Celoživotná podpora učiteľov základných škôl pre kvalitné vyučovanie – manažment rozvoja vedeckých a bádateľských kompetencií žiakov v oblasti fyzikálneho vzdelávania

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní

Project name (Slovak): Celoživotná podpora učiteľov základných škôl pre kvalitné vyučovanie – manažment rozvoja vedeckých a bádateľských kompetencií žiakov v oblasti fyzikálneho vzdelávania

Project name (English): Lifelong support of primary school teachers for quality teaching - management of the development of scientific and research competencies of students in the field of physics education

Start of project: 2021

End of project: 2023

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 031UKF-4/2021

Project leader: prof. RNDr. Ľubomír Zelenický, CSc.

University: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Department: Fakulta prírodných vied a informatiky

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 52 787,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
AEC Zelenický, Ľ., Rakovská, M., Horváthová, D. Graphic function as a carrier of information about changes in nature and society. In: DIDFYZ 2021 : Didactic transfer of physics knowledge through distance education. 22nd meeting of DIDFYZ . AIP Publishing : Melville, USA, 2021. (V tlači)
AEC Valovičová, Ľ., Ondruška, J., Medova, J. Video experiment in the training of future kindergarten teachers . In: DIDFYZ 2021 : Didactic transfer of physics knowledge through distance education. 22nd meeting of DIDFYZ . AIP Publishing : Melville, USA, 2021. (V tlači)
AEC Vallo,D., Valovicova, Ľ., Kramarekova, H. Kepler´s Laws of Planetary Motion in the Intent of Relationships among Physics, Mathematics, and Geography . In: DIDFYZ 2021 : Didactic transfer of physics knowledge through distance education. 22nd meeting of DIDFYZ . AIP Publishing : Melville, USA, 2021. (V tlači)
V2 Vallo, Dušan (34%); Valovičová, Ľubomíra (33%); Kramáreková, Hilda (33%): Kepler’s laws of planetary motion in the context of relationships between Physics, Mathematics and Geography. 2022 Melville : ISBN 978-0-7354-4341-9
V2 Valovičová, Ľubomíra (34%); Ondruška, Ján (33%); Medová, Janka (33%): Video experiments in initial primary teacher education. 2022 Melville : ISBN 978-0-7354-4341-9
V3 Medová, Janka (40%); Sedmaková, Zdenka (10%); Uhrecký, Branislav (10%); Valovičová, Ľubomíra (40%): Designing Activities to Develop Statistical Literacy in Primary Pupils While Conducting Physics Laboratory Work in Informal Settings. Bazilej : ISSN 2227-7102
V2 Trníková, Jana (50%); Valovičová, Ľubomíra (50%): Fairy tale as a part of development of communication about nature at nursery school. 2022 Melville : ISBN 978-0-7354-4341-9
V2 Zelenický, Ľubomír (34%); Horváthová, Daniela (33%); Rakovská, Mária (33%): Graphic function as a carrier of information about changes in nature and society. 2022 Melville : ISBN 978-0-7354-4341-9
V2 Štubňa, Igor (25%); Húlan, Tomáš (25%); Ondruška, Ján (25%); Trník, Anton (25%): Determination of the fundamental mode of flexural vibration of solid materials and its frequency in laboratory work. 2022 Melville : ISBN 978-0-7354-4341-9
V2 Zelenický, Ľ. 2023. Preparation of physics teachers for the next generation of students . DIDFYZ 2023 - New approaches in physics education for generation Z. september 20-23, 2023, Terchova, Slovakia. Morressier - IOP Publishing. V tlači.
V2 Zelenický, Ľ., Štubňa, I., Vallo, D. Extension of the kinematics problem about the meeting of two bodies. DIDFYZ 2023 - New approaches in physics education for generation Z. september 20-23, 2023, Terchova, Slovakia. Morressier - IOP Publishing. V tlači.
V2 Valovičová, Ľ., Bočková, V., Haringová, S., Medová, J. Affordances of technology-supported trails in education of pre-service primary teachers in physics. DIDFYZ 2023 - New approaches in physics education for generation Z. september 20-23, 2023, Terchova, Slovakia. Morressier - IOP Publishing. V tlači.
P1 Zelenický, Ľ., Valovičová, Ľ., Ondruška, J. Metodika experimentálnej činnnosti učiteľov základných škôl. Učebný text. Nitra, KF, 2023.

Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)

Output name Description of output Link
Študijný program Návrh nového dvojročného študijného programu rozširujúceho štúdia fyziky. www.ukf.sk

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele excelentne (s dosiahnutím celospoločenských prínosov).

