Tvorba a implementácia predmetu „Zelená infraštruktúra“ do študijných programov odboru Krajinné inžinierstvo.

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní

Project name (Slovak): Tvorba a implementácia predmetu „Zelená infraštruktúra“ do študijných programov odboru Krajinné inžinierstvo.

Project name (English): Creation and implementation of the discipline "Green Infrastructure" into the study programs of the Department of Landscape Engineering.

Start of project: 2021

End of project: 2023

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 043SPU-4/2021

Project leader: prof. Ing. Viliam Bárek, CSc.

University: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre

Department: Fakulta záhradníctva a krajinného inžinierstva

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 30 552,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
BEE Creation and implementation of the subject "Green infrastructure" in the study programs of the field of landscape engineering / Viliam Bárek. -- grafy, ilustr. -- Vydané v rámci projektu KEGA 043SPU-4/2021.In: Journal of international scientific publications. -- ISSN 1314-7277. -- Vol. 20, (2022), s.26-32.
BEE Possibilities of using didactic aids in the subject green infrastructure / Anna Báreková. -- grafy, ilustr. -- Vydané v rámci projektu KEGA 043SPU-4/2021.In: Journal of international scientific publications. -- ISSN 1314-7277. -- Vol. 20, (2022), s. 267-272.
P1 Voda v poľnohospodárskej krajine / [elektronický zdroj] Tatiana Kaletová, Ľuboš Jurík, Peter Halaj ; recenzenti Dušan Húska, Róbert Lenárt. -- 1. vyd. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2022. -- 138 s. : ilustr., tab-- ISBN : 978-80-552-2467-1.
O3 In:Education, Research & Development, 13th International Conference, 25-28 August 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria. Viliam Bárek: Creation and implementation of the subject "Green infrastructure" in the study programs of the field of landscape engineering
O3 In:Education, Research & Development, 13th International Conference, 25-28 August 2022, Burgas, Bulgaria. Anna Báreková: Possibilities of using didactic aids in the subject green infrastructure.
V3 JOBBÁGY, Ján - BARTÍK, Oliver - KRIŠTOF, Koloman - BÁREK, Viliam - VIRÁGH, Roderik - SLANÝ, Vlastimil. Design of Hardware and Software Equipment for Monitoring Selected Operating Parameters of the Irrigator. In Sensors. ISSN 1424-3210, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 9, art. no. 3549 [25] s. Dostupné na internete: <>.
V3 JOBBÁGY, Ján - BARTÍK, Oliver - KRIŠTOF, Koloman - BÁREK, Viliam - VIRÁGH, Roderik - SLANÝ, Vlastimil. Design of Hardware and Software Equipment for Monitoring Selected Operating Parameters of the Irrigator. In Sensors. ISSN 1424-3210, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 9, art. no. 3549 [25] s. Dostupné na internete: <>.
V3 BÁREK, Viliam - BÁREKOVÁ, Anna - OBROČNÍK, Oliver. Education in Slovakia in the field of environmental education with an emphasis on green infrastructure. In Journal of international scientific publications. ISSN 1314-7277, 2023, vol. 21, s. 134-141. Dostupné na internete: <>.
V3 BÁREK, Viliam. CREATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE "GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE" INTO THE STUDY PROGRAMS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE ENGINEERING . In Journal of international scientific publications. ISSN 1314-7277, 2023, Volume 20, s. 26-32. Dostupné na internete: <>.
V2 BÁREKOVÁ, Anna. POSSIBILITIES OF USING DIDACTIC AIDS IN THE SUBJECT GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE. In Journal of international scientific publications. , Volume 20, Dostupné na internete: < 1002392/>.
V2 BÁREKOVÁ, Anna - BÁREK, Viliam - OBROČNÍK, Oliver. Poster: “ Strategies and methods for the development of student's motivation. In Journal of international scientific publications. 2023,vol. 21. Dostupné na internete: < >.
V2 BÁREK, Viliam - BÁREKOVÁ, Anna - OBROČNÍK, Oliver. Poster: Education in Slovakia in the field of environmental education with an emphasis on green infrastructure. In Journal of international scientific publications. ISSN 1314-7277, 2023, vol. 21. Dostupné na internete: <>.


Category Name Specific name
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Diurnal and Seasonal Growth Responses of Apple Trees to Water-Deficit Stress.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS THE POTENTIAL OF BIOCHAR AND COMPOST MIXTURE TO INCREASE THE MAIZE CANOPY DURING THE VEGETATIVE SEASON
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Dendrometric measurements of Zea mays under water stress conditions.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Diurnal and Seasonal Growth Responses of Apple Trees to Water-Deficit Stress.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS A Novel Rice Field Sidewalk Detection Dataset for Walk-Behind Hand Tractor.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Research on the Interdependence Linkages between Soil Tillage Systems and Climate Factors on Maize Crop.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Review on prognostics and health management in smart factory: From conventional to deep learning perspectives.
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS Assessment of Technology Acceptance Model of Water Quality Monitoring Technology Application on Rural Areas of Jember Regency

Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)

Output name Description of output Link
Navrhovanie automatických zavlažovacích systémov 2.9.2022 sa uskutočnil celodenný kurz navrhovanie automatických zavlažovacích systémov, počet 25 študentov, misto konania UKI, Hospodárska 9, SPU v Nitre

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele výborne.

