Marketing Identity 2017 - "Online Rules"

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 07.11.2017 - 08.11.2017
Event location: Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
Organizer: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia
Professional sponsor of event: Dr. h. c. Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jozef Matúš, PhD. University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia
Link to conference site:
Keywords: marketing consumer online rules
Working languages: English

The main objective

The international scientific conference held annually by the Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM in Trnava has become a traditional event with support and attendance of mass media communication theorists and researchers as well as media professionals. The goal of the conference is to present and exchange the current knowledge and experience reflecting marketing communication, innovations and trends connected to them nowadays. The lead theme of the conference in 2017 is "ONLINE RULES".

Topic circuits

Individual discussion sessions will be divided into these sections:

  • Section 1. online vs offline
  • Section 2. consumers and generations
  • Section 3. education and games
  • Section 4. strategies and campaigns

Next information

Important dates:

Deadline for applications: 15th October 2017 via electronic application form available at:

We would like to remind you that it is necessary to respect the deadline for submitting papers so we are able to inform you about the results of the review process and to determine your conference fee in due time. In case you are unable to meet the deadline, your paper will not be published.

Conference fee: 100 € / 150 €


Contact persons:

Ing. Zuzana Bezáková, PhD. 00 421 905 620 517

Mgr. Dáša Mendelová, PhD. 00 421 915 120 214

Last update: 29.09.2017 08:45


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