Inovácia a nové možnosti vzdelávania v oblasti riadenia priemyselných procesov pomocou PLC

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní

Project name (Slovak): Inovácia a nové možnosti vzdelávania v oblasti riadenia priemyselných procesov pomocou PLC

Project name (English): Innovation and new learning opportunities in industrial process management with PLC

Start of project: 2020

End of project: 2022

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 005STU-4/2020

Project leader: Ing. Andrea Némethová, PhD.

University: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

Department: Materiálovotechnologická fakulta so sídlom v Trnave

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 32 256,75 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
ADM A. Nemethova, D. Borkin, M. Nemeth, The analysis of EEG signal and comparison of classification algorithms using machine learning methods, ISSN: 2194-5357, 10s.
ADM M. Nemeth, A. Nemethova, D. BorkinThe analysis of EEG signal and finding correlations between right-handed and left-handed people, ISSN: 2194-5357, 10s.
ADM D. Borkin, M. Nemeth, A. Nemethova, The proposal of customized convolutional neural network using for image blur recognition, ISSN: 2194-5357, 10s.
AFD Németh, Martin (25%); Borkin, Dmitrii (25%); Némethová, Andrea (25%); Michaľčonok, German (25%): Deep drill-down analysis for failures detection in the production line. 2021 Piscataway : ISBN 978-1-6654-0330-6
AFC Kováč, Szabolcs (25%); Halenár, Igor (25%); Michaľčonok, German (25%); Némethová, Andrea (25%): Heat load forecasting: comparison between neuro-fuzzy and neural network approaches a real world case study. 2021 Cham : ISBN 978-3-030-77445-5 ISSN 2367-3389
AFD Borkin, Dmitrii (25%); Németh, Martin (25%); Némethová, Andrea (25%); Michaľčonok, German (25%): Checking the identity of the state of qubits using the CSWAP operator. 2021 Piscataway : ISBN 978-1-6654-0330-6
AFC Borkin, Dmitrii (34%); Németh, Martin (33%); Némethová, Andrea (33%): The Proposal of Customized Convolutional Neural Network Using for Image Blur Recognition. 2020 Cham : ISBN 978-30-30633-21-9
AFD Borkin, Dmitrii (25%); Németh, Martin (25%); Némethová, Andrea (25%); Michaľčonok, German (25%): Checking the identity of the state of qubits using the CSWAP operator. 2021 Piscataway : ISBN 978-1-6654-0330-6
AFC Kováč, Szabolcs (25%); Halenár, Igor (25%); Michaľčonok, German (25%); Némethová, Andrea (25%): Heat load forecasting: comparison between neuro-fuzzy and neural network approaches a real world case study. 2021 Cham : ISBN 978-3-030-77445-5
AFC Németh, Martin (34%); Némethová, Andrea (33%); Borkin, Dmitrii (33%): The analysis of EEG signal and finding correlations between right-handed and left-handed people. 2020 Cham : ISBN 978-30-30633-21-9
AFC Németh, Martin (34%); Némethová, Andrea (33%); Borkin, Dmitrii (33%): The analysis of EEG signal and finding correlations between right-handed and left-handed people. 2020 Cham : ISBN 978-30-30633-21-9
AFC Némethová, Andrea (34%); Borkin, Dmitrii (33%); Németh, Martin (33%): The Analysis of EEG Signal and Comparison of Classification Algorithms Using Machine Learning Methods. 2020 Cham : ISBN 978-30-30633-21-9


Category Name Specific name
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS všetky citácie sú uvedené v prílohe projektu

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele.

