International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials (ICMEM2018)

Type of event: Conference › International (in SR or ČR in a world language)
Event dates: 18.06.2018 - 22.06.2018
Event location: Nový Smokovec
Organizer: Fakulta výrobných technológií TUKE so sídlom v Prešove
Professional sponsor of event: Sergej Hloch
Link to conference site:
Keywords: Yours Science = Our Future
Working languages: English

The main objective

Background: The growing trend towards a dynamic and open global economy continues. Our society is developing in such a way that within one generation the resources of our planet will not be sufficient for maintaining the human population. The scientific studies show that the expected population of ten billion in 2050 will need the resources of the six planets of the Earth if people are to have the same living standard, as they currently have in Western societies. This means that civilization is overwhelming ecological (and social) challenge with enormous economic consequences. It is assumed that during the coming years, many large companies will go through major changes due to the environmental challenges. To achieve technological growth with the concept of „Nature First “ the transfer of scientific knowledge into a multidisciplinary environment is required.

Scope: Focuses on advances in the field of (un)conventional manufacturing processes that are needed to gain industrial competitiveness with respect on sustainable development and preserving the environment. Original and novel research contribution with innovative ideas in all aspects of manufacturing and materials are welcomed.

Topic circuits

(Un)conventional Processes | Advanced Manufacturing | Bio-Engineering | Casting, Forming and Molding | Design and Materials | Green Manufacturing | Measurement, Monitoring | Automation and Control | Modeling and simulation | Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing | Robotics and Automation | Tribology | Welding, joining and assembly | Electrical Engineering

Next information

We would like to invite you to participate in the forthcoming ICMEM 2018 conference which will be held on 18 th – 22 nd June 2018 at Hotel Atrium in Nový Smokovec in Slovakia. Conference is organised by Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University in Košice with a seat in Prešov in cooperation with:
– Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Ostrava, Czech Republic,
– Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia,
– Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India,
– Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Loerrach, Germany,
– Opole University of Technology, Poland,
– Institute of Material Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia.

AWARDS: The excellence of young research (max 35 year old) will be recognised. The best papers will be AWARDED in following categories:

− Waterjet Technology (Sponsored by ANT AG, Lübeck)| Gold Award: 300 Eur, Silver Award: 200 Eur, Bronze Award: 100 Eur
− Rapid Prototyping, Conventional Manufacturing or other categories will be announced soon.

Explain Research to Children Award: The beauty of research is characterised by a simple fact: even a child may have questions that no scientist can answer. Prepare your poster and explain your research as simple as possible (Why is your research important?). The best poster/story will be awarded by 500 Eur.

Paper/s will be reviewed for publication in the Springer Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering with title: Advances in Manufacturing Engineering and Materials.

Last update: 18.12.2017 10:07


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