Implementácia projektu zvyšovania kvality absolventov do praxe stredných odborných škôl
Basic informations
Thematic area: komisia č. 1 pre program rozvoja materského, základného a stredného školstva (perspektívy)
Project name (Slovak): Implementácia projektu zvyšovania kvality absolventov do praxe stredných odborných škôl
Project name (English): Implementation of the project for improving the quality of graduates into practice at secondary technical and vocational schools
Start of project: 2017
End of project: 2019
Condition of project: Ukončený
Project number: 016UCM-4/2017
Project leader: doc. PaedDr. Juraj Miština, PhD.
University: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Department: Fakulta prírodných vied
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA
Financial grant of MŠVVandŠ SR within KEGA | Capital expenditures in € | |
Pumped for the entire period of the project | 13 532,00 | 1 404,00 |
List of project outcomes for the entire solution
Publishing activity
Category code | Specific output, name (ISBN, number of pages a i.) |
AFC | Hrmo, Roman (40%); Miština, Juraj (50%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (10%): Model for improving the quality of graduates and job applicants in European labour market. 2017 Cham : Springer, 2017. ISBN 978-331950336-3 |
ADE | Hrmo, Roman (34%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (33%); Bilčík, Alexander (33%): Quality Assurance in the School Enviroment. 2017 Melk : 2017. ISSN 2313-1640 |
ADE | Bilčík, Alexander (34%); Hrmo, Roman (33%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (33%): Der erfolgreiche Lehrer hat die Schüler zufrieden gestellt. Baden : ISSN 2313-1640 |
AFC | Kučerka, Daniel (34%); Majerová, Markéta (33%); Hrmo, Roman (33%): Social Climate in Class. 2017 Czech Technical University in Prague : Praha, 2017. ISBN 978-80-01-06112-1 |
AFC | Miština, Juraj (25%); Jurinová, Jana (25%); Hrmo, Roman (25%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (25%): Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia. 2018 Berlín : ISBN 978-3-319-73210-7 |
AFC | Miština, Juraj (100%): Culture of Electronic Communication as a Part of Professional Language Training of Students at Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools in Slovakia. 2017 Praha : Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017. ISBN 978-80-01-06112-1 |
AFC | Jurinová, Jana (100%): Identifying the Difficult Thematic Units for Increasing the Specific IT Competences and Skills in the Field Algorithmization and Programming. 2017 Praha : Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017. ISBN 978-80-01-06112-1 |
AFD | Jurinová, Jana (100%): Iterating over Arraylist in Java 8. 2017 Trnava : University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8105-548-5 |
ADN | Jurinová, Jana (100%): Performance improvement of using lambda expressions with new features of Java 8 vs. other possible variants of iterating over ArrayList in Java. Varšava : ISSN 1339-0015 |
AFD | Miština, Juraj (100%): Development of Communication Skills as the Employability Support Factor. 2017 Trnava : University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8105-548-5 |
ADE | Miština, Juraj (100%): The importance of technical writing skills for students of engineering and science studies. 2017 Baden, Rakúsko : Pädagogische Hochschule für Niederösterreich, ISSN 2313-1640 |
AFD | Beňo, Miroslav (100%): Positive and Negative Impacts of Information and Communication Technology Resources on Education. 2017 Trnava : University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8105-548-5 |
FAI | Applied Natural Sciences 2017 : Book of Abstracts / Editors: Juraj Miština - Jana Jurinová. - 1. vyd. - Trnava : University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2017. - 136 s. - ISBN 978-80-8105-547-8. |
FAI | Applied Natural Sciences 2017 [elektronický zdroj] : Conference Proceedings of the 6th Biennial International Scientific Conference / Editors Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová. - 1st ed. - Trnava : University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2017. - 1 CD-ROM (170 s.). - Elektronický zborník. - ISBN 978-80-8105-548-5. |
ADE | Jurinová, Jana (100%): Increasing IT skills in algorithmization for students of applied informatics. 2017 Baden, Rakúsko : Pädagogische Hochschule für Niederösterreich, ISSN 2313-1640 |
BEF | Barantal, Ľubomír (50%); Jurinová, Jana (50%): Vývoj herného enginu s použitím knižníc OpenGL a SDL. 2017 Trnava : ISBN 978-80-8105-845-5 |
AFC | Hrmo, Roman (25%); Miština, Juraj (25%); Jurinová, Jana (25%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (25%): Software Platform for the Secondary technical School E-Learning Course. 2020 Bern : ISBN 978-3-030-11932-4 |
ADE | Krištofiaková, Lucia (50%); Hrmo, Roman (50%): Emotional Intelligence as a Factor Affecting the Application of Secondary Vocational School Graduates in Practice. Baden : ISSN 2313-1640 |
AFC | Hrmo, Roman (25%); Miština, Juraj (25%); Jurinová, Jana (25%); Krištofiaková, Lucia (25%): Software Platform for the Secondary technical School E-Learning Course. 2020 Bern : ISBN 978-3-030-11932-4 |
ADE | Miština, Juraj (100%): Impact of digital technologies on the english language. Baden : ISSN 2313-1640 |
AFC | Bilčík, A., Krištofiaková, L. 2019. Znaky, charakteristiky a doplňujúce faktory osobnosti učiteľa. In : Schola nova, quo vadis? Sborník recenzovaných příspěvků 4. ročníku mezinárodní vědecké konference. Praha : Extrasystem, 2019. ISBN 978-80-87570-44-9. S. 23-28. |
AAA | Juraj Miština (25%); Jana Jurinová (25%); Roman Hrmo (25%); Lucia Krištofiaková (25%): Professional development needs in technical education. 2019, 204 pp. Publisher: Ste-Con, GmbH, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, ISBN 978-3-945862-34-6 (v tlači) |
AFC | Hrmo, R., Krištofiaková, L. 2019. Príprava žiakov stredných odborných škôl do praxe z pohľadu rozvoja emocionálnej inteligencie. In : Sborník z mezinárodní konference Cestovní ruch pro všechny: inkluze a lidský kapitál pro rozvoj regionů. (v tlači) |
Category Name | Specific name |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia / Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová, Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, 2018. - Príspevok indexovaný v databáze Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85040169309. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_104. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - Volume 1 / Editors: Michael E. Auer, David Guralnick, Istavan Simonics. - Berlín : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-73209-1. - ISSN 2194-5357, S. 915-925. |
3 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch | Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia / Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová, Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, 2018. - Príspevok indexovaný v databáze Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85040169309. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_104. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - Volume 1 / Editors: Michael E. Auer, David Guralnick, Istavan Simonics. - Berlín : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-73209-1. - ISSN 2194-5357, S. 915-925. |
3 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch | Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia / Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová, Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, 2018. - Príspevok indexovaný v databáze Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85040169309. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_104. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - Volume 1 / Editors: Michael E. Auer, David Guralnick, Istavan Simonics. - Berlín : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-73209-1. - ISSN 2194-5357, S. 915-925. |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia / Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová, Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, 2018. - Príspevok indexovaný v databáze Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85040169309. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_104. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - Volume 1 / Editors: Michael E. Auer, David Guralnick, Istavan Simonics. - Berlín : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-73209-1. - ISSN 2194-5357, S. 915-925. |
1 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách registrované v citačných indexoch Web of Science a v databáze SCOPUS | Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Course for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia / Juraj Miština, Jana Jurinová, Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, 2018. - Príspevok indexovaný v databáze Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85040169309. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_104. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - Volume 1 / Editors: Michael E. Auer, David Guralnick, Istavan Simonics. - Berlín : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-73209-1. - ISSN 2194-5357, S. 915-925. |
3 - citácie v zahraničných publikáciách neregistrované v citačných indexoch | Hrmo, R., Mistina, J., Jurinova, J., & Kristofiakova, L. (2018, September). Software Platform for the Secondary Technical School E-Learning Course. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 855-865). Springer, Cham. |
Other outcomes (eg e-learning, websites, virtual laboratory, training, courses, workshops and the like.)
Output name | Description of output | Link |
Multimediálny modulový elearningový kurz "Effective Presentation skills Course" | Animovaný multimediálny program na rozvoj komunikačných zručností v anglickom jazyku zameraný na štruktúru a jazyk prezentácie. Program bol sprístupnený cieľovým skupinám žiakov vo forme exe súboru na pamäťovom nosiči. Bola sprístupnená webová verzia: Po otvorení stránky zadajte rovnaké prihlasovacie meno a vstupné heslo KEGA. Povoľte spustenie Adobe Flash a o niekoľko sekúnd sa vám otvorí stránka s multimediálnym programom. Intuitívne pokračujete. Majte zapnutý zvuk na počítači. Vyberáte si z troch modulov: Effective PowerPoint presentation Language of presentation Presentation body language Vložte do programu svoje meno a kurzorom si vyberte jednu z animovaných postáv (muž/žena). Po kliknutí na animáčika vstúpite do programu. Animovanou postavou si volíte britskú alebo americkú angličtinu. Každý modul vám umožní aj testovanie osvojených znalostí. | |
Final evaluation of the commission KEGA
Splnil ciele výborne.