Marketing Identity 2019: Offline is the new online

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 05.11.2019 - 06.11.2019
Event location: Smolenice Castle
Organizer: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia
Professional sponsor of event: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia
Held under the auspices of: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia
Link to conference site:
Keywords: Marketing Communication Media Culture Consumer and Generations
Working languages: English

The main objective

The international scientific conference held annually by the Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM in Trnava has become a traditional event with support and attendance of mass media communication theorists and researchers as well as media professionals.

The goal of the conference is to present and exchange the current knowledge and experience reflecting marketing communication, innovations and trends connected to them nowadays.

We are a well-known scientific event, visited by academics and professionals from Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia and other countries.

The quality of our conference proceedings is confirmed by Web of Science, which has indexed the recent editions (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013) in their database.

Topic circuits

The lead theme of the conference in 2019 is Offline is the new online.

Conference Topics

Marketing Communication

  • Online vs. Offline communication – possible uses of offline communication nowadays, integrated marketing communication.
  • Online and offline communication, currently overlapping.
  • Online without offline’ and vice versa.

Marketing Communication and Media

  • Usage of traditional media in digital era (importance, function and position of print media, TV and radio in marketing communication).
  • New forms of advertising, integration of online elements into traditional media, online and offline communication interactions.
    Innovations on media market (format, structure, targeting and content preparation changes in traditional media related to development of online communication- comparison of individual issues of print media,TV and radio emissions)
  • Print media (newspapers and magazines) and news websites (comparison of content, structure, space for advertising, the number of readers vs. number of web page visitors)
  • Traditional media as online media content determinants (analysis of online and traditional media contents, comparison of topics, forms and ways of content processing, presentation of facts, types of media preferred by public, new trends)
  • SoLoMo marketing and traditional media (integration of social media elements, geolocation, services and smart phone application with geolocation, integration of geolocation services into traditional media), social networks usage to support traditional media content sharing
  • Generation gap inequality and media
  • Sustainability in social media marketing era

Consumer and Generations: Traditional Consumer and Online Marketing vs: Online Consumer and Traditional Marketing

  • Consumer behavior of generations X, Y, Z and Millenials in regards to traditional and new media (analysis of media and their impact on consumer behavior, research of effectiveness and efficacy of advertising in media, preconditions of traditional media usage in digital environment)
  • Sales promotion and its importance in consumer buying behavior (sales promotion techniques and their impact on consumer behavior, sales promotion integration into online environment, customers segmentation based on affinity to techniques of sales promotion and product categories)
  • New trends in marketing communication with customer (usage of traditional media in marketing communication, analysis of campaigns)
  • Traditional consumer and media (Who is a traditional consumer? What kind of products do they buy and which media do they choose? How do they get affected by advertising? Which marketing communication tools do work for them the best?)
  • Ecological products and consumer behavior (Do consumers prioritize eco or bio products compared to other? What factors do influence them while shopping/ making the decision to buy/not to buy such products? Does a consumer prioritize quality or price? Is an eco-friendly consumer loyal?), buying behavior?
  • Phygital – how have digitalization changed buying behavior in brick-and-mortar shops?
  • The shifts in consumers’ preferences
  • Online behavior of consumers vs. their offline actions
  • Interaction of marketing communication and consumer behavior

Environmetal Topics

  • Usage of traditional media to raise environmental topics awareness (analysis of media outcomes, ways of environmental issues and topics presentation, comparison with online media, trends in communication, number of traditional media recipients).
  • TV Newscast and environmental topics (Does TV address environmental topics?)
  • How much space is dedicated to the topic? Is the interest marginal only? Do environmental issues happen to be topics for TV Newscast and journalism?)

Marketing Communication and Culture

  • Marketing communication in the field of culture
  • Use of online and offline communication in the field of culture
  • Cultural managemen
  • Tends in communication of cultural institutions
  • Culture and communication in self-government

Other topics

  • Digital sabbatical
  • Gamification in education as a tool of sustainable development
  • Marketing in e-sport
  • Let gamification save the world!
  • Marketing communication in the field of culture
  • Use of online and offline communication in the field of culture
  • Cultural management
  • Corporate social responsibility

Next information

Conference Fee

All submitted conference papers will be reviewed under a double-blind peer review process. The amount of the conference fee will be determined in accordance with individual review results as follows:

150 € – a paper in English, recommended to be published in the conference proceedings which will be submitted for evaluation by international citation databases (Web of Science),
100 € – a paper in Slovak, Czech, Polish, English, or other language which will be published in the standard conference proceedings.

Please note that the fee does not cover the costs for lunch and accommodation.

5th November 2019 – lunch = 10 €
6th November 2019 – lunch = 10 €
Please note that the fees for lunch are paid in cash only, during registration procedures at the conference. Lunch is optional; expressing your interest in having lunch is a part of the electronic application form.

The Smolenice Castle: 1 person = 35 €/ 1 night

Deadline for applications: 11th October 2019


Ing. Zuzana Bezáková, PhD.
mobil: 00 421 905 620 517

Mgr. Dáša Mendelová, PhD.
mobil: 00 421 915 120 214

More information

Last update: 15.10.2019 09:30


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