Methodological and Technological Aspects of Digital Teaching and Learning

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 15.02.2023
Event location: University or Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35, Bratislava, Slovakia Conference room, Building V1
Organizer: Erasmus+ KA2 D-COLLAB project consortium, The University of Economics in Bratislava
Professional sponsor of event: Erasmus+ KA2 D-COLLAB project consortium, The University of Economics in Bratislava
Held under the auspices of: Erasmus+ KA2 D-COLLAB project consortium, The University of Economics in Bratislava
Link to conference site:
Keywords: digital teaching and learning
Working languages: English

The main objective

The event is focused on the methodological and technological aspects of digital teaching and learning and to disseminate the developed outpcomes of the project.

The conference is organized to present and disseminate the results of the project “Collaboration for Effective Digital Education” (D-COLLAB) implemented within the Erasmus+ scheme KA2– Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA226–Partnership for Digital Education Readiness.
The D-COLLAB team will present the outputs and key findings of the project to increase the digital readiness for online learning and teaching. Special attention will be paid also to effective methods and technical tools in the digital learning environment. The event is also to serve as a discussion forum. The participants are encouraged to share their own experience with digital teaching and learning.

Next information

The attendance of the event is Free for All Participants.
The participation includes refreshments during coffee breaks.
The conference is planned for the whole day (9.00-15.30).
The Number of Participants is Limited. All participants are required to fill in a registration form, which is available HERE:

Last update: 27.01.2023 15:00


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