COST 804 MC Meeting, Working Groups meeting

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 10.05.2012 - 12.05.2012
Event location: Hotel Kaskády, Sliač
Organizer: TU vo Zvolene, Technical university of Lisbon, COST 804 FORSYS Management Comitee, SLU Umea Sweden
Professional sponsor of event: prof. Ing. Ján Tuček, CSc., prof. Ljusk Ola Eriksson, prof. Jose Borges
Link to conference site:
Keywords: Decision Support Systems in Forestry
Working languages: English

The main objective

- prezentácia stavu, vývoja a smerovania v oblasti systémov na podporu rozhodovania v lesníctve

- výročné zasadnutie COST 804 MC a WG

Topic circuits

1. Forestry DSS - Last development and challenges

2. DSS in adaptive forest management

3. Overview of the European Forestry DSS

4. Tools and models for DSS

5. Knowledge management for DSS

6. Application of DSS in Forestry

Next information

Predpokladaný počet účastníkov je cca. 100

Information about the event entered:
Ing. Janka Žužová, (
Last update: 19.04.2012 14:31


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