Moderné edukačné nástroje a metódy pre formovanie kreativity a zvýšenie praktických zručností a návykov absolventov technických odborov vysokých škôl

Basic informations

Thematic area: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní

Project name (Slovak): Moderné edukačné nástroje a metódy pre formovanie kreativity a zvýšenie praktických zručností a návykov absolventov technických odborov vysokých škôl

Project name (English): Modern educational tools and methods for forming creativity and increasing practical skills and habits for graduates of technical university study programmes

Start of project: 2019

End of project: 2021

Condition of project: Ukončený

Project number: 013TUKE-4/2019

Project leader: prof. Ing. Vieroslav Molnár, PhD.

University: Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Department: Fakulta výrobných technológií so sídlom v Prešove

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA

Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA Capital expenditures in €
Pumped for the entire period of the project 54 554,00 0,00

List of project outcomes for the entire solution

Publishing activity

Category code Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.)
ADC Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Homolka, Lubor (20%); Michalik, Peter (10%); Tuckova, Zuzana (20%): Utilisation of measurements to predict the relationship between contact forces on the pipe conveyor idler rollers and the tension force of the conveyor belt. 2019 ISSN 0263-2241
ADC Stejskal, Tomáš (20%); Melko, Jaroslav (20%); Rjabušin, Adrián (10%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Hatala, Michal (10%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Specific principles of work area stiffness measurement applied to a modern three-axis milling machine. 2019 ISSN 0268-3768
ADC Petruška, Ondrej (35%); Zajac, Jozef (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Tkáč, Jozef (5%): The Effect of the Carbon Fiber Content on the Flexural Strength of Polymer Concrete Testing Samples and the Comparison of Polymer Concrete and U-Shaped Steel Profile Damping. 2019 ISSN 1996-1944
ADC Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Honus, Stanislav (1%); Andrejiová, Miriam (20%); Grinčová, Anna (20%); Michalik, Peter (19%): Prediction of contact forces on idler rolls of a pipe conveyor idler housing for the needs of its online monitoring. 2019 ISSN 0263-2241
ADC Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Dovica, Miroslav (10%); Toth, Teodor (10%); Soos, Lubomir (10%); Fabianova, Jana (10%); Pinosova, Miriama (20%): Failure analysis of irreversible changes in the construction of car tyres. 2019 ISSN 1350-6307
ADC Homišin, Jaroslav (20%); Grega, Robert (20%); Kaššay, Peter (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Removal of systematic failure of belt conveyor drive by reducing vibrations. 2019 ISSN 1350-6307
ADC Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Michalik, Peter (10%); Dovica, Miroslav (20%); Kelemenova, Tatiana (20%); Toth, Teodor (10%): Failure analysis of conveyor belt samples under tensile load. 2019 ISSN 1528-0837
AAA Diagnostika pohonov automatizovaných technologických systémov. Božek, Pavol; Nikitin, Yuri R. Ostrava : Ámos, 2019 . - 191 s. ISBN 978-80-87691-26-7
AGJ Automatizovaný systém na zaznamenávanie prítomnosti osôb : prihláška úžitkového vzoru č. 206-2018, stav: zverejnená prihláška, dátum zverejnenia prihlášky: 4.6.2019, Vestník ÚPV SR č. 06/2019 / Pavol Božek, Elena Pivarčiová, Ivan Kuric, Ladislav Karrach, Dariusz Wiecek Banská Bystrica : Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva SR, 2019 . - 6 s. prihl.úžitkového vzoru
ADD Pivarčiová, Elena; Božek, Pavol; Domnina, Kseniia; Škultéty, Emil; Fedosov, Sergej N. Interferometric measurement of heat transfer above new generation foam concrete. Measurement Science Review. Vol. 19, no. 4 (2019), s. 153-160
ADC Stehlíková, Beáta (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Michalik, Peter (20%); Pauliková, Alena (20%): Research about influence of the tension forces, asymmetrical tensioning and filling rate of pipe conveyor belt filled with the material on the contact forces of idler rolls in hexagonal idler housing. Oxford : ISSN 1873-412X
ADC Labant, Slavomír (20%); Bindzárová Gergeľová, Marcela (20%); Kuzevičová, Žofia (10%); Kuzevič, Štefan (10%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%): Utilization of geodetic methods results in small open-pit mine conditions: A case study from slovakia. Bazilej : ISSN 2075-163X
ADC Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (10%); Honus, Stanislav (5%); Andrejiová, Miriam (20%); Grinčová, Anna (20%); Michalik, Peter (15%); Palenčár, Jakub (10%): Research in placement of measuring sensors on hexagonal idler housing with regard to requirements of pipe conveyor failure analysis. Amsterdam : ISSN 1350-6307
ADC Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Blaho, Peter (20%); Gašparík, Jozef (20%); Zitrický, Vladislav (20%): Failure Analysis of Cyclic Damage to a Railway Rail – A case study. Amsterdam : ISSN 1350-6307
ADM Weiszer, Michal (30%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Tučková, Zuzana (20%); Poliak, Miloš (10%): Dispatching policy evaluation for transport of ready mixed concrete. Berlín : ISSN 2391-5439
ADM Fedorko, Gabriel (40%); Heinz, Dávid (10%); Molnár, Vieroslav (40%); Brenner, Tomáš (10%): Use of mathematical models and computer software for analysis of traffic noise. Berlín : ISSN 2391-5439
ADM Hlatká, Martina (10%); Fedorko, Gabriel (40%); Molnár, Vieroslav (40%); Kampf, Rudolf (10%): Optimization of Logistics Processes During the Production of Wood Chips. Novi Pazar : ISSN 2217-8333
ADC Virgala, Ivan (25%); Kelemen, Michal (20%); Božek, Pavol (12%); Bobovský, Zdenko (1%); Hagara, Martin (20%); Prada, Erik (20%); Oščádal, Petr (1%); Varga, Martin (1%): Investigation of snake robot locomotion possibilities in a pipe. Basel : ISSN 2073-8994
ADM Fedosov, Sergej N. (1%); Domnina, Kseniia (1%); Bakanov, Maksim Olegovich (1%); Soldán, maroš (97%): Modeling of the heat dissipation process of composite materials during stabilization of the structure using the example of non-autoclaved foam concrete. Prague : ISSN 1805-0476
ADM Lozhkin, Alexander (1%); Božek, Pavol (98%); Maiorov, K. (1%): The method of high accuracy calculation of robot trajectory for the complex curves. Gliwice : ISSN 2450-5781
ADM Tarakanov, Denis Vyacheslavovich (1%); Prajová, Vanessa (96%); Bakanov, Maksim Olegovich (1%); Kuznetsov, Aleksandr Valerievich (1%); Domnina, Kseniia (1%): Model of cyclical monitoring and managing of large-scale fires and emergencies for evaluation of the required number of unmanned aircraft systems. Prague : ISSN 1805-0476
AFC Shaidurova, Nataliy (10%); Homokyová, Mária (90%): The Methodology of Tax Records for the Support of Tax Management. 2020 Varšava : ISBN 978-83-66675-03-2
AFC Zajačko, Ivan (10%); Prajová, Vanessa (90%): Analytical Tools in an Industrial Enterprise. 2020 Varšava : ISBN 978-83-66675-03-2
AFD Romanov, Alexander (1%); Nikitin, Jurij P (1%); Božek, Pavol (98%): Ocenka ostatočnogo resursa privodov mobiľnych robotov. 2020 Košice : ISBN 978-80-553-3487-5
AGJ Božek, Pavol (100%): Systém pre monitorovanie prevádzkovej teploty nápravových ložísk železničných dvojkolies.
ADM GERULOVÁ, Kristína - SOLDÁN, Maroš - KUCMANOVÁ, Alexandra - SANNY, Zuzana. The effect of Fenton ́s reagent in combination with ozone to the biodegradability of metalworking fluids wastewaters. In Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. Vol.55, iss. 6 (2020), s. 2136-2141. ISSN 1314-7471 (2019: 0.190 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q).
ADC Maláková, Silvia (35%); Urbanský, Matej (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Sivák, Samuel (5%): Design of Geometrical Parameters and Kinematical Characteristics of a Non-circular Gear Transmission for Given Parameters. Bazilej : ISSN 2076-3417
ADC Fedorko, Gabriel (40%); Molnár, Vieroslav (40%); Vasiľ, Martin (10%); Salai, Roland (10%): Proposal of digital twin for testing and measuring of transport belts for pipe conveyors within the concept Industry 4.0. Oxford : ISSN 1873-412X
ADC Fedorko, Gabriel (25%); Nečas, Jan (10%); Zegzulka, Jiří (10%); Gelnar, Daniel (10%); Molnár, Vieroslav (25%); Tomašková, Marianna (20%): Measurement of Amount for Steel Abrasive Material Transported by Special Scraper Conveyor. Bazilej : ISSN 2076-3417
ADC Michalik, Peter (20%); Molnár, Vieroslav (20%); Fedorko, Gabriel (20%); Stehlíková, Beáta (20%); Tirpák, Peter (10%); Macej, Jozef (10%): Research on the Influence of Production Technologies on the Positioning Accuracy of a Robotic Arm for Low-Handling Weights. Bazilej : ISSN 2076-3417
ADC Molnár, Vieroslav (25%); Fedorko, Gabriel (25%); Stehlíková, Beáta (25%); Michalik, Peter (25%): Analysis of a pipe conveyor's idler housing failure due to a missing roller in terms of contact forces. Amsterdam : ISSN 1350-6307
ADC Mikušová, Nikoleta (24%); Fedorko, Gabriel (23%); Molnár, Vieroslav (23%); Hlatká, Martina (10%); Kampf, Rudolf (10%); Sirková, Veronika (10%): Possibility of a Solution of the Sustainability of Transport and Mobility with the Application of Discrete Computer Simulation-A Case Study. Bazilej : ISSN 2071-1050
ADM Strnad, David (10%); Fedorko, Gabriel (40%); Molnár, Vieroslav (40%); Fialek, Pavol (10%): Simulations as an Assessment Tool for the Feasibility of Logistics Innovations Motivated by the Emergence of Supply Chain Risk. Lublin : ISSN 2299-8624
ACA KRÁLIK, Marián [60 %] - BOŽEK, Pavol [40 %]. Projektovanie a prevádzkovanie výrobných systémov. Najnovšie trendy. 1. vyd. Ostrava : Ámos, 2021. 242 s. ISBN 978-80-87691-38-0.
ADC BOŽEK, Pavol [50 %] - NIKITIN, Jury [50 %]. The Development of an Optimally-Tuned PID Control for the Actuator of a Transport Robot. In Actuators. Vol. 10, iss. 8 (2021), s. 1-13. ISSN 2076-0825. V databáze: DOI: 10.3390/act10080195 ; WOS: 000688669400001 ; CC: 000688669400001.
ADE MARKOVÁ, Petra [50 %] - PRAJOVÁ, Vanesa [50 %]. Ergonomic Aspects of Choosing Children’s Robotics for the Smallest Children and Preschool Children. In Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering. Vol. 4, iss. 1 (2021), s. 65-74. ISSN 2545-2827. V databáze: DOI: 10.2478/mape-2021-0006.
ADM LOZKIN, Aleksander [1 %] - MAJOROV, Konstantin [1 %] - BOŽEK, Pavol [98 %]. Convolutional Neural Networks Training for Autonomous Robotics. In Management systems in production engineering. Vol. 29, iss. 1 (2021), s. 75-79. ISSN 2299-0461 (2020: 0.251 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.2478/mspe-2021-0010 ; WOS: 000597418000010 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85099516025.
ADM MARKOVÁ, Petra [50 %] - PRAJOVÁ, Vanesa [50 %]. Evaluation of physical burdens of operators using ergonomics. In MM Science Journal. 2021, October (2021), s. 4872-4878. ISSN 1803-1269(P) (2020: 0.195 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.17973/MMSJ.2021_10_2021016 ; WOS: 000708285400025 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85118953045.
ADM SHAIDUROVA, Natalia [5 %] - PRAJOVÁ, Vanesa [85 %] - SMIRNOV, Vitalij [5 %] - LIVENSKAYA, Galina [5 %]. Cluster analysis of existing technoparks in developed countries. In Management systems in production engineering. Vol. 29, iss. 4 (2021), s. 294-301. ISSN 2299-0461 (2020: 0.251 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.2478/mspe-2021-0037.
ADM ZELNÍK, Roman [60 %] - KAMENSZKÁ, Adriana [10 %] - BOŽEK, Pavol [30 %]. Research and diagnostics for the laboratory of pressure resistant sensors. In MM Science Journal. 2021, October (2021), s.4853-4856. ISSN 1803-1269(P) (2020: 0.195 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.17973/MMSJ.2021_10_2021041 ; WOS: 000708285400022 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85120703505
AFC CHMELÍKOVÁ, Gabriela [100 %]. An insight into a research on how to improve university students´reading skills. In EDULEARN21 : Proceedings : 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : Online Conference. 5-6 July, 2021. 1. vyd. Valencia : IATED Academy, 2021, S. 495-499. ISSN 2340-1117. ISBN 978-84-09-31267-2.
AFD MARKOVÁ, Petra [50 %] - PRAJOVÁ, Vanesa [50 %]. Ergonomické aspekty výberu detskej robotiky pre najmenšie deti a deti predškolského veku. In Mechatronika, Výrobná technika, Digitálny podnik: najnovšie úspechy, výzvy, trendy : Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia (online), Trnava 14.4.2021. 1. vyd. Ostrava : Ámos, 2021, S. 164-169. ISBN 978-80-87691-36-6.

Final evaluation of the commission KEGA

Splnil ciele výborne.

