-224. ISBN 978-80-554-0042-6. |
AFD | Belan, J.: Degradation of advanced cast material for aerospace industry. In: 8th european conference of young research and scientific workers TRANSCOM 2009, Section 5, Žilina, 2009, s. 15-18. ISBN 978-80-554-0042-6. |
AFC | Vaško, A.: Methods of quality control of graphitc cast irons. In: SemKIP, Janów, Poland, 2010. (v tlači). |
AFC | Klacková, M. – Belan, J.: Strategies for profitable companies building. In: SemKIP, Janów, Poland, 2010. (v tlači). |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).