Unconventional technologies 2024

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 27.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
Event location: Lietava - hrad (SR)
Organizer: Strojnícka fakulta Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline
Professional sponsor of event: prof. Ing. Danka Bolibruchová, PhD.
Held under the auspices of: prof. Ing. Danka Bolibruchová, PhD.
Link to conference site: https://www.uniza.sk/index.php/vedci-a-partneri/udalosti/konferencie-a-seminare
Keywords: nekonvenčné mechanické technológie
Working languages: English

The main objective

The goal of the conference is the presentation of knowledge from the following areas: unconventional mechanical technologies, physical knowledge applicable in the field of unconventional mechanical technologies, mechanics, hydromechanics and thermomechanics, technological aspects of structures.

Topic circuits

  • nekonvenčné mechanické technológie
  • fyzikálne poznatky aplikovateľné v oblasti
    • nekonvenčných mechanických technológií
    • mechaniky
    • hydromechaniky
    • termomechaniky
    • technologickosti konštrukcií

Next information

Kontakt: +421 41 513 2764 / +421 910 280 573 / doc. Ing. Ján Moravec, PhD., KTI SjF UNIZA / +421 41 513 2763 / Ing. Elena Kantoríková, PhD., KTI SjF UNIZA
E-mail: jan.moravec@fstroj.uniza.sk / elena.kantorikov@fstroj.uniza.sk

Last update: 30.05.2024 09:31


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