
Type of event: Conference › International (in SR or ČR in a world language)
Event dates: 15.11.2019
Event location: EU v Bratislave - A7.12
Organizer: Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky
Professional sponsor of event: Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky
Link to conference site: http://fhi.euba.sk/kalendar/54-mlada-veda-aiesa-2019-participacia-doktorandov-a-mladych-vedeckych-pracovnikov-na-budovani-spolocnosti-zalozenej-na-vedomostiach
Keywords: -
Working languages: English

The main objective

Participácia doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov na budovaní spoločnosti založenej na vedomostiach

Topic circuits


Next information


Information about the event entered:
Bc. Andrea Petianová, (andrea.petianova@euba.sk)
Last update: 25.06.2019 12:24


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