WMESS - 4th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium

Type of event: Conference › International (in SR or ČR in a world language)
Event dates: 03.09.2018 - 07.09.2018
Event location: Prague, Czech Republic
Organizer: World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium
Professional sponsor of event: Symposium Chair: Prof.Dr. Işık YILMAZ, Cumhuriyet University Sivas - Turkey
Link to conference site:
Keywords: geológia hydrogeológia geotechnika atmosféra biosféra hydrosféra litosféra pedosféra
Working languages: English

The main objective

Už v poradí 4. ročník medzinárodného sympózia poriadeného zástupcami troch univerzít a medzinárodných inštitúcií z oblasti geológie, hydrogeológie, geotechniky a príbuzných odborov sa uskutoční v Prahe, ČR. Hlavným poslaním "Svetového sympózia o vedách o Zemi - WMESS" bude prispieť k multidisciplinárnym štúdiám súvisiacim s atmosférou, biosférou, hydrosférou, litosférou a pedosférou Zeme a interakciou ľudí s nimi.

WMESS will not be a festival-like super-large convention which are too chaotic and busy to have a chance to discuss something in deeper with other participants.

WMESS will publish articles in proceeding journal indexed in ISI Web of Science, Scopus, etc.

WMESS will be a traditional style of symposium, friendly and very fruitful.

WMESS is Eco-Friendly Symposium.

The main mission of the "World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium - WMESS" is to lead to contribute in multidisciplinary studies related with atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and pedosphere of the Earth and interaction of the human with them. As another mission it will provide a forum for this diverse range of studies which report very latest results and document emerging understanding of the Earth's system and our place in it.

WMESS aims
to provide a forum for discussion of the latest findings and technologies in different fields of Earth Sciences to give opportunities for future collaborations to be a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in the fields of Earth Sciences to lead for providing a forum for early career researchers for presentation of their work and discussion of their ideas with experts in different fields of Earth Sciences

Topic circuits

Tectonics & Structural Geology

Engineering Geology


Hydro-Hydrogeological Sciences

Natural Hazards

Oil, Gas & Coal

Geothermal Energy


Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Palaeontology

Geophysics & Seismology

Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Cartography

Informatics, Geoinformatics & Remote Sensing

Mining Engineering

Blasting & New Technologies

Natural Resources


Sciences Energy, Resources & Pollution & the Environment Environmental Legislation


Geological Heritage & Geoparks

Urban Planning

Atmospheric Sciences




Modelling and Soft Computing in Earth Sciences

Medical Geology

Occupational Health and Safety

Next information


Abstract Submission - 25 May, 2018

Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts - 1 June, 2018

Fullpaper Submission (not obligatory) - 8 June, 2018

Notification of Acceptance of Fullpapers - 7 July, 2018


Early Bird Registration Fee (before 25 May, 2018) - 350 Euro

Regular Registration Fee (after 25 May, 2018) - 390 Euro

Accompanying Person (before 25 May, 2018) - 220 Euro

Accompanying Person (after 25 May, 2018) - 265 Euro

Note: Paid regisration fee is refunded if the abstract is rejected.

The registration fee (Regular) includes the participation in the symposium, publication of 1 (one) fulltext, collections of the abstracts and fulltexts in DVD, the information & schedules book, welcome reception and opening cocktail, gala dinner, a set including bag, pen, etc., coffee/tea breaks, and gifts.
The registration fee (Accompanying Person) includes welcome coctail, coffe/tea breaks and participation to be a listener in sessions. However, please consider that author(s) and co-author(s) is/are not allowed to be Accompanying Person(s).
Registration fee does not include accommodation, airport transfers and/or any other products or services not mentioned above. Delegates are entirely responsible for making their own travel arrangements.


Please consider that there will not be any extension of full paper submission deadline because of the deadline of the publisher.


World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium

Sokola Tumy 1099/1, 709 00 Ostrava-M.Hory

Czech Republic

VAT Number: CZ03289605

for Abstract Submission, Presentation, etc.:

for Fulltext Submission: use on line registration module or contact

for Payment, Invoice, and other financial questions and requests:

for questions and requests related with VISA:

Last update: 14.06.2018 10:06


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